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Episode 21: Arctic Antics[]

Arctic Antics
Season 3, Episode 21
Arctic Antics
Date United States: 21st July 2016

Australia: 22nd July 2016

World Location Mt. Aspiring, New Zealand → The Arctic Circle
Winner(s) Read And Find Out
Eliminated Read And Find Out
Episode Guide
"Fish Upon a Star"
"The Wallaby Way"

(The Remarkable Race logo Appears for Two Seconds and then goes to the Intro)

Don: Last week on the Remarkable Race !

Don: New-Zealand took many of our remaining teams on a roller coaster ride of highs and lows.

Don: The Ice Dancers have faced their so called lows again by earning bronze again while the Cadets soared high into first place

Don: But for Owen and Noah their friendship has reached its low after the Sister were kicked out of the competition due to Owens refusal to let Noah lose

'Don: No more non elimination rounds someones bound to be going home, lets see what goes down when week four kicks up final fifteen teams into full gear right here on.........'THE REMARKABLE RACE ! (Winks the Sparkle flashes at the Screen Which goes to the Opening)

* Opening

(The Camera Shows a Globe Until A Ticket Appears which then Zooms in and Changes to Five Columns, One of A Snowy Background, City Background, Desert Background,Jungle Background And Mountain Background)

Snow: (The Shadows of Owen, Noah, Mickey, Jay, Krystal, Trixie, Ludwig, Ben, Josse, Jacques, Beardo And Trent Can be Seen Running in the Blue Background)

City: (The Shadows of Tom, Jen, Zane, Sarah, Emma, Kitty, Devin, Carrie, Jack, Rebecca, Ellody, Mary, Calvin And Cory Can be Seen Running in the Purple BackGround)

Desert: (The Shadows of Axel, Tori, Tabby, Dawn, Shawn, Jasmine, Zayla, Xavier, Rock, Spud, Oskar And Adam.T Can be Seen Running In the Yellow Back Ground)

Jungle: (The Shadows of Chef, Chris, Laurie, Miles, Chet, Lorenzo, Adam.W, Giselle, Ennui, Crimson, Brody and Geoff Can be Seen Running In the Green BackGround)

Mountain: (The Shadows of Dwayne, Dwayne Jr, Jake, Sydney, Noah.M, Joanne, Tammy, Leonard, Pete, Gerry, Steve, Harold, Sanders And Mac Arthur Can Be Seen Running In The Orange BackGround)

(The Camera Then Goes Back to the World Map where Dots appear on certain Countries and Begin Connecting to other Countries)

(A Photo a France, Australia, Mexico and Japan Are placed down)

(Then The Camera Changes to Three Columns One of a Plane, Train And Bus)

(A Taxi Then Drives Up and the Camera Zooms into A Pitch Black Screen)

(The Image of Each Pair Appear with Their Team Colour background on the Screen All together There Are Five Rows)

Top Row: Rock/Spud, Jake/Sydney, Ellody/Mary, Jay/Mickey, Jacques/Josse, Oskar/Adam.T

2nd Top Row: Calvin/Cory, Sarah/Zane, Ben/Ludwig, Krystal/Trixie, Tom/Jen, Brody/Geoff

Mid Row: Harold/Steve, Carrie/Devin, Leonard/Tammy, Giselle/Adam.W Jasmine/Shawn, Beardo/Trent

2nd Bottom Row: Joanne/Noah.M, Rebecca/Jack, Laurie/Miles, Emma/Kitty, Owen/Noah, Gerry/Pete, Xavier/Zayla

Bottom Row: Crimson/Ennui, Axel/Tori, Chet/Lorenzo, Sanders/Mac Arthur, Dwayne/Dwayne Jr. Dawn/Tabby, Chef/Chris

(The Screen Then Flashes To a Globe With The Title "The Remarkable Race" on it)

* Starting point (7:00 Am)

Don: (Walks over to a Don box) Last weeks chill zone was here in New Zealand's mountains which are also this weeks first starting point, Cadets were ready when you are

Mac Arthur: Wohoo the blue platoon is back at the top !

Sanders: (Presses the don box and grabs the tip)

Sanders: (Reads it) Oh Boy looks like its another cold theme location...... were going to The Arctic Circle.

Mac Arthur: least favourite shape !

* Globe

(The camera zooms of New Zealand  and moves north......Very North to the Arctic Circle)

Don: The Arctic circle.....home to the worlds harshest climate, The Whitest animals and favourite story book fairy tales.......Shrek not included.

* Arctic Circle (7:05 Am)

Don: Teams will take a small plane each fitting five teams to the next don box location but they'll need to be on the look for a another boomerang tip I thought it would be a nice way to add a extra layer of cold in the coldest place on earth, But if your lucky you might see the beautiful northern light.

(The Don Box is dressed as santa claus)

Don: I though I ordered a eskimo one ?

* Plane 1 (7:23 Am)

(Police Cadets, Surfer dudes, Mysterious friends, Goths and Animal Lovers are all aboard the first plane)

Mac Arthur: (Opens bag of Marshmallows)

Dawn: Where did you get those ?

Mac Arthur: The spoils of war from winning New Zealand 

Geoff: (Grabs a Empty barrel drum) guys check out what I found

Zayla: A metal cylinder can...

Xavier: How exciting (Deadpan)

Mac Arthur: Perfect (Grabs lighter and starts a bon fire in the barrel)

Sanders: Am I suppose to know what your doing ?

Mac Arthur: Hey it's like minus twenty out there in the cold (Puts a marshmallow on a stick)

Crimson: The cold never bothered me.

Brody: (Sits near the barrel for heat)

Zayla: Not my first time sitting near a barrel for heat

Mac Arthur: Circus journey ?

Zayla: Sorta back when I was touring around Australia

Brody: Did you see Bridgette by any chance ?

Geoff: Dude she probably means like a few years ago.

Xavier: (Goes to grab the last marshmallow)

Mac Arthur: (Also goes to grab it) 

Xavier: Citizens first ?

Mac Arthur: (Grabs it before him) Cop entitlements

* Confessional (Mac Arthur) (Confessional)

Mac Arthur: Xavier and I have got a respected rivalry going on were both the most competitive and dominant memebers of the alliance and we both understand that in the end when its just two teams left we may have to throw down !

*  Plane 1 (7:26 Am)

Zayla: (Checks the crystal ball which has changed colour to a unusual type of pink

Geoff: Girl you've been looking at that thing for the past ten minutes ?

Xavier: Yeah I thought you were gonna rely on that less ?

Zayla: I just wanted to check something.....

* Confessional (Zayla) (Plane Background)

Brody: (Eats Marshmallow sandwich in the background)

Zayla: Maybe the ball is addictive but theres been one burning question that I've been trying to get a answer from (Shakes the crystal ball which doesn't respond) After that thing in space I was wondering about Xavier and I....possibly being something more.....(Frowns)

* Plane 2 (7:34 Am)

(Ice Dancers, Reality tv pros, Youtubers, Adversity Twins And Rockers are all on the second plane)

Owen: (Sits next to Cory and Calvin) Hey guys (Sigh)

Cory: Oh hey Owen

Jay: Aren't you usually cheery ?

Owen: Things haven't been going so well with me and Noah

Noah: (Sits on the other side of the plane)

Owen: He wanted to leave last episode so Emma could stay but I got her eliminated cause I wanted us to stay and now he hasn't talked to me ever since.

* Confessional (Owen) (Plane background)

Owen: I've already went through a break up with Izzy, I don't want to lose my best bud next (Frowns)

* Plane 2 (7:36 Am)

Mickey: (Looks out the window) I wonder where they are now

Spud: Still got your eyes on Kit Kat ?

Mickey: Her name was Kitty

Owen: Hey guys can I ask about these tiny planes

Owen: Well I know big planes are more built and secure but what about tiny planes like this one.....were safe right

Josee: I read somewhere that eighty six percent of planes crash, and most people on them die.

Owen: (Gasp) I need a Adult ! (Panics)

Mickey: That doesn't sound very true

Josee: And the smaller people on the plane die horribly !

Mickey: PARACHUTE wheres the parachute (Runs off)

(Cory, Calvin, Jay, Spud and Rock glare at Josee)

* Confessional (Josee and Jacques)

(A Gold Bar appears saying at the bottom Josee and Jacques "Ice Dancers")

Josee: When your a professional Ice Dancers you learn to either play mind games to snuff out the competition or you learn how to say "I used to be an Ice dancers" Until I took partner drooping me on the ground by the knee"

* Plane 2 (7:40 Am)

Don: (Intercom) Hey guys got another important announcement to make as off Sweden which was two episodes ago there will be NO more non elimination rounds, Consider this the big leagues teams from now on if you end up in last place you will be going home no pressure (Ends Intercom)

Rock: That can't be good !

* Confessional (Xavier) (Plane back ground)

Xavier: We were spared in a non elimination round...this is it we don't get a second....well third chance.

* Plane 3 (7:48 Am)

(Fairy tale impostors, Neighbours, Unlikely reality tv couple, Tag alongs and Abnormal buddies are all on the third plane)

Adam, Ben And Jack: (After hearing the intercom).....Kay

Trixie: So that means we got to up our game right

Krystal: No doubt

Joanne: Would this be considered the merges ?

Noah.M: Probably we are half way through the show

Ludwig: (Changes the thermostat)

Rebecca: Don't change the thermostat

Ludwig: Just trying to keep my fingers from freezing !

Noah.M: So the boomerang tip everyone make sure to use it on the Ice dancers...or Luddy

Ludwig: What !

Noah.M: Just messing with ya (Laughs)

Krystal: (Shrugs)

Giselle: Well seeing them last episode they haven't been doing anything that bad

Noah.M: That we know of yet

Joanne: You suspect there upto something ?

Noah.M: They've been winning gold a lot before you talked to them.

Adam: (Thinking)

(The Room gets colder)

Ben: (Sees his own breath)

Jack:  Did we just arrive at the Arctic circle ?

Trixie: That or Ludwig lowered the thermostat

Luna: (Is dressed as a reindeer)

Rebecca: Awww Look at Luna

Trixie:  The suit was on a discount so I got it to keep her warm

Luna: (Telepathic: I hate this tiny itchy torture device (Deadpan) (Tries to take the suit off)

Vlad: (Sits there)

Ben: (Keeps a close eye on Vlad)

* Confession (Ben) (Plane background)

Ben: I'm still on my guard every time I'm on a plane with Vlad I brings back bad memories with dogs

* Snowy Mountains (Arctic Circle) (8:00 Am)

(All three planes Land down into the snow)

Jack: (Walks out of the plane) I'll wait (Every other team runs past him and all dogpile onto the Don Box)

Rebecca: Good call

Spud: MOSH PIT !

Xavier: Who's Idea was this ?

Sanders: (Tries to crawl out but gets pulled back up Josee)

Josee: Ha (Tries to climb out but gets dragged back in by Mac Arthur)

Jack: (Walks over to the Don Box since he didn't go into the most pit)

Jay: (Crawls out of the dog pile)

Owen: (Farts)

(Everyone screams and crawls out of the pile)

Rebecca: That's one way to clear out a crowd

Dawn: (Holds Breath) That's one of the reasons why the ice is melting !

Adam: (Walks over to the don box and presses the button three times)

Jack: Tip Please

Adam: Here you go kind sir (Gives one tip to Jack) 

Noah.M: (Dusts off after the dog pile)

Adam: (Gives the other two tip sot Jay and Noah.M) Gentleman

Jay: Wow Thanks (Reads the travel tip) It's a botch or watch


Joanne: There called narwhals

Noah.M: I did the last botch so its your turn (Looks to Joanne)

Giselle: Up for Ring Tossing Senpai ? (Reads the Tip) 

Adam: Are these the same weeding rings from Hawaii

Sanders: Relax its just hoop rings (Presses the Don box)

(A Boomerang tip appears)

Mac Arthur: YES (Grabs it) (Smirks at Noah.M And Joanne) 

Noah.M: Okay lets get going NOW ! (Runs off with Joanne, Giselle, Adam)

Jack: I Take it the very poor timing in India is still on their minds ?

* Confessional (Sanders and Mac Arthur)

(A Light Blue Bar appears saying at the bottom Sanders and Mac Arthur "Police Cadets")

Sanders: We haven't forgot about that train incident or the Dubai sabotage that they've caused or even possible threatening the Shippers in Spain !

Mac Arthur: They may be a worse threat since it's the Ice Dancers make their evil obvious but Noah and Joanne...They don't !

* Ice Lake (8:07 Am)

Don: In This botch or watch, whoever didn't dive for rings in Hawaii must find a hoop somewhere hidden around this snowy location (Pulls a ring out of the snow) And toss it onto the horn of a narwhal there like unicorns except they can swim

Don: Once they finish the task teams can take one of the fifteen snowmobiles east till they find the next Don box however this is the last chance to use the boomerang

* Snowy Mountains (Arctic Circle) (8:10 Am)

Loki: (Sits on the Don Box)

Sanders: (Pats Loki) awwww how did a cute little bunny like yourself get here ?

Ennui: He's been traveling with us from hell and back during the race he wanted to give you this (Give the rabbits foot necklace to Sanders) He believes you can take down the demons of ice with it

Mac Arthur: What the hell is that ?

Crimson: It belonged to the Ice Dancers.

Mac Arthur: Hmmmm (Thinking)

* Confessional (Mac Arthur) (Ice Background)

Mac Arthur: Gotta give it to the Goths they know how to find the Ice dancers Kryptonite !

* Snowy Mountains (8:11 Am)

Crimson: (Grabs the tip from the Don Box)

Trixie: (Reads the trip) Narwhals ? Awesome a shame It's not my turns since I'm at ace at ring tossing.

Brody: What's a Narwhal ?

Ben: Their the unicorns of the sea.

Calvin: Pretty much what Ben said.

Spud: Wait isn't the north pole up here somewhere ?

* Ice lake (8:13 Am)

Rebecca: I dived for rings last time so it's your turn

Jack: (Searches the snow) No worries I got this

* Confessional (Rebecca) (Snow background)

Rebecca: Jack is the worst thrower I've ever seen one time Jack, Hannah and I were at Zarus carnival he wanted to win a stuffed frog from a ring tossing stand but all his throws were nowhere in fact he even managed to hit a bird from the sky with his last ring.

* Ice lake (8:14 Am)

Adam: (Digging through the snow)

Jay: (Digging but then sinks into the snow pile)

Giselle: Jay-kun ?

Jay: (Emerges out of the snow with a ring) (Breaths)

* Confessional (Jay and Mickey)

(A Cyan Bar appears saying at the bottom Jay and Mickey "Adversity Twins")

Jay: Our current situation with the top fifteen is about fifty-fifty, We have the advantage of having heat and cold resistant.

Mickey: But with Emma and Kitty gone we don't really have much connection with the Reality tv Pros so our alliance is sorta in jeopardy.

* Ice Lake (8:17 Am)

(Narhwals can be seen in the lake)

Ben: So these are the Dolphin unicorns 

Ludwig: Narwhals !

Luna: (Rolls around in the snow)

Tabby: Awww can I take a picture ?

Trixie: Sure

Tabby: Thanks (Smiles)

Spud: (Looks around)

Rock: (Searches the snow pile) Spud theres a snow pile here 

Spud: (shakes head) oh sorry dude I was just keeping a eye out for Santa, he never messages me back on my wishlist.

(Everyone then looks at Spud)

* Confessional (Rock) (Snow background)

Rock: This probably might be hard to believe but from what his parents told me, they never told Spud about Santa or the tooth fairy not existing mostly because they were going through a huge divorce at the time and they were worried on adding more shock onto him. 

* Ice Lake (8:21 Am)

Xavier: (Walks in with Zayla) Ring Toss huh ?

Zayla: Just remember what I taught you !

* Confessional (Zayla and Xavier)

(A Dark blue Bar appears saying at the bottom Zayla And Xaiver "Mysterious Friends")

Zayla: As I mentioned before when I first arrived to America I opened up a carnival and hosted my own fortune telling booth.

Xavier: I also got free entry so she showed me all the places and Ring toss seemed to have similar traits to archery so I gave it a go.

* Ice Lake (8:25 Am)

Joanne: (Searching the snow pile)

Geoff: (Searching the snow pile) No ring here !

Mickey: (Throws Ring) Hi-ya !

(The Ring doesn't even reach the water)

Giselle: How ?

Jay: I have no idea (Thinking of something to say) So how as the race been going for you and Adam ?

Giselle: Really "Remarkable" we made so many great friends....but then lost them.......

Adam: (Shivers) Cold...I regret not bringing shoes now

Jay:  (Gets out a pair of shoes from his bag) I got a spare pair if you need them

Adam: (Puts small shoes on which half his feet breaks through the front can be seen) Good enough

Giselle: Thank you Jay-kun (Notices Loki Next to her feet)

Loki: (Sniffs the snow next to Giselle) (Points to a pile)

Crimson: (Grabs a ring out of the snow)

Sanders: (Searches the snow)

Adam: (Walks over to the lake) Alright this is getting us no where ! (A narwhals swims over to Adam)

Adam: (Begins talking to the Narwhal)

Trixie: How is he doing that ?

Krystal: (Hurls a ring and it barely misses a narwhal horn) Shoot !

Adam: (Thinking)

* Confessional (Giselle And Adam)

(A Pink Bar appears saying at the bottom Giselle And Adam "Fairy tale impostors")

Adam: I was going to tell the Narwhals to avoid two tall pink figures who skate on ice but it's probably better not to stoop to their level

Giselle: Agreed...and besides knowing them they might self-implode on their own

Adam: So I has done good thing ?

Giselle: (Giggles) Very good. (Hugs him partly for warmth but also for friendliness)

Adam: Worth it (Blushes)

Jack: (Head pops up from behind) It seems 90% of your interactions with each other are romantic ?

Adam: Get out (Points to the door) GET OUT !

Jack: (Lowers head down)

Don: Once again I'm going to pretend nothing happened here now back to the race.

* Ice Lake (8:29 Am) 

Don: Our teams are coming close but that only counts in horseshoes and airborne viruses

Vlad: (Sneezes)

Don: I might of just jinxed some people their.

Ben: (Throws ring which misses the narwhal)

Jacques: (Gracefully misses)

Calvin: (Throws Ring but the narwhal ducks) Oh come on !

Owen: (Runs over carrying several rings) (Throws them but all of the miss the narwhal)

Noah: (Facepalm) Are you even trying

Owen: I'm Trying my best ! (Frowns)

Adam: (Explains to the narwhal what is going on, the Narwhal then nods and lowers its horn down)

Adam: Thanks (Puts the ring down) Neighbours and Reality couple come one.

Joanne: Are we allowed to do that ?

Noah.M: Hey it's far better then to throw it at them unwillingly right ?

Joanne: True (Places ring onto the narwhal)

Giselle: Now our whole alliance is in the top three, This is just what we need (Smiles)

Jack: Epic (Places ring only to slip and drop it into the water)

Narwhal: (Rolls eyes at Jack)

Adam: Really you still manage to miss it ?

Ennui: (Holds his hand out over the lake which a Narwhal swims up and accepts the ring)

Tabby: How on earth ?

* Confessional (Ennui and Crimson) (Snow background)

Ennui: I'll be honesty that was pure luck I just wanted to test my power over animals like Adam

Crimson: But we don't have to tell them that.

* Ice Lake (8:33 Am)

Crimson: My suggestion would be to use your animal luck.

Tabby: Luck ? (Is pats Loki) 

Ennui: Well mentioned before you have that skill with Cats at times

Tabby: Oh yeah

Brody: (Throws a ring which goes through the horn) Yes I ringed a narwhal !

Owen: Heads up (Throws ring)

Calvin: (Is hit by the ring)

Owen: heheheheh

Jacques and Josee: (See Noah)

* Confessional (Jacques and Josee) (Ice Background)

Jacques: We've fallen from the top so we need to regain the podium from the only fourteenth teams left to crush with our mind !

Josee: Next up on the serve list, Reality tv pros ! And then we'll work up our way to the Cadets !

* Ice Lake (8:37 Am)

Josee: Follow my lead ! (Jacques nods)

Noah: (Continues looking through the snow)

Josee: (Hugs Jacques) Awwww this is the best date ever.

Jacques: (Confused but then realises what she means) Ah Nothing warms the cold with a nice hug from your love

Noah: (Raises eye brow at them) Your trying to make me jealous ?

Calvin: (Is recording them in the background with his phone)

Jacques: What no way, But I bet you wish this was you and Emma

Noah: Wearing matching black and red thank you 

Josee: But that "best friend" of yours got her he jealous of your happiness ?

Noah: Unless Emma was a chocolate waffle coated in syrup then that is also a no, I'd appreciated if you could stop trying to mess with me cause the only one on tv who's gonna look gullible, foolish and stupid is you goodbye (Walks off)

* Confessional (Noah) (Ice Lake)

Noah: Those two are the worst manipulators I've seen on tv show, not only can I catch out slivery smiley eels like them but one of them has the temper of a bull that can even rival Eva........and that is why I don't do any more seasons of knock out ball with Eva !

* Confessional (Calvin) (Ice Lake)

Calvin: I know a lot of shippers who would love to see that on youtube !

* Ice Lake (8:41 Am)

Jacques: Well that plan back fired.....

Calvin: (Covers a hoop ring with snow and then puts BBQ Sauce on it)

Cory: Should I understand what your doing ?

Ben: I told him to throw a bagel and believe it is a bagel

Calvin: (Then does a ninja styled throw which scores) 

Cory: You miss five hoops but you suddenly score when you cover it in snow and sauce

Ben: Don't question it Cory

Spud: (Throws ring but misses) Hold on for second gotta finish breakfast (Grabs Choco-Oinks from his pocket)

Rock: Is that all you eat ?

Calvin: Here try (Grabs a bottle of BBQ Sauce and pours it onto the choc-oinks)

Spud:...........I hate bbq sauce !

Calvin: (Gasp) (Glares at Spud) Take that Back

Spud: (Glares at Calvin) Never

Don: Can you guys get back to the actual challenge before the weirdest fight in history ever happens.

(Moves camera over to the other teams)

Jacques: (Throws ring into the horn) Le succès

Don: Better

Owen: (Searches for more rings) 

Noah: (Walks over to Owen) Look Owen....

Owen: I know your still mad at me

Noah: Yeah but I just witnessed the Ice dancers trying to use that against us, So to avoid being used we need to get through this challenge as positive as possible

Owen: So were cool ?

Noah: Well we can talk after the challenge but yeah

Owen: (Bear hugs Noah) Yay

Noah (Struggles to breath) Owen I can't breath

Owen: (Tries to let go) um.....I think I'm stuck

Xavier: (Tosses ring and misses) I Missed ?

Zayla: You weren't using the technique I taught you.

Xavier: Ugh I want that clip deleted that hurts my cred

Sanders: Cry me a river why don't you Xav (Throws ring and misses).....

Mac Arthur: Speak for yourself princess (Pokes Sanders)

Sanders: Does that make Xavier the prince in your standards ?

Mac Arthur: (Laughs) Holy crap that is good 


Zayla: Ignore them (Gives the next ring to Xavier) Just remember my teachings at the carnival. (Grabs his hand helps him practise the ring toss throw posture)

Xavier: Okay then teacher (Smirks) (Throws the ring and scores)

Zayla: Class dismissed ! (Smirks)

Tabby: (Throws ring)

(A Narwhal jumps out of the water and aims it horn up so the ring lands on it)

Mickey: (Appears in the water behind the narwhal and then place a ring onto a narwhal)

* Confessional (Confessional) (Mickey) (Ice Background)

Mickey: Me and Jay were never really that good at disc throwing at school.....or sports in general...but because of our cold immunity I could just swim up to one and place the ring on it. 

* Snow Valley (8:45 Am)

Rebecca: (Driving a snowmobile while Jack sits at the back)

(They then hit a a giant bump of snow)

Rebecca: Woah (The snowmobile is then launched up into the air which causes Jack's bag to fall off the snowmobile)

Jack: Did we hit a speed bump ?

Rebecca: (Shrugs)

Jack: Why do I feel lighter ? 

(His Bag is on the ground)

Vlad: (Pops out of the bag and looks around to see no one) (In head: Oh Bloody hell not this again !)

* Snow Valley (8:45 Am)

Noah.M: (Drives snowmobile and parks it)

Joanne: (Gets off the snowmobile and heads to the Don Box)

Rebecca: (Drives in on a snowmobile)

Jack: Where did the others go ?

Adam and Giselle: AHHHHH (Drive past on a really fast snowmobile and crash into a tree)

Jack: huh there they are.

Joanne: (Presses the don box) It's an all in

Don: (Gets out an ice Cutter) For this All In challenges teams need to work together saw blocks of snow to build a Igloo once they get a thumbs up from a Inuit local then its a foot race to the east until they reach the chill zone and not only will I be sitting near the closest portable heater but only fourteenth teams will make it out of this round !

Adam: What animal is a eskimo ?

Noah.M: You seriously don't know what a eskimo is ?

Giselle: Oh, Eskimos is one of the many indigenous people, Mainly in the arctic circle or Alaska.

Joanne: Alaska would actually be cool to go to.


Noah.M: I thought you would be against dog sledding ?

Adam: Oh yeah I don't know why I bursted that out loud

* Ice Lake (8:48 Am)

Mac Arthur: (lands ring onto a narwhal horn) Nailed it

Krystal: (Misses again) Ugh can we switch

Trixie: I'd love to try but it's a botch or watch

Ben: (Throws ring which lands on a narwhal) (Puts on shades) ten out of ten !

Spud: (Throws ring which lands on a narwhal)  Alright I did it !

Sanders: Wait don't we have the boomerang ?

Mac Arthur: Oh yeah

Ludwig: (Puts on goggles and drives off with Ben on a snowmobile)

Rock: (Runs over to a Snow mobile) (However a boomerang tip is thrown and hits the snowmobile)

Mac Arthur: Back again boy !

Rock: Awww Man really ?

Sanders: Nothing personal (She and Mac Arthur take the snowmobile and drive off)

Don: Since its a botch or watch now you have to throw the rings Rock

Rock: Oh that's not really that bad then

(The Adversity twins and Abnormal buddies drive off on a snowmobile)

* Snow Valley (8:52 Am)

(Youtubers, Animal lovers, Ice Dancers, Surfer Dudes, Fairy tale impostors, Neighbours, Goths and Unlikely reality tv couple Are all present and working on the igloo)

Calvin: (Trying to cut the ice) (The Saw breaks) Fuck !

Crimson: (Sawing a block of ice off)

Calvin: How are you guys doing it that easy ?

Crimson: It's not that hard you use it like a saw not a knife

Calvin: Now your making me sound like Spencer

Cory: (Lays in the snow)

Calvin: What are you doing ?

Cory: I'm kind out of energy today

Calvin: Do I have to shove another bbq bagel in your mouth so can you stop making snow angles ?

Loki: (Makes a Snow devil in the snow)

Cory: Okay now that is just embarrassing (Gets up)

Adam: Okay we need to make snow blocky things so Should I cut ?

Giselle: I think I better cut, I mean I do use scissors all the time and I trust you can build

Adam: (Imagines himself dressed as a handyman) Do I need a hammer ?

Noah: (Drags one ice block from the water and places it down)

Joanne: (Drags the blueprints of the igloo in the snow with a stick)

Giselle: (Uses cutting utensils on the Ice floor)

Dawn: May I borrow one ?

Giselle: Of course Dawn-Kun.

Tabby: (Searches the ice and finds a Ice craving of a cat) Another one for the cat collection.

Rebecca: (Uses a saw to cut the ice) (The Ice Cracks and she falls into the water)

Tabby and Jack: (Help Rebecca out of the water)

Don: I probably should of mentioned some of the ice is unstable....sorry guys

* Snow Valley (8:56 Am)

(Ben finds Vlad)

Ludwig: (Driving snowmobile)

Ben: (Uses binoculars to look around as the drive) 

(Suddenly the snowmobile runs out of fuel and stops)

Ludwig: Perfect (Gets off it) First Morocco now this

Ben: It's only a five minute walk dude it won't kill you. 

Ludwig: (Looks around) It will probably more then five minutes if we don't know the way.

Ben: JUST RELAX Luddy we just keep going forward the show is 2-D when it comes to the animation platform (Points to the right) This way ! (Takes one step and falls into a ice hole)

Ludwig: (Looks down) I'll go find help (Deadpan) (Walks off)

Ben: (Gets up and looks around the hole) (Suddenly he hears a growl like noise)

Vlad: (Appears looking cold) (Barks)

Ben: AHHH DOG ! (Steps back form Vlad) 

Sanders: (Voice from above) Ben ?

Ben: Hey Sanders

Sanders: Were gonna throw you down a rescue rope so grab on (Mac Arthur and Trixie throw down a rescue rope)

Vlad: (Walks over to Ben)

Ben: (Moves back again from Vlad) Just stay back alright (Worried)

Vlad: (Sad Noise)


* Confessional (Ben) (Ice Confessional)

Ben: Yeah it would be too cruel to just leave the dog there but my phobia of it was really pressuring me on otherwise.....but then I remember it was Jacks dog so I could possible gain some alliance points if I suck up my fear

* Snow Valley (8:59 Am)

(Tag Alongs, Abnormal buddies, Police Cadets and Adversity twins all arrive)

Don: Most of our teams have arrived at the igloo building

* Ice Lake (8:59 Am)

Don: Just as our last two teams complete the ring toss

Rock: (Throws a ring and scores) (Guitar dance) Yeah 

Owen: (Throws a ring and scores) Wohoo !

* Snow Valley (9:00 Am)

Don: The Judging as Began Aswell

Cory: (Places the last block on) Were done

Clavin: Almost (Gets a bbq bottle and starts pouring it over their Igloo)

Cory: Judge over here (Waves)

Judge: (Walks over to the Youtubers igloo and then gasps)

Cory: What ?

Judge: (Points behind Cory)

Cory: (Turns around to see that the BBQ sauce has melted the entire igloo)

Calvin: Aww I hate it when that happens

Judge: (Thumbs down)

* Confessional (Calvin and Cory)

(A Dark Green Bar appears saying at the bottom Cory and Calvin "Youtubers")


Calvin: (Shrugs) Guess Igloos can't cope with bbq sauce ?

Cory: That makes no fucking sense Calvin ! (Snatches the bottle off him) No more of this for the of the race

Calvin: WHAT ?

Cory: It's costing us the challenge dude !

* Snow Valley (9:02 Am)

Don: With the Majority of the Cast constructing their Igloo

Brody: (Places block down) Done !

Zayla: (Drives in on a snowmobile with Xavier in the back) Wait your done already

Geoff: (Walks back in carrying a ice block) (Sees what Brody made) ummmmmmm

Brody: Like it ! (Its a giant Ice statue of Mac Arthur in her polka dot swim suit)

Don: And some are just making the stupidest fucking things instead of actually doing the challenge Like I told them to do !

Xavier: (Holds out a Zero Point Zero score card)

(The Goths are Making a Giant Skull made of Ice)

Dawn: (Carries a Ice block)

Tabby: (Finishes making a Giant Cat out of Snow) (Claps)

Joanne: Judge we've finished ours.

Judge: (Walks over to The unlikely reality tv couples igloo and looks at it)

Noah.M: Oh come on as if anyone's igloo is going to look proper were not freaking experts

Judge: (Doesn't speak english and just gives them a thumbs up)

Joanne: It was good enough nevertheless, Now to the Chill Zone (Runs off)

Jack: (Places last block into his and Rebecca's igloo) Done !

Josee:  (Places last block into her and Jacques's igloo) Hey Hey us first !

Judge: (Looks at both the Ice Dancers and Neighbours igloos and give them a thumbs up)

Jack: Yay now to the (The ice Dancers run past and knock Jack into his Igloo)

Rebecca: Even in the ice there not Nice, I should make a pun book

Jack: (His tongue is now stuck to the ice block) Oh

Giselle: Adam you keep building I'll got get hot water to help Jack

Adam: But were already finished

* Chill Zone (9:16 Am)

Don: (Finishes building Chilly Billy) (The Cameras look at Don) What can't a host have fun in the snow ?

Noah.M And Joanne: (Running)







Jacques and Josee: (Running)













Josee: (She and Jacques Run past them) Good Luck trying to outrun a Ice Dancer (laughs)







Jacque And Josee: (Arrive at the Chill Zone but they are suddenly hit by a snow ball that knocks them both down before they reach the carpet)

Noah: Can't out run you but I can still knock you down (Smirks and walks past them with Joanne)

Don: I'm surprised no one else actually threw a snowball today well congrats on being the first and the first team to each the chill Zone.

Joanne: Wohooo we won (Hugs Noah.M)

(A Loud Scream from Jack can be heard back from the snow valley)

Don: I take it they freed Jack ?

(Jacques and Josee get up)

Don: Second Place is pretty good if you think

Josee: Here is what I think about second place (Smashes the Chilly Billy)

Don: (Gasp) NOOOO !

Josee: (Walks off with Jacques)

Don: Chilly Billy (Cries) You evil bastards !

(Goths Arrive)

Crimson: (Offers Don a handkerchief)

Don: Thanks Third place Goths

* Snow Valley (9:22 Am)

Noah: Okay Owen you go find ice I'll find a spot for us to build (Takes a step which causes a huge pile of snow to fall on him)

Owen: (Looks around) Did you say something ?

Noah: I have no idea where I am !

Giselle: (Puts a tiny band aid on Jack's tongue)

Jack: Thanks, Now lets go find the chill zone (Runs off with Rebecca, Adam and Giselle)

Ben: (Places ice Blocks down)

Vlad: (Rolls a ball of snow)

Ludwig: (Carries ice blocks until he finds a polar bear inside their igloo sleeping) BEAR !


Polar Bear: (Wakes up and crawls out of the igloo)

Ben: Would that mean double points since its willingly to sleep in it ?

Krystal: If that's the case can we borrow the bear then ?

Ludwig: I wouldn't really be smiling at the sight of a dangerous mammal

Trixie: Why not......they are so gorgeous and rare and furry,cozy and also rare !

Ludwig: There also ferocious killers

Xavier: I love bears relax its not in attack mode yet it's fine

Dawn: (Walks over to the bear and pats it) His Aura is a nice shade of blue you won't get any harm from her.

Xavier: (Looks at Dawn) ?

* Confessional (Xavier) (Ice Lake background)

Xaiver: Does Dawn really have to one up me at the animal skills department ?

* Chill Zone (9:27 Am)

Giselle: (She and Adam Arrive at the chill zone) 

Don: (Rebuilding Chilly Billy) Fourth Place

Adam: Yay why are you building a snow man ?

Don: In memory of Chilly Billy

Jack: (Runs in and crash lands on Chilly-Billy)

Don: Really Jack !

Jack: (His tongue is now stuck to the snow) Sarry (Rebecca walks in)

Don: Yeah well it serves you right Fifth Place

Don: (Youtubers) Sixth (Calvin is drinking a bbq bottle while Cory facepalms)

Don: (Surfer Dudes) Seventh (There hugging each other)

Don: (Animal Lovers) Eighth (Dawn is patting a bear while Tabby draws a snow cat in the snow)

* Snow Valley (9:30 Am)

Spud: (Walks past with a ice block on his head)

Zayla: (Searches the water) 

Xavier: Just one more block Zayla and were done (Pushes a block into their igloo)

Zayla: (Pulls a ice block with a heart shape on it) Got it ? (Looks at it)

Xavier: There's not way that is natural

Zayla: (Places the block into the igloo)

Owen: (Looks around the snow pile) Noah ? Noah !

* Chill Zone (9:34 Am)

Ben: (Arrives carrying a Frozen Vlad)

Rebecca: He got lost again ?

Don: I'm surprised you didn't notice again

Jack: That's why I don't really have pets

Don: Anywho Ninth places Tag Alongs

Ben: (Gives Vlad to Rebecca) You might want to find a heater I found him in a ice hole

Don: Actually I was kinda wanting to speak to you guys about the dog it seems to be distracting several teams for the past few challenges unlike the rabbit or space cat that are here for some reason

Jack: But we can't get rid of Vlad ?

Don: Woah I didn't say that I'm merely suggesting a friend or family member should look after him while you two continue the race not to mention I'm a bit worried he's sick at the moment.

Vlad: (Sneezes)

Rebecca: (Sighs) Alright....I'll have Vlad stay with Hannah until the race is over.

Don: (Police Cadets) Tenth

Don: (Mysterious Friends) Eleventh

Don: (Abnormal Buddies) Twelfth

* Snow Valley (9:38 Am)

Judge: (Looks at the Adversity twins Igloo) (Gives them a thumbs up)

Owen: (Pulls Noah out of the snow pile who is now a frozen ice block) Oh no

Jay: Alright (Runs off with Mickey)

Spud: Rock put in the last block and were done....hehe I made a pun

Rock: (Places the last ice block into their igloo)

Owen: (Places the Noah block into the igloo)

Judge: ?..........(Slowly give Owen the travel tip)

Owen: Alright (Pulls the Noah block out and runs off)

(Their Igloo falls apart)

Judge: (Annoyed)

* Chill Zone (9:40 Am)

Mickey and Jay: (Arrive on the carpet of Completion)

Don: Thirteenth Place Adversity Twins, Which means the Rockers and reality tv pros are facing possible elimination the pressure is on !

Don: To speed things up the last two teams can ride their snowmobiles to the chill zone....cause it's so unbearably freezing out here !






Rock: (Driving his teams Snowmobile)







Owen: (Driving his teams snowmobile)



















Owen: (Arrives at the Chill Zone and drags the Frozen Noah block with him) I need a medic !

Don: (Presses ear piece) Nine one one (No response).....oh wait this isn't America

* Infirmary (9:50 Am)

Owen: You okay buddy ?

Noah: I have frostbite on 40% of my body of course I'm not alright ! (His Skin is blue)

Rock: How come every time we compete in the snow someone gets injured ?

Spud: What's happening now ?

Rock: Where waiting for Don's response

Don: (Arrives Back) Okay I just got back from the doctors and you'll be alright after a few months when the frostbite wears off.

Owen: Phew

Noah: After a few months ?

Don: Yes and sadly that means I can't really allow you to continue the race at this state

Owen: Wait so were eliminated ?

Noah: Can't Owen just continue on his own ?

Don: The Remarkable race requires two people to compete in a team so I'm afraid the Reality tv pros wont be able to continue.

Noah:  What if I call upon a replacement to continue with Owen.

Owen: (Eyes Widen)

Don: (Thinking) That.....could actually work do you have someone in Mind ?

* Random House

Izzy: (Seated at a Piano playing it)

(Her phone rings)

Izzy: This better not be the RCMP again (Grabs her phone and reads the text) ELLO This is e-scope service how can I help you ? 

Don: Hey is this (Reads card) Izzy ?  Noah asked me to invite you on to a show I'm hosting since he's unable to compete would parenting up with Owen again sound interesting ?

Izzy:......(Stops to think for a second) Izzy's schedule is full up for the next one hundred years plus I just started piano lessons.

Owen: (Grabs the phone off Don) What about the chance to travel around the World and use the two million dollars to start up your E-scope company ?

Izzy: (Smirks) (Grabs the Piano and throws it out the window) (She then jumps out the window and lands onto the piano roof as it rolls down a highway) RACE TIME !

* Infirmary (9:54 Am)

Don: (Ends call) Well I think that went well, Out with Noah and in with Izzy, (Looks at the Rockers) But since you came in last it's also goodbye for you guys.

Rock: (Sigh)

Spud: Awwww man drag

* Snow (10:00 Am)

Rock: (Walks with Spud)

Tabby: Wait Rock you guys are going ? (Runs over to them)

Rock: Sorry Tabs I wish I could stay but we lost

Tabby:....Before you go I.....made this for you (Gives Rock a rockstar cat doll)

Rock: Dude that looks so awesome (Hugs Tabby) We'll totally be watching you and Dawn on tv till the end.

Tabby: (Kisses Rock on the check) 

* Montage (Rock And Spud)

Rock: Getting kicked off way lame but I'm really proud of myself and even Spud

Spud: Thanks man maybe with our new plot armour we'll win this thing.

Rock: We just lost dude like ten minutes ago.

Spud: Ohhhhhh bummer

Rock: But you did amazing you even saved us in Sweden

Spud: Yeah This race was pretty awesome you even scored a cat lady, So what are we doing now ?

Rock: We first we gotta tell our fellow band members our whole story there gonna be like "No Way" and we'll be like "Told you so"

Spud: do we get back ? (Looks around notices a lone workshop up ahead in the snow) 

* Credits

(Camera Flies around the Place)

(Camera Shows the Air Port)

Attendant: (Stands There)

(All Thirty Pairs Run Past the Attendant)

(Camera Follows the Pairs into the Plane)

Noah And Emma: (Standing by the Bathroom door talking)

Owen: (Charges Past and Accidentally knocks them Over as he Closes the Bathroom Door)

Emma: (Gets Up)

Kitty: (Taking a Selfie With Lorenzo And Chet Who are Glaring at each Other)

(The Photo Shows Chet about to Tackle Lorenzo)

Emma: (Takes Phone off Kitty And Throws it out the plane window)

(Camera Follows the Phone Free Falling)

Mickey And Jay: (Are In Mid Air Using a Parachute)

(The Phone Hits their Parachute and they Crash land into the Ocean of Australia)

Shawn: (Rides By on A Emu Going Very Fast)

Jasmine: (Climbs Up Ayers Rock)

Calvin: (Already at the top of the Rock Eating Vegemite)

Cory: (Throws Boomerang)

(The Camera Follows the Boomerang All the Way to Brazil)

Chef: (Swings Across the Cliff on A Vine Holding Chris)

(Boomerang flies by and cuts the Rope)

Chef And Chris: (Fall down into the River)

(Boomerang Continues to Fly)

Laurie, Miles, Dawn and Tabby: (All Sit their Meditating)

(The Boomerang Flies to a Icy Field)

Josee And Jacques: (Skating Away)

Jake And Sydney: (Tries to Skate past them but the Boomerang knocks them out)

Josse And Jacques: (Then Leap into the air this changes the scene to France Where they Gracefully land on the Carpet)

Giselle: (Happily Sighs at Jacques)

Adam.W: (Frowns And But then Gets Idea)

Adam.W: (He and Giselle Run down the Street)

Tom And Jen: (Checking the Clothing Bags they Brought)

Adam.W: (Rushes by with Giselle Causing clothes to fly out of the bag and land on Tom and Jen)

Jen: (Is Now Wearing Tom's Clothes)

Tom: (Is Now Wearing Jen's Clothes)

Adam.W: (Puts his Hand over the Camera and then moves it changing the scene from France to a Beach)

Geoff: (Surfs by on a Surf Board)

Brody: (Crashes his Surf Board and Lands on Ellody and Mary)

Devin: (Gets out of the Water)

Carrie: (Hugs Devin)

Devin: (Is Confused)

Geoff: (Puts His Hat over the Camera Channing the Scene of a Beach to Transylvania)

Gerry: (Holding a Flash Light)

Crimson And Ennui: (Pop Up from a Coffin)

Pete: (Gets a Heart Attack from their Sudden Pop up)

Pete: (Gets up)

Leonard: (Aims His Wand at Crimson And Ennui)

Tammy: (Plays Ocarina)

Crimson: (Stares at the Camera until the Scene Changes to A Desert)

Zane And Sarah: (Spying on People)

Axel and Tori: (Climb onto a Camel and then jump off it and grab onto a Pyramid's Ledge

Sarah: (Ships it)

Noah.M: (Slides down the Pyramid and Knocks Axel and Tori off it)

Joanne: (Looks Annoyed at Noah.M)

Noah.M: (Shrugs)

Trixie And Ludwig: (Drive By on a Dune Buggies racing each other)

Krystal and Ben: (Run After The Dune Buggies Since there controlling it)

Zane: (Ships it)

Krystal: (Throws Pie at Zane)

(The Camera follows the Dune Buggies as they arrive at the Train Station)

Sanders: (Gives Ludwig and Trixie A Speeding ticket)

Mac Arthur: (Places Wanted Poster of the ice Dancers on the wall and then kicks the train door down)

Harold: (Picks his Nose)

Steve: (Drops Smoke Bomb)

(The Smoke Covers the Screen which changes the location to a Rock Concert)

Dwayne: (Is backstage practising Air guitar but is doing it terribly

Dwayne Jr: (Facepalms)

(Rock, Spud, Adam.T, Oskar, Beardo and Trent are all seen on the stage rocking it out)

(Purple Fire then appears behind them)

Rock: (Does a Stage Dive)

Trent: (Stage Dives)

Spud: (Stages Dives for Choco Oink)

Adam.T: (Is Tackled by Fan Girls)

Oskar: (Small laugh Until his Guitar catches on Fire)

Beardo: (Mimics Bow Noise)

Xavier And Zayla: (Are on the roof)

Xavier: (Fires a Zip Line bow and then zip lines down on it)

Zayla: (Looks into the Crystal Ball)

(The Crystal Ball glows Pink)

(The Camera then zooms into the Crystal Ball and then zooms out showing the Airport again with All 31 teams outside posing)

Don: (Gets Camera out and takes a Picture)

Super Jack And Rebecca: (Jump into the Camera at the last second to be in the Photo)

(The Screen then flashes With the Words in Gold Saying " The Remarkable Race"

Episode 22: The Wallaby Way[]

The Wallaby Way
Season 3, Episode 22
The Wallaby Way
Date United States: 24th August 2016

Australia: 25th August 2016

World Location The Arctic Circle → Outback, Australia → Geelong,Australia
Challenge(s) * Clear ten rabbits from a farming field
  • Find a means to escape from a prison cell
  • Build a raft and sail to the Chill Zone.
Winner(s) Read And Find Out
Eliminated Read And Find Out
Episode Guide
"Arctic Antics"
"How To Restrain Your Dragon"

(The Remarkable Race logo Appears for Two Seconds and then goes to the Intro)

Don: Last time on the Remarkable Race !

Don: We saw some head games and some literal head game.

Don: The Rockers became the first team to get eliminated by the boomerang.

Don: And I had to sent Noah and Vlad home after they got sick from the harsh cold but Noah sent Izzy in his place to continue the reality tv pros but with him gone will that leave them open for the Ice dancers to attack ?

Don: (Shivers) Boy it's really chilly out here ?

Don: Oh wait were still in the Arctic circle well time to heat things up with a trip down under lets get this party started right now on the........THE REMARKABLE RACE ! (Winks the Sparkle flashes at the Screen Which goes to the Opening)

* Opening

(The Camera Shows a Globe Until A Ticket Appears which then Zooms in and Changes to Five Columns, One of A Snowy Background, City Background, Desert Background,Jungle Background And Mountain Background)

Snow: (The Shadows of Owen, Noah, Mickey, Jay, Krystal, Trixie, Ludwig, Ben, Josse, Jacques, Beardo And Trent Can be Seen Running in the Blue Background)

City: (The Shadows of Tom, Jen, Zane, Sarah, Emma, Kitty, Devin, Carrie, Jack, Rebecca, Ellody, Mary, Calvin And Cory Can be Seen Running in the Purple BackGround)

Desert: (The Shadows of Axel, Tori, Tabby, Dawn, Shawn, Jasmine, Zayla, Xavier, Rock, Spud, Oskar And Adam.T Can be Seen Running In the Yellow Back Ground)

Jungle: (The Shadows of Chef, Chris, Laurie, Miles, Chet, Lorenzo, Adam.W, Giselle, Ennui, Crimson, Brody and Geoff Can be Seen Running In the Green BackGround)

Mountain: (The Shadows of Dwayne, Dwayne Jr, Jake, Sydney, Noah.M, Joanne, Tammy, Leonard, Pete, Gerry, Steve, Harold, Sanders And Mac Arthur Can Be Seen Running In The Orange BackGround)

(The Camera Then Goes Back to the World Map where Dots appear on certain Countries and Begin Connecting to other Countries)

(A Photo a France, Australia, Mexico and Japan Are placed down)

(Then The Camera Changes to Three Columns One of a Plane, Train And Bus)

(A Taxi Then Drives Up and the Camera Zooms into A Pitch Black Screen)

(The Image of Each Pair Appear with Their Team Colour background on the Screen All together There Are Five Rows)

Top Row: Rock/Spud, Jake/Sydney, Ellody/Mary, Jay/Mickey, Jacques/Josse, Oskar/Adam.T

2nd Top Row: Calvin/Cory, Sarah/Zane, Ben/Ludwig, Krystal/Trixie, Tom/Jen, Brody/Geoff

Mid Row: Harold/Steve, Carrie/Devin, Leonard/Tammy, Giselle/Adam.W Jasmine/Shawn, Beardo/Trent

2nd Bottom Row: Joanne/Noah.M, Rebecca/Jack, Laurie/Miles, Emma/Kitty, Owen/Noah, Gerry/Pete, Xavier/Zayla

Bottom Row: Crimson/Ennui, Axel/Tori, Chet/Lorenzo, Sanders/Mac Arthur, Dwayne/Dwayne Jr. Dawn/Tabby, Chef/Chris

(The Screen Then Flashes To a Globe With The Title "The Remarkable Race" on it)

* Starting Point (4:00 AM)

Don: In the last twenty four hours the Unlikely Reality TV Couple won the last challenge twenty four hours later they get to hit the Don box before any other team dose !

Joanne: (Sees her own breath in the cold) Pretty exciting to come first place huh ?

Noah: I've been there more then once in other shows so I'm used to it (Looks at the Screen) I guess I don't need the .M there anymore

* Confessional (Noah and Joanne)

(A Mulberry Bar appears saying at the bottom Noah and Joanne "The Unlikely Reality Tv Couple")

Noah: We need to talk about a issue

Joanne: Issue ? Which one.

Noah: The Cadets, There still gunning for us and they just got the Rockers eliminated

Joanne: What are you implying ?

Noah: That we can convince them to focus more on the Ice Dancers then us cause at this rate it's only a matter of time till they boomerang us. 

* Starting Point (4:01 AM)

Joanne: (Presses the Don Box and Grabs the tip) Were going to Australia...Please let it be warm

* Globe

(The Camera zooms out of the Arctic Circle and moves south all the the way down to Australia)

Don: Oh it Is........Australia !

(A Picture of the Australian Flag is in the Background)

Don: Home to the unique Sydney opera House, Ayers rock and Disturbingly cute Koala

Don: Teams will be flying all the way to Perth for todays mega challenge.

* Ice Lake (4:02 AM)

Don: Speaking of flying

(There are four mega planes near the ice lake)

Don: Teams will depart on four different cargo plans each leaving one hour after the other so the first four teams are in a really good spot at the moment

(Suddenly Narwhal horns poke all the tires on one of the cargo plans making it unable to take off)

Don: Ummmmmm apparently the Narwhals are still upset that we exploited them on television with our ring toss game....(Looks at the other three cargo plans) Okay same plan but three plans (Suddenly more Narwhal horns pop all the tires on the second cargo plan)

(Narwhal horns dig up from the ground around Don)


Crimson: (Presses the Don Box)


Adam: (Presses the Don Box)


Jack: (Presses the Don Box)

Calvin: (Presses the Don Box)

Don: GO !

Brody: (Presses the Don Box)

Don: GO GO GO !

(Tabby, Ludwig, Mac Arthur, Xavier, Krystal, Mickey and Owen all garb a travel tip from the Don Box)

Adam: Wow Don you really pissed off the Narwhals this time

Jack: (Dog whistle) Adam, Hey Adam over here (Runs into the Purple cargo hold)

Josee: This is unfairly outrageous we didn't place 2nd to be on a plane with more then three team of losers !

(Narwhal horn pops up from the ground causing Jacques to jump onto Josee)

Jacques: I think we should join them

Josee: That sounds like a safe idea

* Purple Cargo Plane (4:20 AM)

(Adversity Twins, Police Cadets, Mysterious friends, Surfer dudes are all seated while the Fairy tale impostors, Unlikely reality tv couple and Neighbours enter the room)

Don: (Intercom) Is everyone alright ?

Jay: I think I lost a shoe

Don: (Intercom) Good so if my original schedule for the four planes are correct the purple plane should arrive in hour

(All Seven teams cheer)

Don: (Intercom) AFTER the orange plane landed 

Mac Arthur: (Throws a rock at the intercom) Grrr you gave our hopes there you troll !

Xavier: I guess you beat me to it

Mac Arthur: Ha I'll let you smash the next one we see then.

Xavier: I'm good with that.

Brody: (Raises eyebrow)

* Orange Cargo Plane (4:35 AM)

Ben: Hey Ow's Wheres your partner ?

Owen: She's here she just wants to make a entrance first

Izzy: (Kicks the pilot door down and enters the room) How's it going everyone I'm E-Scope and I will be your guide !

Crimson and Ennui: (Just stare at Owen)

Josee: Who are you !

Izzy: (Laughs) I'm your death silly (Pokes Josee) Actually my name is Izzy I'll be replacing Noah in the race after he become a popsicle.

Trixie: If you came from the cock pit then who's driving the plane ?

* Confessional (Izzy And Owen)

(A White Bar appears saying at the bottom Izzy And Owen "The Reality Tv Pros")

Owen: So this confessional is a little different from total drama both team members are in it and we have our on team logo at the bottom)

Izzy: hmmmm the same logo gets boring after ten episodes here let me revamp it up (Begins redesigning the title)

(A Green Bar with Yellow and orange stripes on it with a Izzy logo appears saying at the bottom Colonel Izzy And Private Owen "E-Scope Agents")

Owen: How did you do that ?

Don: Yes how did you do that ?

Izzy: I'm not revealing my secrets in the first few minutes

Don: Whatever

* Orange Plane  (4:40 AM)

Calvin: (Sits there looking completely drained

Cory: (Waves hand infront of Calvin) you awake ?

Calvin: empty and sick......

Cory: (Deadpan)

Krystal: What is up with Calvin ?

Cory: He's suffering from BSWE aka barbecue sauce withdrawal effects, I forced him to not have any after he some how melted the fucking igloo that we built last episode.

Tabby: (Frowns)

Josee: What's wrong ?

Tabby: The Rockers got eliminated last episode

Josee: They were boomeranged by the Cadets right ?

Tabby: Yeah but I can't hold that against them it's only a competition ?

Josee: But going after them can also only be for competition right ? They are the current top dogs..

Tabby: Point taken......

* Australian Farm (5:20 AM)

Ben: (Exits the plane) What is this strange new world ?

Ennui: (Deadpan) It's the land down under, Loki has many relatives here....many relatives.

Ludwig: Hey Ben quick question are you and Krystal..a thing ?

Ben: Oh crap I forgot to advance that plot I'm gonna ask her out today then.

Josee: (Shoves Ben out of the way and runs past with Jacques) Out of the way Ben-Ten !

Ben: (Throws Cabbage at Josee) No One makes a pun out of me and gets away with it !

Izzy: (Presses the Don Box) Lets see what we got (Reads it) Bunny Bagging ?

* Farm field (5:27 AM)

(There are over 9000 Bunnies around the field eating lettuce and other corps)

Don: Yes bunny bagging (Looks over to a Farmer) Care to tell them the situation random Australian local ?

Farmer: While they do seem small and cute which they do but the farmers consider them one of the three major thieving rodents along with sugar cane beetles and Cane toads that eat up our growing corps, the issues with bunnies is they still manage to get under the fences and there to cute to harm unlike cane toads.

Don: And were here to help.

Farmer: Hehe that's what the cane toads said

Don: Shut up Connor each team must collect ten rabbits into a sack and them in to this jolly fellow.

Connor: Don't forget to tell them about the albino bunny.

Don: Even better as a added bonus any team that can find the albino bunny can skip directly to the next challenge.

* Farm Field (5:36 AM)

Trixie: LETS SAVE THE AUSTRALIAN FARMS (All Seven teams rush by and stomp on all the cabbages)

Connor: Yep that was really appreciated (Annoyed)

Izzy: (Grabs one of the cabbages off the ground and eats it)

* Purple Plane (5:47 AM)

Adam: Hey Jack where did Vlad go ?

Jack: I sent him home for Hannah to look since it caught a cold last episode

Adam: Sorry to hear about that

Jack: I'll be alright Theres no way it's going to effect the race.......(Offers Adam a carrot) Want a carrot ?

Adam: ?

Jack: It was Vlad's breakfast but yeah

Adam (Shrugs and eats carrot)

Jack: (Slowly pats Adam on the head) good boy

Giselle: (Raises eye brow)

Rebecca: And Vlad's departure has now effected Jack.....

Don: What the hell am I even witnessing ?

Geoff: Be R Be Bathroom (Places hat down and walks off)

Loki: (Picks up Geoff's Hat and uses it as a house)

Brody: (Is looking over to something else) Odd

Zayla: When their joking about who ate the worst food combination ever the yeah it's odd

Xavier: Strawberry, Chocolate and Banana milk all at once !

Mac Arthur: Please that's nothing ever try Garlic cheese burger with runny eggs !

Xavier: One time back in hunting club I had a fish in between poptarts with sour cream and m&m's......mixed with skittles

Jay And Rebecca: (Gasp)

Mac Arthur: (Smirks) Chugging down a bottle of Hot Chill and then having a scoop of Washabi

Joanne and Mickey: (Gasp)

Xavier:........San francisco Broccoli Pizza !

Mac Arthur: (Gags) Okay you won that round

Brody: Round ?

Xavier: We compared the weirdest food combinations we ever ate and once again I win

Mac Arthur: Just wait till the next food contest bow boy (Playfully punches Xavier on the shoulder)

Xavier: Waiting to beat you again ? Sure (Laughs)

* Farm Field (5:52 AM)

Cory: (Slowly grabs Rabbit) Just relax little buddy (Rabbit bites his finger and runs off) Ouch you little shit

Calvin: (Faints)

Cory: (Offers Calvin a Bagel) Will this make you feel better (Rabbit steals the bagel off Cory) (Grabs the rabbit) Ah HA ! (Shoves it into the bag) one down

Ben: (Looks around the field tries to grab a herd of rabbits only for them to run off) Why are there so many of them ?

Ludwig: There Probably fast breeders like rats

Tabby: Okay rabbits just do your thing and (Steps in a rabbit hole and falls over) Ah !

Dawn: (Picks up two rabbits)

Jacques: (Grabs Rabbit) Le pe (Rabbit bitch slaps him and runs off) A Little help here (Looks around) Josee ?

Owen: (Dresses as the easter bunny) Ummm can I ask why your doing this ?

Izzy: To catch prey we need to earn their trust first before now lets (Josee Walks over to them)

Josee: Oh Hey....Lizzie is it ?

Izzy: IZZY !

Josee: So how does it feel to be a rebound contestant ?

Izzy: I don't know how does it feel to earn silver after todays episode (Runs off with Owen)

(Rabbit digs out of a rabbit hole)

Trixie: I got you ! (Grabs the rabbit)

Krystal: Is Luna able to convince them to just hop in ?

Trixie: I don't think the rabbits want to

Krystal: What about fill the rabbit holes with Punch ?

Trixie: Can we do that ?

Krystal: I'll ask Don (Looks over to the Goths) What is Ennui Doing ?

(There are four rabbits around Ennui's Legs)

Ennui: Ugh Crimson It's happening again !

* Confessional (Ennui And Crimson)

(A Crimson Bar appears saying at the bottom Ennui And Crimson "Goths")

Crimson: Cute and fluffy animals love Ennui it's adorable.

Ennui: (Loki and Luna are hugging Ennui's Face) I don't want to talk about it

Crimson: It's probably something that runs in the family since Ennui's Cousins is adored by animals aswell.

* Farm Field (6:05 AM)

(There is a carrot placed onto the grass) (Five bunnies run over to it which then traps them into a net)

Ludwig: (Grabs the net)

(The Purple Plane lands down in Australia)

Don: The Second plane has landed now all teams are on a even plain field....considering that there having a harder time catching the rabbits.

Cory: (Searches the bushes) Got Ya ! (Pulls out a kangaroo)...............ummm what is this thing (Gets Kicked)

Owen: (Offers Cabbage to a rabbit) Come on It's tasty (Eats the cabbage) hmmmm

Rebecca: (Exits the plane) Rabbit catching ?

Adam: Ummmmm

Giselle: Everything alright Senpai ?

Jack: (Pats Adam) Something wrong Vlad......I mean Adam ?

Adam: This many rabbits remind me of my packs old hunting method

Mac Arthur: (Points finger gun at the bunnies) Freeze !

Sanders: Make this easier for both of us and just get in the bag

(Seven bunnies go into the bag)

Xavier: How exactly did that work ?

Sanders: I honestly didn't think it would work.

(A Albino bunny appears)

Xavier: A Albino bunny ?

Mac Arthur: The ring leader of this fluffy gang of crop stealing bandits

Xavier and Mac Arthur: Shotgun

Mac Arthur: I called catching it first

Xavier: Not If I get it first ! (The Albino runs off they both go after it as Mac Arthur drops the bag)

Sanders: Seriously we had half the rabbits already !

Noah: (Grabs two of the rabbits)

Ben: (Grabs one of the rabbits)

Krystal: (Grabs three of the rabbits) Thanks Mac Arthur......Hey Ben can we talk ?

Ben: Sure (Cory is being chased by a Kangaroo in the background) Is it about our friendship

Krystal: Yeah I kinda think it's for the best that we just stay as that

Ben: Wait.......but why ?

Krystal: I just don't really feel that much towards you......your really awesome friend but I just don't think I can do the romance. (There are two bunnies kissing in the back ground, Adam jumps in and grabs them)......(Pats Ben on the shoulder) Well talk more about it after the challenge

Ben: (Forever alone face)............(Calvin walks over to him)

Calvin: Got any bbq sauce ?

Ben: Nope.......(Calvin faints)

Owen: (Dresses as Easter Bunny) (Walks over to a group of rabbits) Greetings fellow haremen......Um.....I AM YOUR BUNNY GOD (Rabbits just look at Owen with a poker face)......I got free candy (Opens up the bag only to get jumped by so many rabbits)

Josee: (Grabs the bag off Owen which dropped that has six rabbits in it) Thank you (Izzy tackles her)




Jay: (Looks at the Scarecrow) Hmmmmm

Mickey: (Brings a Bag full of carrot over)

Giselle: What idea are you thinking off ?

Mickey: Does the perfume brand you have by any chance put them to sleep

Giselle: I don't really think I would want to do that

Mickey: Okay then how about another Idea (Whispers to Giselle)

Giselle: (Nods)

Adam: (Is now dressed as scarecrow with carrots taped around him) I have so many questions right now

(Rabbits begin chasing Adam)

Adam: Ah (Runs away on all four legs)

Jack: Should I have thrown a bone ?

(The Rabbits then fall into a rabbit hole trap)

Jack: (Grabs four rabbits and then puts them in his bag)

Giselle: Great idea Mickey-Kun (Grabs two rabbits and puts them into her bag)

Mickey: Thanks (Grabs three rabbits and puts them in his bag) Hey

Adam: Hey did you guys want to join our alliance (Everyone looks at him)

Rebecca: Your not suppose to say that outloud !

Jay: Well we've been hesitate on joining alliances during the show due to the fact the teams see us as soft meat (Points to Mickey) Until he fell for Kitty and wanted to ally with her and the tv pros but there both sorta gone now.....

Jack: I'll give you a free Super Jack Mask ?

Mickey: DEAL !

Adam: (Shakes Mickey hand roughtly which causes him to fall over) Then It's settled (Is pet on the head by Jack)

* Confessional (Giselle) (Farm Background)

Giselle: I'm starting to worry for Jack's mental state he's treating Adam like Vlad and I don't want everyone else getting the wrong idea.

* Farm Field (6:26 AM)

Dawn: (Throws the empty bag away) Can I trust you not to run ? (Looks at the ten rabbits behind her) (They all Nod)

* Confessional (Dawn and Tabby)

(A Tan Bar appears saying at the bottom Dawn And Tabby "Animal Lovers")

Dawn: I couldn't bring myself to just closing them in a leather bag, So I gave them my word on that so they will just follow my lead

Tabby: It's better then the idea I had (Holds a carrot glove puppet with several bite marks on it)

* Farm Field (6:28 AM)

Geoff: WOHOO (Holds up a bag) I got ten rabbits

Brody: And we did that all off-screen (High Fives Geoff) Hey isn't Bridgette around here somewhere

Geoff: (Eats Vegiemite sandwich) huh ?

Brody: She was in Australia right ? Or are we in Austria ?

Geoff: Well this strange paste (Looks at the vegimite jar) Must mean that were in unknown land we got a lot of time left so I might call Bridgette and see if I can meet up with her.

Brody: Cool (Sees a Albino bunny) Woah (Hears loud tractor noise) Huh ? 


Brody: (Jumps out of the way as Mac Arthur and Xavier drive past on tractors) AH ! GO MAC ARTHUR !

Geoff: (Laugh) Those two are like so close with their rivarly it's like ketchup and mustard

Brody: Huh ? 

Geoff: It's a joke to compare how close they are..

Brody: joke dude.........

Albino Bunny: (Running from both tractors) (It then sees a bridge and runs over to it)

Mac Arthur: Umm how do the breaks on this thing work ?

Xavier: I was hoping you'd know (Both their tractors drive on the bridge and crash into the river)


Albion Bunny: (Sighs in relief about to hop away until a hand emerges from the water and grabs him)

Xavier: Gotcha !

Mac Arthur: (Tries to grab it off Xavier)

Xavier: (Swims back and splashes water at Mac Arthur) I win

Mac Arthur: (Dunks Xavier's head into the water)........damit

* Farm Field (6:37 AM)

(The crystal ball is placed onto the ground and begins glowing orange)

(Several rabbits gather around it in amazement)

(Zayla and Sanders then grab the bunnies and stuff them into the bag)

Sanders: Is it ethical to just throw them into a bag ?

Zayla: There considered rodents around here so probably not.

(The Screen Changes to a Eight split screen where the Mysterious Friends, Police Cadets, Tag Alongs, Goths, Fairy Tale Impostors, Neighbours, Ice Dancers and Animal Lovers all complete the task and are given their next time)

Don: And Our first eight teams plus the Surfers have completed part one of todays challenge.

Tabby: (Reads the tip) Stop in a Geelong national security prison at Melbourne.....

Geelong Prison (6:38 AM)

Don: Geelong prison closed in 1991 but during it's 146 years of operation it was the most brutal and violent lock up on Earth, Great place for a challenge since its now a hotspot for tourist and Pokemon go hunters, As teams arrive they'll be thrown into cells for the countless cultural insensitive things or damaged property (Cough) Jack (Cough) from our previous locations however each cell is equipped with either four methods of escape, Tunnels, Trap doors, Hidden tools or Bars once they break out of their cell there free to make their way to todays final don box down here on the Barwon River

* Farm Field (6:41 AM)

Krystal: (Pours a bottle of punch into a rabbit hole)

Trixie: (Places a carrot into it) Now we wait.

Noah: Still two rabbits ? (checks the bag)

Joanne: (Tries to grab a rabbit but drops it after it tries to scratch her) Every time I try pick one up they alway try to bite me.

Noah: (Checks bag again to notice something) What the hell !

Joanne: What's wrong ?

Noah: (Shows Joanne the rabbit bag there are now ten rabbits in it)

Joanne: I have so many questions about that right now.

Noah: Those can wait we got our ten now lets go !

Jay: (Carries a rabbit and puts it into a bag) Just three more

(Several Rabbits are drinking punch from a rabbit hole, They drink from it only to faint a few seconds later)

Trixie: I was expecting a crazier effect on them.

Krystal: (Pokes Rabbit) They'll be fine (The both grab a few rabbits and shove them into the bag)

Cory: (Grabs the travel tip) (He then pulls Calvin) Alright lets go were off to Melbroune.

Don: And now with all teams making their way to Geelong wait......

(Checks the fourteen cameras that show all the teams driving, one team can not be found)

Don:.....Where the hell are the Surfers ?

* Bondi Beach (7:11 AM)

Brody: (Runs into the wave with a surf board) Wohooo Australia is the best !

(Geoff is seated at a table with Bridgette)

Bridgette: I take it you and Brody are enjoying the race ?

Geoff: You bet (Smiles) How's surfer tournament going ?

Bridgette: Our team won

Geoff: For Real ?

Bridgette: (Places a trophy onto the table) It was pretty awesome

Geoff: Sounds a like a neat team you got there (Eats Vegiemite sandwich)

Bridgette: Yeah Kai and the others are back at the beach house celebrating you should come meet them.

Geoff: That would narly (Phone rings) Ello ?

Xavier: (Voice) Geoff where are you ?

Geoff: At Bondi Beach Xav's you should see it they got the best beach on Earth (Brody is running in the background covered in blue bottles)

Xavier: (Voice) Yeah I just got a call from Don telling me to find you before the other arrive to Geelong

Geoff: Oh crud I forgot about the race sorry Bridge but I gotta head back

Bridgette: No problem I'll catch up with the episodes on tv

Geoff: Sweet (Kisses Bridgette on the cheek before getting out of his seat) (To the Phone) I'll be there in five minutes in the meantime wanna talk to Bridge ?

Xavier: (Phone) No

Geoff: Sweet (Gives the phone to Bridgette) later Babe (Runs off to grab Brody) Brody we gotta move !

Bridgette: (Waves to Geoff and then picks up the phone)

Xavier: (Phone) Is he still there ?

Bridgette: Nah it's Bridgette are you Xavier ?

Xavier: (Phone) How did you know ?

Bridgette: I watched the show your team seems pretty cool except for the hunting part

Xavier: (Voice) I know I don't really do that anymore I only use Archery for sport nowdays.

Bridgette: Sounds neat I've been watching the show for a while and I wanted to ask you one question

Xavier: (Voice) Ask Away

Bridgette: (Smirks) So you and Zayla what's up with that ?

(Xavier hangs up the phone)

Bridgette: I should of expected that (Looks around) I wonder if Geoff will realise he just left his phone here ?

* Geelong Prison Entrance (7:30 AM)

Giselle: (Waiting at the door)

Adam: (Knocks on the front Door) ELLLLOOOOOOO ?

(Mickey and Jay arrive from their taxi)

Mickey: Is this Geelong ?

Giselle: It is but no one seems to be home.

Jay: Have you tried the door bel ?l

Adam: I was told to never push a big red button (Continues banging on the door)

Jay: This is probably easier (Presses the door bell)

Intercom: Are you with the Remarkable Race ?

Adam: Yep

(Suddenly Adam is handcuffed)

Adam: What ?

Giselle: Hey what are you ! (Gets handcuffed)

(Mickey and Jay then get handcuffed)

Officer: Welcome to Geelong !

* Cell F

(Fairy Tale Impostors and Adversity twins are placed into the Jail Cell)

Mickey: (Worried) What just happened !


* Cell A

(The Goths and Abnormal buddies are placed into the Jail Cell)

* Cell B

(The Ice Dancers and Tag Alongs are placed into the Jail Cell)

* Cell C

(Reality TV Pros and Animal Lovers are placed into the Jail cell)

* Cell E

(Neighbours and Mysterious friends are placed into the Jail Cell)

* Cell G

Don: As Teams are cuffed and thrown into Geelong most go peacefully

(Youtubers and Surfer dudes are placed into the Jail Cell)

* Geelong Prison Entrance (7:35 AM)

Don: But others not so much

Sanders and Joanne: (Gets handcuffed)

Noah: (Whacks a officer with a boomerang) Let go of my partner or else (Gets tackled by the police)

Mac Arthur: (Jump kicks another officer) Hands off the glutes !

Sanders: Who ?

Mac Arthur: (Gets tasered) JRNGAFAOERGNSEJGNEJRGSEISRG (Falls down)

* Cell G (7:40 AM)

Cory: Well I never though I'd go out like this....rotting in a Australian jail.

Geoff: I know....

Brody: (Begins Crying) I don't want be executed

Calvin: (Begins eating Vegiemite) (He then gets out a bagel)

Cory: (Slaps the bagel away from Calvin) Nope Bagels either

Calvin: YOUR NOT MY DAD ! (Child Voice)

Cory: You've been on too much youtube Calvin (Facepalm)

* Cell E (7:45 AM)

Rebecca: (Sits on the bed on fedal position) Great now my mom's going to think I'm a criminal (Can't stop shaking)


Zayla: You don't really seem fased about being in prison ?

Xavier: Neither do you 

Zayla: Okay you got me there


Zayla: Excuse me ?

Jack: For the record don't even think about dropping anything or doing anything illegal in here because I am not trapped in here with you guys oh nononononono You are both trapped in here with me THE JACK ATTACK.

* Confessional (Jack) (Prison background)

Jack: This is apart of the prison survival guide that principal Stevens told me try to intimidate your fellow cellmates so they won't cross you or plan to use you as.....I probably can't say it on television but succeed and you will leave prison the same way as you not getting raped or shanked in the back.

Zayla: Your not really quiet are you (She and Xavier are behind him)


* Cell D (7:46 AM)

Noah: (Glares at Mac Arthur)

Mac Arthur: (Glares at Noah)

Joanne: This would be a good time to start searching

Mac Arthur: I'm making sure he doesn't do anything 

Noah: Because you would want to make sure you do that first huh ?

Sanders: Okay this isn't getting us anywhere can we just form a truce until we find a way out of the cell ?

Joanne: Deal (Offers handshake)

Sanders: (Accepts)

* Cell C (7:48 AM)

Owen: (Sits on the toilet)

Tabby: No Owen, Hold it !

Izzy: (Taps the cell bars)......Hmmm, Wait Owen lift up the toilet

Owen: (Gets off it and looks under it) Are you thinking what I'm thinking

Izzy: Toilet Tunnel ?

Owen: Maybe (Laughs)

Tabby: (Looks to Dawn)

Dawn: The toilets have been inactive for a long time but I'm senseing a false aura of security in another part of the cell.

Owen: That might of been my breakfast from yesterday.

* Cell A (7:50 AM)

Trixie: Well I didn't expect to ever be in this situation

Krystal: I did but only for being charged for assault with pie or punch...


Ennui: Loki grab the key for us

Loki: (Squeezes out of the cell and wanders off)

Luna: (Telepathic: I could just remove the bars ?)

Trixie: Don told us you can't use your powers Luna

* Cell B (7:53 AM)

Ludwig: (Looks at Ben who seems to be terrified)

Jacques: What's wrong with him ?

Ludwig: (Points to Josee who is also freaking out) I can ask the same thing


Josee: I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE FROM CLOSED AIR ! (Tries to climb out of the bar)

* Confessional (Ben) (Prison background)

Ben: I never wanted to be the type of actor who gets into a scandal and then gets put into jail, I'LL NEVER EXIT HERE WITH MY CARRER OR SANITY LEFT !

* Cell B (7:54 AM)

Josee: (Heavily breaths) The Walls Jacques, The walls are closing in on us

Jacques: Josee the walls are fine

Josee: I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING DIE ! (Rams into the cell bar and knocks herself out)

Ludwig: I'm just gonna wait till Don bails us out (Goes to sit on the bed but he falls through)

Ben: (Looks at the bed and then notices the Ice dancers are distracted)

Jacques: (Helps Josee up) Easy Josee the nothing is going to suffocate you.....

Ben: (Climbs down the bed hole and then places a pillow on it with his face on it)

Don: And the Tag alongs just found the first way out of the cell

* Cell D (7:56 AM)

Joanne: (Searches the mirror)

Sanders: (Checks under the bed)

Noah: Okay there's no escape set we need to break out of here then

Mac Arthur: (Rips the window bars off) Already got it planned

* Cell F (7:57 AM)

Adam: (Pokes the toilet, It falls apart) Were not that desperate to climb down a toilet

Giselle: Heavens no

Mickey: Spider !

Adam: (Sees a Huge Australian tarantula on the floor) (Pokes it) (The Spider pokes him back)

Jay: Does your animal talk work on bugs

Adam: (Listens to the spider) It says you hurt its feeling by running away from it.

Mickey: Sorry ?

Jay: (Looks at the cell Bars) I got it !

Giselle: Please tell us Jay-kun

Jay: Do you have any butter on you 

Giselle: Why would I have butter ?

Adam: (Gets butter out of his pocket) Don't ask

Jay: (Uses Butter to help him squeeze through the cell bars) I'll go find a key (Smiles and runs off)

Adam: Woohooo

* Cell E (7:59 AM)

Xavier: (Uses filer on the bars) Anything ?

Zayla: (Pokes Rebecca) Nothing

Rebecca: I'm still intact just still mentally panicking about being in prison.


Xavier: Jack no one is going to drop the soap on you NOW HELP FOR GOD SHAKE !

Jack: (Goes back to normal) Okay...

Don: With our teams getting more and more desperate to escape our top three teams head to the Don box

* Outside (8:03 AM)

Ludwig: (Walks with Ben)

Krystal: (From the Cell window) How did you guys find the way out ?

Ludwig: Did you check under the bed ?

Trixie: Yeah nothings there we'll see you guys at the finish line

Krystal: Wait don't leave yet can you bust us out

Ben: Nope were good (Grabs Ludwig and runs off)

* Confessional (Ludwig and Ben)

(A Blue Bar appears saying at the bottom Ludwig and Ben "Tag Alongs")

Ben: Is it a good idea to be helping them ?

Ludwig: Are you getting salty about Krystal now ?

Ben:'s just she's probably thinking of trying to eliminate us too, It is just a race after all and were down to fourteen teams so the alliance game isn't really needed anymore.....

* Barwon River (8:05 AM)

Joanne: Before we start can we talk ?

Mac Arthur: I have no reason to fall for your trap.

Noah: Says the one who boomeranged Rock !

Mac Arthur: Atleast we didn't threaten the shippers

Noah: Oh that's golden coming from the AXIS OF EVIL !

Sanders: Were not with the Ice Dancers anymore.

Noah: Yet you helped them !

Mac Arthur: And you detached the Indian train and set off the tennis menace !

Joanne: ENOUGH, Dubai was a accident while Xavier and the Ice Dancers broke the train

Mac Arthur: Don't you dare bring Xav into this !

Sanders: Alright what did you two want then if you come in peace ?

Joanne: To Prove to you that the Ice Dancers are the enemy not us

Mac Arthur: Mam Do you think were dumb OF COURSE we know there evil They wear Black and red outfits that scream "Fabulously evil" !

Sanders: This isn't news to us we knew this a long time ago Joanne but you still can't play the victim card on this.

Noah: (Gives Sanders the victim card) Jacque and Josee were behind the Vegans fossil theft and Sydney and Jakes elimination, We had nothing to do with the Shippers besides the interrogation in Spain, Josee and Jacques also tried to frame us for Zayla's crystal ball WHICH they stole from her in Japan !

Mac Arthur: Hehehe ball

Sanders: (Looks at the card) It does look possible that they could have done this

Mac Arthur: I still don't trust you guys but I can't deny the possibility that the Ice dancers are behind all these events.

Joanne: So were good ?

Sanders: Were not friends but your not the main problem anymore.

Ludwig: (He presses the Don box and grab the tip) If you don't mind

Noah: (Runs to the Don Box) Your not gonna win that easily !

Ben: (Reads the tip) Another "All In" Craft a Raft

Don: For Todays final challenge teams have to construct a raft

* Barwon River (8:09 AM)

Don: And Sail it down the Barwon River to todays chill Zone

* Chill Zone (8:09 AM)

Don: Last team to arrive on the carpet of completion will be eliminated

* Cell C (8:09 AM)

Owen: (Rips the toilet out of its seat) I found a tunnel

Izzy: (Uses radioactive detecter on the toilet) hmmmm

Tabby: (Begins trying to cat dig from the ground) 

Dawn: (Pokes a poster on the wall) (She then takes off the post to reveal a dug out tunnel) I found the false scent

Owen: That's cool but I already found a short cut

Tabby: I do not want to climb down a toilet hole

Izzy: (Puts on hazmat suit) Well If Owen says it's a good path then Izzy agrees. (She then jumps down the toilet hole)

Tabby: I miss Rock already (Frowns) Should we ?

Dawn: No sabotaging the Cadets will lead a ugly war.

Tabby: No I was talking about the toilet tunnel ?

Dawn: Also No

* Wardens Officer (8:12 AM)

Jay: (Sneaks past a sleeping guard) (He looks around to find a ring with keys around it) Bingo (He crawls over towards it only to notice a shadow behind him) 

Loki: (Stands there)

Jay: Ummmmm hey

Loki: (Deadpan)

Jay: (He then grabs the keys but Loki stands in his way) Did you want a carrot ? (Offers him a carrot)

Loki: (Grabs the carrot and then whacks Jay with it and grabs the keys off him)

Jay: (A bit of the bunny fluff lands on his noise) AH CHO ! (Sneezes which causes the carrot to fly back and whack Loki in the head causing him to drop the keys) Whoops

Loki: (Gets up and death stares at Jay while Growling)

Luna: (Uses her telekinesis to lift up Loki before he could pounce on Jay) (Telepathic: Is it really a good idea to get into a brawl right now)

Loki: (Telepathic: I called the keys first !)

Jay: (Slowly walks off as Luna and Loki begin to argue, Jay can only there growls and mewos)

* Confessional (Jay) (Prison background)

Jay: Something tells me I forgot to take my medication today cause I did not almost get into a fight with a rabbit ?

* Cell B (8:15 AM)

Jacques: (Looks around) Wait where did the Tag Two go ?

Josse: The Air........THE AIR MADE THEM VANISH, WERE NEXT (Heavily breaths as she breaths rapidly and then headbutts the bars which falls down)

Jacques: Josee stop your going to......find the way out (Smiles)

Josee: (Inhales)

Jacques: You need to get the prison air out of your head (Looks around for something) (Notices a rainbow out the window) Lets head outside I see a pretty rainbow out there

Trixie: (Voice from her cell) Rainbow ?

* Cell A (8:16 AM)

Trixie: (Blinks and goes into rainbow mode)

Krystal: Uh Oh

Trixie: (Grabs the cell bars and then rapidly rips them off and throws them)

Luna: (Telepathically catches the bars) (In Head: Easy me and Loki don't want to be flatened into pancakes)

Crimson: (Walks over to Trixie and slaps her in the head)

Trixie: (Wakes up) Thanks Crimson

Crimson: Your welcome.

Ennui: How is that even possible ?

Trixie: It's a bizare condition

(The Ice Dancers hear this as they walk past)

* Confessional (Josee and Jacques)

(A gold Bar appears saying at the bottom Josee and Jacques "Ice Dancers")

Josee: A condition she says (Evil Smile)

Jacques: It would be a real shame of that rainbow word were to come up again (He and Josee start to laugh evilly)

* Cell G (8:19 AM)

Brody: (Pokes the window bars) (The bars fall off) Dude I found the weak spot

Geoff: Wohoo let's prison break out of this joint (Jumps out of the window)

Calvin: (Fallen asleep on the prison bed)

Cory: Calvin wake up !

Calvin: (Continues to snore)

Cory: God damit......Brody a little help here

Brody: Sure thing (Picks up Calvin) Hey maybe after the show can I be on one of your vine videos ?

* Confessional (Cory and Calvin)

(A Dark green Bar appears saying at the bottom Cory and Calvin "Youtubers")

Cory: Vine video.........were the did that retard think we make VINE videos when were called YOUTUBERS !

Calvin: Cory hates vine video (Red eyes) and I hate bbq withdrawal

Cory: Not now Clavin, There just six seconds of stupid shit that get so much views while we work our asses off on content that goes TEN times longer......Don't even get me start on those fucking "REACTION" channels that pretty much break the guidelines.

Calvin: I like prank videos

Cory: (Facepalm) Oh god.

* Cell F (8:22 AM)

Jay: (Walks back with the keys) Got it

Giselle: You alright ?

Jay: I almost got attacked by a Bunny

Mickey: How ?

Jay: Don't....ask (Opens their cell door)

Adam: FREEDOM lets go ! (Grabs Giselle and Mickey) Lets go (Runs off)

Jay: (Follows)

* Barwon River (8:25 AM)

Zayla: (Gathers wood from the pile)

Jack: (Makes a skull out of the wood)

Xavier: What are you doing ?

Jack: This is my new life.......prison has changed me into a doesn't taste the same anymore....nothing is the same.....How can I even live with all those memorys

Xavier: (Walks off with a plank)

* Confessional (Xavier) (River background)

Xavier: Nothing even happened there and Jack is acting like he's been scared for life....he almost makes me miss the Cadets and Surfers...yes even including Brody

* Chill Zone (8:30 AM)

(The Tag alongs reach the carpet of completion)

Don: I thought the cadets were ahead of you ?

Ludwig: They got into a ship battle with another team and sunk each others ship.

Don: Well lucky you then your team is the first one here congrats.

Ludwig: Yes our first win


Don: Something wrong Ben ?

Ben: I've had better days....

Don: (Whispers to Ludwig) Trouble in paradise ?

Ludwig: (Nods)

(Police cadets and Unlikely Reality tv couple emerge out of the water)

Don: How was sailing ?

Mac Arthur: It was fine until they crashed their ship into out !

Noah: Well if you didn't block our view with your stupid twerking then I might of been able to see the chill Zone

Mac Arthur: It was a Taunt !

Sanders and Joanne: (Facepalm)

Don: (Unlikely Reality TV couple) Second Place (Police Cadets) Third Place

* Barwon River (8:34 AM)

Cory: (Grabs plank of wood)

Josee: (Grabs one and then trips Cory over causing him to fall down the pile)

Cory: Ugh...


Cory: Calvin help !

Calvin: Meh

Cory: (Sigh) (Throws bottle of BBQ sauce at him)

Calvin: (Catches it and chows it down as popeye theme plays)

Josee: (Finishes building the boat and hops into it) Hurry Jacques the gold isn't going to be given out itself !

* Chill Zone (8:47 AM)

Don: (Reality Tv Pros) Fourth

Don: (Neighbours) Fifth

Don: (Mysterious Friends) Sixth

Don: (Fairy Tale Impostors) Seventh

Don: (Adversity Twins) Eighth

Don: (Goths) Ninth

Don: (Abnormal buddies) Tenth

* River (8:52 AM)

Jacques: (Paddles Boat)

Calvin: (Rapidly paddling his boat)

Josse: Out of the way ! (Throws a boomerang at the Youtubers which knocks them off their boat)

Jacques: Problem solved (The boomerang suddenly flies back and knocks him and Josee off their Boat)

* Chill Zone (8:56 AM)

Don: (Surfer Dudes) Eleventh

Don: (Animal Lovers) Twelfth

(The Ice Dancers hurry out of the water and run onto the carpet of completion)

Don: And

Josee: Don't even say it !

Don: Whatever your still in the race

* Confessional (Ice Dancers) (River background) 

Jacques: Whatever low rank we got it is shameful it's very freaking shameful

Josee: But one less monkey is on our back and I learnt a very useful word that might rip apart a few teams (Smirks)

* Chill Zone (9:00 AM)

Calvin: (Carries Cory out of the water)

Don: (Walks over to the Youtubers)

Calvin: Uh oh

Don: Uh oh indeed Calvin I'm sorry but you and Cory are out or should I say... unsubscribed from the Remarkable Race (Winks)

(No one laughs)

Don: I'm sorry (Walks off)

Cory: (Spits out water)

Calvin: Damit I'm sorry about this whole lap Cory...I overreacted about the bbq withdrawal

Cory: Yeah you did but I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later, but hey Australia is my favourite place to visit so we can hang out here with a friend of mine who lives here.

Calvin: Sweet

* Montage (Cory and Calvin)

Calvin: Well this is exactly how I pictured the end of our journey for us....walking around in the middle of no where.

Cory: What's great though is our channel no doubt has boosted so much from this show and from our perspective footage I just hope no idiot makes a reaction video out of this.

Calvin: I am disappointed that we never got the chance to see Italy cause I would of dominated the food challenge, Hey want see me try eating Veggiemite and BBQ sauce sandwich

Cory: What ? No !

Calvin: (Eats sandwich).............(Faints)

Cory: Well I don't see how this can get any (Suddenly a Koala leaps on Cory's back).......FUCK !

* Credits

(Camera Flies around the Place)

(Camera Shows the Air Port)

Attendant: (Stands There)

(All Thirty Pairs Run Past the Attendant)

(Camera Follows the Pairs into the Plane)

Noah And Emma: (Standing by the Bathroom door talking)

Owen: (Charges Past and Accidentally knocks them Over as he Closes the Bathroom Door)

Emma: (Gets Up)

Kitty: (Taking a Selfie With Lorenzo And Chet Who are Glaring at each Other)

(The Photo Shows Chet about to Tackle Lorenzo)

Emma: (Takes Phone off Kitty And Throws it out the plane window)

(Camera Follows the Phone Free Falling)

Mickey And Jay: (Are In Mid Air Using a Parachute)

(The Phone Hits their Parachute and they Crash land into the Ocean of Australia)

Shawn: (Rides By on A Emu Going Very Fast)

Jasmine: (Climbs Up Ayers Rock)

Calvin: (Already at the top of the Rock Eating Vegemite)

Cory: (Throws Boomerang)

(The Camera Follows the Boomerang All the Way to Brazil)

Chef: (Swings Across the Cliff on A Vine Holding Chris)

(Boomerang flies by and cuts the Rope)

Chef And Chris: (Fall down into the River)

(Boomerang Continues to Fly)

Laurie, Miles, Dawn and Tabby: (All Sit their Meditating)

(The Boomerang Flies to a Icy Field)

Josee And Jacques: (Skating Away)

Jake And Sydney: (Tries to Skate past them but the Boomerang knocks them out)

Josse And Jacques: (Then Leap into the air this changes the scene to France Where they Gracefully land on the Carpet)

Giselle: (Happily Sighs at Jacques)

Adam.W: (Frowns And But then Gets Idea)

Adam.W: (He and Giselle Run down the Street)

Tom And Jen: (Checking the Clothing Bags they Brought)

Adam.W: (Rushes by with Giselle Causing clothes to fly out of the bag and land on Tom and Jen)

Jen: (Is Now Wearing Tom's Clothes)

Tom: (Is Now Wearing Jen's Clothes)

Adam.W: (Puts his Hand over the Camera and then moves it changing the scene from France to a Beach)

Geoff: (Surfs by on a Surf Board)

Brody: (Crashes his Surf Board and Lands on Ellody and Mary)

Devin: (Gets out of the Water)

Carrie: (Hugs Devin)

Devin: (Is Confused)

Geoff: (Puts His Hat over the Camera Channing the Scene of a Beach to Transylvania)

Gerry: (Holding a Flash Light)

Crimson And Ennui: (Pop Up from a Coffin)

Pete: (Gets a Heart Attack from their Sudden Pop up)

Pete: (Gets up)

Leonard: (Aims His Wand at Crimson And Ennui)

Tammy: (Plays Ocarina)

Crimson: (Stares at the Camera until the Scene Changes to A Desert)

Zane And Sarah: (Spying on People)

Axel and Tori: (Climb onto a Camel and then jump off it and grab onto a Pyramid's Ledge

Sarah: (Ships it)

Noah.M: (Slides down the Pyramid and Knocks Axel and Tori off it)

Joanne: (Looks Annoyed at Noah.M)

Noah.M: (Shrugs)

Trixie And Ludwig: (Drive By on a Dune Buggies racing each other)

Krystal and Ben: (Run After The Dune Buggies Since there controlling it)

Zane: (Ships it)

Krystal: (Throws Pie at Zane)

(The Camera follows the Dune Buggies as they arrive at the Train Station)

Sanders: (Gives Ludwig and Trixie A Speeding ticket)

Mac Arthur: (Places Wanted Poster of the ice Dancers on the wall and then kicks the train door down)

Harold: (Picks his Nose)

Steve: (Drops Smoke Bomb)

(The Smoke Covers the Screen which changes the location to a Rock Concert)

Dwayne: (Is backstage practising Air guitar but is doing it terribly

Dwayne Jr: (Facepalms)

(Rock, Spud, Adam.T, Oskar, Beardo and Trent are all seen on the stage rocking it out)

(Purple Fire then appears behind them)

Rock: (Does a Stage Dive)

Trent: (Stage Dives)

Spud: (Stages Dives for Choco Oink)

Adam.T: (Is Tackled by Fan Girls)

Oskar: (Small laugh Until his Guitar catches on Fire)

Beardo: (Mimics Bow Noise)

Xavier And Zayla: (Are on the roof)

Xavier: (Fires a Zip Line bow and then zip lines down on it)

Zayla: (Looks into the Crystal Ball)

(The Crystal Ball glows Pink)

(The Camera then zooms into the Crystal Ball and then zooms out showing the Airport again with All 31 teams outside posing)

Don: (Gets Camera out and takes a Picture)

Super Jack And Rebecca: (Jump into the Camera at the last second to be in the Photo)

(The Screen then flashes With the Words in Gold Saying " The Remarkable Race"

Episode 23: How To Restrain Your Dragon[]

How To Restrain Your Dragon
Season 3, Episode 23
How To Restrain Your Dragon
Date United States: 1st October 2016

Australia: 2nd October 2016

World Location Geelong, Australia → Flores, Indonesia
Challenge(s) * Get a vial of Komodo dragon saliva
  • Find a rug with The Ridonculous Race logo on it
Winner(s) Read And Find Out
Eliminated Read And Find Out
Episode Guide
"The Wallaby Way"
"Rome Around"

(The Remarkable Race logo Appears for Two Seconds and then goes to the Intro)

Don: Last time on the Remarkable Race !

Don: Our teams went on a bunny hunting bonaza which then sent the teams to the big house

Don: Alliances grew and some started to crack and Jack did something.......

Don: Surfers dodge a bullet after Geoff wasted time visiting someone off the show but the Yotubers were the ones to get unsubscribed from the race....come on you guys know that was a good one.

Don: Were down to Thirteen teams who will crash and burn next time to find out this is.........THE REMARKABLE RACE ! (Winks the Sparkle flashes at the Screen Which goes to the Opening)

* Opening

(The Camera Shows a Globe Until A Ticket Appears which then Zooms in and Changes to Five Columns, One of A Snowy Background, City Background, Desert Background,Jungle Background And Mountain Background)

Snow: (The Shadows of Owen, Noah, Mickey, Jay, Krystal, Trixie, Ludwig, Ben, Josse, Jacques, Beardo And Trent Can be Seen Running in the Blue Background)

City: (The Shadows of Tom, Jen, Zane, Sarah, Emma, Kitty, Devin, Carrie, Jack, Rebecca, Ellody, Mary, Calvin And Cory Can be Seen Running in the Purple BackGround)

Desert: (The Shadows of Axel, Tori, Tabby, Dawn, Shawn, Jasmine, Zayla, Xavier, Rock, Spud, Oskar And Adam.T Can be Seen Running In the Yellow Back Ground)

Jungle: (The Shadows of Chef, Chris, Laurie, Miles, Chet, Lorenzo, Adam.W, Giselle, Ennui, Crimson, Brody and Geoff Can be Seen Running In the Green BackGround)

Mountain: (The Shadows of Dwayne, Dwayne Jr, Jake, Sydney, Noah.M, Joanne, Tammy, Leonard, Pete, Gerry, Steve, Harold, Sanders And Mac Arthur Can Be Seen Running In The Orange BackGround)

(The Camera Then Goes Back to the World Map where Dots appear on certain Countries and Begin Connecting to other Countries)

(A Photo a France, Australia, Mexico and Japan Are placed down)

(Then The Camera Changes to Three Columns One of a Plane, Train And Bus)

(A Taxi Then Drives Up and the Camera Zooms into A Pitch Black Screen)

(The Image of Each Pair Appear with Their Team Colour background on the Screen All together There Are Five Rows)

Top Row: Rock/Spud, Jake/Sydney, Ellody/Mary, Jay/Mickey, Jacques/Josse, Oskar/Adam.T

2nd Top Row: Calvin/Cory, Sarah/Zane, Ben/Ludwig, Krystal/Trixie, Tom/Jen, Brody/Geoff

Mid Row: Harold/Steve, Carrie/Devin, Leonard/Tammy, Giselle/Adam.W Jasmine/Shawn, Beardo/Trent

2nd Bottom Row: Joanne/Noah.M, Rebecca/Jack, Laurie/Miles, Emma/Kitty, Owen/Noah, Gerry/Pete, Xavier/Zayla

Bottom Row: Crimson/Ennui, Axel/Tori, Chet/Lorenzo, Sanders/Mac Arthur, Dwayne/Dwayne Jr. Dawn/Tabby, Chef/Chris

(The Screen Then Flashes To a Globe With The Title "The Remarkable Race" on it)

* Starting Point (6:00 PM)

Don: Welcome back to the Remarkable Race were still in Australia after yesterdays mega challenge so the winners of the last round are the first to take the travel tip.


Ludwig: Want to do the honours ?

Ben: (Slams his fist onto the Don Box) (One of the don box eyes pop out along with the travel tip)

Don: You all good today Benjamin ?

Ben: (Deadpan) Never better

* Confessional (Ludwig and Ben)

(A Blue Bar appears saying at the bottom Ludwig And Ben "Tag Alongs")

Ludwig: Is this about.......?

Ben: Nope !

Ludwig: Look I know it hurts right now but there still our friends

Ben: My friends ? You mean since you have benefits with one of them.

Ludwig: I'm not comfortable with how you word that...

Ben: Well I still feel hurt from it, I though things were going well for us after Tokyo but now it's not and it doesn't help that Cory's gone now....

* Starting Point (6:00 PM)

(Noah and Joanne arrive at the Don Box)

Ludwig: (Reads the travel tip) Find your own way to Indonesia

* Globe

(The Globe Zooms out of Australia and moves North to Indonesia)

Don: Flores Indonesia is packed with beautiful empty beaches, Rich culture, majestic mountain ranges and Ominously silent jungles, Teams must fly to Flores and take taxis to this don box located in this wonderful village (Drinks coconut with a straw) (Sigh in relief) You might be wondering how the locals keep the tourist away from milking this sandy paradise.....well a certain type of local knows how to !

(Various Komodo dragons can be seen chewing on the bones of a dead sheep)

Don: Komodo Dragons there probably the major reason FOR the lack of tourists in Flores......Why most tourists go to Bali.

* Cargo Plane (6:30 PM)

(All teams are seated on the cargo plane while the Goths and Surfers arrive)

Krystal: Dragons, Hell Yeah

Crimson: Vicious beasts....I like it

Dawn: They have a misunderstood aura

Joanne: The sharks in France did too and we know how that went.

Ennui: (Blinks) I'm full of joy

Mickey: Wait how do you know Komodo Dragons are in Indoneisa ?

Crimson: The travel tip showed a image of the place along with the country flag and a native animal.

Owen: (Eats Vegemite flavoured pop corn) Hehehe Australia was fun

Izzy: (Eats Eucalyptus leaves) No wonder the Koala's love this stuff

Josee: (Walks over to Izzy) Okay seriously what are you upto ?

Izzy: What ?

Jacques: I mean the fact that you and a walking trash compacter are still in the race is amazing enough you must have some plan to reach the podium besides escaping from the zoo ?

Izzy: (Whispers to Owen) What do the team rocket ripoffs want ?

Owen: (Whispers back) They just say mean things want to put us down, Like Snakes.

Izzy: Well the I know how to deal with snakes (Claws sharpens like a Mongoose)


Owen: I'll have you know that bullying us isn't going to go well with my partner who has taken down things four times her size

Izzy: (Mimics Chomping with her teeth and smirks at the Ice Dancers)

* Confessional (Jacques and Josee)

(A Gold Bar appears saying at the bottom Jacques and Josee "Ice Dancers")

Jacques: She terrifies me a lot

Josse: Scared of a girl now ?

Jacques: I do not want to catch rabies okay !

Josee: Fine we'll stick with tormenting the other teams for now.

* Cargo Plane (6:32 PM)

Adam: Sweet were on the plane

Jack: Adam-Boy want to sit on my lap ?

(Rebecca and the entire cast turn around and look at Jack)

Adam: No thanks

* Confessional (Giselle) (Cargo plane background)

Giselle: I know Jack was only doing this to cope with Losing Vlad but now it's just getting creepy, I don't want everyone else viewing Adam as a pet.

* Cargo Plane (6:34 PM)

Trixie: (Reads magazine about Indonesia) 

Krystal: I'm still hyped by the fact there called dragons

Trixie: They look more dinosaur then dragon in my opinion

Krystal and Trixie:....... DINOSAUR DRAGON YES !

Ludwig: There still dangerous just a heads up

Trixie: They got nothing on a team of abnormal buddies good luck this round (Wave and then blows a kiss to him)

Ludwig: (Catches it, he then turns around to see Ben sitting there)

Ben: (Deadpan) yay good luck

Geoff: (Sits next to Ludwig) Dude congrats on the win last round 

Ludwig: Thanks

Brody: (Does Bro fist gesture to Ludwig)


Brody: It's a bro fist bro... just bump it

Ludwig: (Slowly bro fists Geoff back) Boom ?

Geoff: BOOM (Hugs Ludwig with a headlock)

Brody: Yeah (Laughs until he sees something)

Mac Arthur: Ten bucks that I'll outrank you in the rank lap

Xavier: Ten bucks that I will win this round !

Mac Arthur: Your on !

Sanders: (Sits there)

Zayla: (Continues looking at the ball)

Sanders: Anything ?

Zayla:......Not even a single thing 

Sanders: You seem very determine to find this answer what is it ?

Zayla:...It's (Brody sits next to the two)

Brody: Hey Gals ummmm how's it going ?

Zayla: Sweating...that's how it's going

Brody: Cool ummm Hey Sanders can I ask you about Mac Arthur ?

Sanders: If it relates to farts then I'm gonna to jump off this very plane.

Brody: It's about her and you think they have a shot together ?

Sanders:..................What ?

Brody: I really like her a lot but I'm starting to worry that her and Xavier might happen before I could get the chance to ask her out.......

Sanders: (Completely dumbfounded).......You think she and Xavier would be a thing ?

Zayla: There's no way that would even happen (Smirk drops when he Crystal Ball changes colour) That's not really helping

Brody: Yeah and I don't want him to be heartbroken and devastated if I do take that route with Mac-Arthur do you have any advice ?

Sanders:......(At the thought of Mac Arthur being romantic she begins to hysterically laugh out loud)


Adam: Is she dying ?

Jack: And they thought I was crazy

* Airport (Indonesia) (2:49 PM)

(Australia is four hours Ahead of Indonesia)

(The Cargo Plan lands and all the teams race out of it)

Jacques: (Drives a deliver truck past them)

Josee: Bye bye see you at the finish line (Waves as the truck goes past)

(Another plane then moves towards the truck)

Jacques and Josee: AHHHH (The drive backwards)

* Taxi Stop (2:52 PM)

Joanne: Taxi ! (Taxi stops for her and Noah)

Brody: (A Taxi stops in front of him) Alright

Geoff: Cadets...Friends hop in (He and Brody enter the taxi)

(The Cadets enter the taxi but Brody stops the Mysterious friends)

Brody: Sorry dudes this Taxi can only fit four people

Xavier: (Looks at the taxi, Clearly there's six spots) Whatever

* Confessional (Brody) (Taxi background)

Brody: I hope he doesn't take it too badly

* Confessional (Xavier) (Taxi background)

Xavier: He obviously has a crush on Mac-Arthur meh that just means I got the taxi alone with you. (They both laugh)

Zayla: (She then looks back at the crystal ball to see for any signs....nothing)

Xavier:.......(Looks to the Taxi Driver) To the Don Box and make it quick

Tax Driver: (Doesn't speak English)

* Taxi Stop (2:52 PM)

Adam: (Gets into a Taxi) To that village with that hard name to pronounce

Krystal: (Stops a Taxi) Sweet, Trixie lets go

Trixie: Actually I think it would be a better idea to solve something first

Krystal: In the middle of the race ?

Trixie: Were in really awkward situation with the Tag Alongs and we need to resolve it or at least try to make it less awkward

Krystal: So I talk to Ben in the taxi ?

Trixie: Pretty much I'm gonna find Ludwig so....good luck


* Taxi (2:55 PM)

Josee: Jacques remind me how long has it been since we were on the podium ?

Jacques: The Arctic circle ?

Josee: Second place doesn't count !

Jacques: The last time we won was in Sweden

Josee: It's been four episodes SINCE WE GOT FIRST PLACE........we are losing out mojo !

Jacques: We still have it......

Josee: For the fresh air in the taxi It's FADING AWAY !

Jacques: Please calm down Josee your scaring the driver

Josee: (Breaths) We can't keep this rank we need to get back into first place.

Jacques: Agreed and there's several options that we can do within this lap to get our advantage point back

Josee:....Go on....

* Village (3:03 PM)

(Reality Tv Pros, Unlikely Reality TV Couples, Surfer and Cadets taxi)

Joanne: Okay thanks for the ride (About to open the door until a Komodo dragon pops up on the window) WOAH !

Owen: (From his Taxi) O M G that is terrifying

Izzy: (Takes a picture) Can we adopt one ?

Mac Arthur: Scram lizards ! (Beeps the horn on the car, The dragons scatter) Problem solved

Geoff: (Presses the Don box and grabs the tip) It's an all in to milk your dragon (All the other teams widen their eyes)

Sanders: Can you repeat that ?

Izzy: Woohoo Dragon Milking (Puts on gloves)

Geoff: Woah....we have to do what !

* Jungle (3:03 PM)

Don: That's right just when thought these beasts where harmless....which is a joke cause there obviously dangerous but it turns out there saliva loaded with venom 

Don: So teams must collect vial of Komodo drool and hand it to this kid get their next tip.......wait why would a kid even want Komodo venom for ? (A Komodo dragon pops up behind Don) AHH (Shoves the kid in front of him).......that wasn't on camera right.......

Don: Ummmm that said try to not get bitten incase you do side effects may include headache, Dizziness and being eaten by a Komodo Dragon

* Village (3:09 PM)

(Adversity twins, Fairy tale impostors, Neighbours and Mysterious friends arrive at the village)

Rebecca and Giselle: KOMODO DRAGONS ?

Adam: Hopefully I can talk them into calming down

Jack: I'm sure you can boy (Pats Adam)

Giselle: Stop patting him !

Jack: (Slowly stops)

Xavier: Komodo's that would been an awesome catch...hmmmm

Zayla: (Reads the tip) Still better then my previous trip to Indonesia

Xavier: What happened there ?

Zayla: Long story but it was mostly involved dance, whips and shields


Rebecca: Hey Mickey weren't you immune to venom

Mickey: I am but I'm not immune to bite marks (Worried)

Giselle: I don't think anyone would be

Adam: Not to mention their venom stops blood from clotting so if you get bitten you just die from bleed out.

Jay: (Feels nauseous) 

Adam: I'll stop now

* Taxi (In Traffic) (3:09 PM)

Krystal: (Sits there)


Krystal: Nice view of the jungles huh ?

Ben: Brazil is better (Komodo dragon jumps up on their window, he is not amused)

Krystal: Holy crap that is dangerous !

Ben: Meh fuck danger we all did eventually either from age, diseases or from internet comments.

(The Goths hear Ben from their Taxi)

* Confessional (Goths) (Taxi background)

Ennui: When did Ben become.... so cool ?

* Village (3:12 PM)

Trixie: (Sits on a lawn chair next to Ludwig with Luna on her shoulder)

(Ice Dancers and Animal Lovers head past the village)

Tabby: (Waves) Aren't you two doing the challenge ?

Ludwig: Were still waiting on our partners to get here

Trixie: We took different cabs so they can can talk things out (Puts arm around Ludwig's shoulder while drinking a slushie)

* Jungle (3:14 PM)

Brody: (Carries vial) (Whistles) Here boy.....

(A Sleep Komodo dragon wakes up, She is half tired)

Brody: (Points at the Vial)

Geoff: Wait dude (Runs over to Brody) This might not be the safest idea dude

Brody: Come again ?

Geoff: We don't know how far it can spew it's fire

Brody:.....oh yeah that's why it has the dragon in it's name good call yo

* Confessional (Surfers) (Jungle Background)

Geoff: Number uno Safety Concerno with any dragono is fire breath

Brody: (Thinking) So before we can snag any dragon Venom we gotta put out it's flame.

Geoff: Yep and Izzy told me a great way how to do that back on the Island.

* Jungle (3:17 PM)

Dawn: (Observes a group of Komodo dragons

Tabby: (Looks at the fruit tree next to them)

Giselle: (Walking with Adam) I just think we need to bring some sense back into him he's been treating you so demeaning since Vlad left

Adam: It's not too bad but I should talk to him before it gets out of hand (Notices the group of sleeping Komodo's)

Tabby: You two might want to avoid loud talking the dragons have red aura

Adam: Does that mean there hungry ?

Dawn: Both Hungry, Tired and angry

Adam: Ouch

Tabby: (Grabs two fruits from the tree and gives one to Giselle)

Giselle: Thanks Tabby-kun

Tabby: Your welcome.......if they chew on these for a while there bound to leave some drool on the dirt

Adam: Maybe a tennis or yarn ball would be better

Tabby: heheh Yarn balls would be epic

(Suddenly a fruit is thrown from behind that hits one of the dragons on the head)

Komodo Dragon: (Wakes up, Looks very pissed of)

Giselle: Wait where did that come from ?

(The Komodo Dragons get up and start chasing them off screen)

Josee: (Walks in with Jacques) Too priceless

Jacques: Lets go tamper with some more teams were getting good at it

* Jungle (3:21 PM)

(Adversity Twins and Neighbours are both in the bushes looking at a skull of an Ox that two Komodo dragons are licking)

Rebecca: They look harmless enough

(One dragon then rips off a horn and eats it)

Jay: And I'm done for the episode goodnight everyone (About to walk off but Rebecca Grabs his shirt stooping him from leaving)

Jack: We need to get close to them without getting bitten.......

Mickey: Don't reptiles shed there skin (Points to a whole shedded set of dragon skin left by a previous Komodo dragon)

Jack: Your right 

Mickey: And that gives me a good idea (Looks at Rebecca)

Rebecca: What ?

(Two minutes later)

Mickey: (Is cover in Komodo dragon shedded skin) Why am I wearing this ?

Rebecca: Because like my school friend Lillian your also immune to poison

Mickey: Poison and Venom are sorta I'm not immune to dragon bites...

Jack: He's got a point (Gives Mickey a bottle) Here I collected some of their saliva scent you can have a better chance at blending in with them.

Jay: Yet you didn't take time to actually get the venom ?

Jack: I can't multitask very well (Frowns)

* Jungle (3:24 PM)

Owen: (Sneaks up on a sleeping Komodo dragon and gets the vial out)

Komodo Dragon: (Wakes up and glares at Owen)

Owen: Hehe......(Then runs off and jumps into the bushes) AH

Komodo Dragon: (walks over to the bushes)

Izzy: (Dressed as Leonard, Jumps out of the bushes with a wooden stick) BACK YOU MIGHTY BEASTS !

Brody: (Behind the bushes with Geoff who is holding a fire extinguisher)

(Komodo Dragons bites the point end of Izzy's staff off)

Owen: Maybe you should of been a knight ?

Izzy: Probably.....

Geoff: Have no fear the "Dragon Busters" have got you covered !

Brody: LET IT RIP (Presses the switch which fires foam at the Komodo Dragon)

(The Komodo Dragon is hit by the foam which causes it to cough out venom and fire foam)

Izzy: (Holds her vial out which does get the Komodo Dragon venom)

Brody: (Holds his vial out which ends up getting the fire foam instead of venom

Owen: Done and dusted

Izzy: Dragon slaying rules (Runs off with Owen)

Brody: Wooho Bustin makes me feel good.

Geoff: Lets go find the Donsters now

Brody: Wait (Places the vial down) Don't dragons always have like treasure and princess around there lair

Geoff: Yeah dude Izzy never lies when it comes to her stories bro

Brody: Then lets go after it (Hyped)

(While neither of them are focused the Ice Dancers sneak by and steal their vial)

Geoff: (Unamused) uhhh I don't know my gf will get m-a-d if I go saved some other princess you know what I mean

Brody: Yeah fair enough, (Looks around) Wait where did our venom vial go ?

* Confessional (Jacques and Josee)

(A Gold Bar appears saying at the bottom Jacques and Josee "Ice Dancers")

Josee: I was going to play a mind game with the Surfers but when we saw that vial of venom well stealing it was obviously way better

Jacques: Seems like they don't have minds to play with at all (Laughs)

* Jungle (3:27 PM)

(A Trap is placed in the middle of a field)

Komodo Dragon: (Walks by)

(The Police Cadets appear by the bushes)

Mac Arthur: We Jump at the count of Three......One.......Two.......

* Confessional (Police Cadets) (Forest Background)

Sanders: Were gonna bag a Komodo the same way we nabs the rabbits in Australia

Mac Arthur: If it worked for bunnies why wouldn't it work for deadly venomous man devouring lizards there both animals just like the Rhino in Zimbabwe

* Jungle (3:27 PM)

Sanders: Three

Mac Arthur: FOUR (Jumps out of the bushes) FREEZE YOU GLORIFIED IGUANA'S !

(The Komodo Dragons gather around Mac Arthur Growling)

Sanders: Uhh it's not working we need a Plan B

Mac Arthur: I know just the thing



Mac Arthur: RUN (She and Sanders run away)

(Several Komodo Dragons begin to chase them however one of them step in the trap which holds them up in a net)

Xavier: (Walks out from the bushes and grabs the net)

Zayla: That was far easier then I expected

Xavier: Like old times.....I hate old times (Grabs a sample of venom) (He then drops the net which frees the Komodo Dragon)

(The Komodo Dragon then turns around and chases the two)

Zayla: Did you ever have to deal with this in the old times

Xavier: Sorta !

* Confessional (Xavier And Zayla)

(A Dark Blue Bar appears saying at the bottom Xavier and Zayla "Mysterious Friends")

Xavier: Is that how Komodo dragons show there gratitude

Zayla: We did just trap it in a net

Xavier: True....well at least we got the venom

* Jungle (3:29 PM)

Ludwig: (Places a whole pack of chewing gum onto the ground)

Trixie: (Places another pack of chewing gum onto the ground)

Krystal: (Walks over to them) Where did you get the chewing gum from ?

Ludwig: We brought it from the village candy store so we got the perfect idea to get Komodo venom

Trixie: So how did it go with Ben (Throws all the chewing gum pieces over the bushes where a Komodo dragon catches them and begins chewing it)

Krystal: Awkward....very fucking awkward, I tried to let him down softly about it and help him feel better but nothing worked

Ludwig: He might need some time to himself perhaps

(The Komodo Dragon struggles to eat the chewing gum so it spits it out on the floor and runs off)

Trixie: Bingo

* Jungle (3:31 PM)

Jacques: (Gives the kid the Komodo venom sample) One Komodo drool

Don: Hold on (Grabs the sample off Jacques) (Looks at it)......This is Extinguisher foam !

Josee: No we got that from the rabies infected lizards like you said.

Don: I do not see a single drop of venom from it, First you sabotaged the other teams and now you resort to cheating ?....Try pulling another fast one like this and your out of the race got it !

Jacques: Yes Monsieur.

* Confessional (Josee and Jacques)

(A Gold Bar appears saying at the bottom Josee and Jacques "Ice Dancers")

Jacques: Ugh, How and why did the Surfers get fire extinguisher foam instead of venom......Irony huh Josee ?

Josee: UGHHHHHH I WILL FUCKING DESTROY THEM FOR SABOTAGING US UGHHH ! (Rips the globe wall paper in the background)

* Jungle (3:35 PM)

Noah: (Holding a net while searching for a Komodo dragon)

Joanne: (Continues walking until she trips over a pile of bones) Woah (She then crashes into Noah who both hit the ground) I just slipped on something gross

Noah: (Looks up to see a Komodo Dragon standing in front of them) Lovely......

Komodo Dragon: (Roars until it smells something and then runs away)

Loki: (Walks in with Crimson and Ennui)

Joanne: Did you scared them ?

Crimson: We both wear organic Komodo dragon musk's called Komodorant

Noah: Your making this up aren't you ?

Ennui: (Makes another step which causes more Komodo Dragons to run and scream)


Joanne: Wouldn't that make it more difficult to get the venom if there the ones running away from you ?

Crimson: That's why we came to you guys, We have a offer for you two.

* Dragon Pit (3:36 PM)

Mickey: (Still dressed as a Komodo Dragon he crawls over to a group of Komodo Dragons that are feasting on a pile of red bones) hmmmm's lunch ?

Ben: (Sits in the corner of the pit)

Mickey: Ben ?

Ben: Oh Hey Mickey 

Mickey: Why are you down here ?

Ben: I'm not in the mood 

(A Komodo Dragon stands next to Ben and roars)

Ben: Exactly (Pats the Komodo Dragon) Maybe we were never meant to be

Komodo Dragon: (Roars again to Ben)

Ben: Everyone says that......

Komodo Dragons: (Roars again)

Ben: Really.....dam that's a rough story too bro

Mickey:.....I'm just gonna go (Suddenly another Komodo Dragon sits on him) AH !

Ben: So how do you get over things ? (Looks over to the Komodo Dragon)

Komodo Dragon: (Roars again)

Ben: (Sigh) One day at a time I guess, Well I'm gonna go get a pie to help me feel better take care (Walks off)


(Jack, Jay and Rebecca are in the bushes)

Rebecca: I'm starting to get seconds thoughts about this

Jay: I'm already having thirds thoughts about this.

Adam: (Walks back to the group with Giselle) What'cha doing ?

Jack: Hey Vladam

Giselle: His Name is Adam !

Rebecca: So any luck with (Turns around to see Adam Riding a Komodo Dragon).................Nevermind

Komodo Dragon: (Poker Face)

Jack: (Pokes Dragon)

Komodo Dragon: (Licks Jack)

Jay:...How ?

Adam: Vlad two is fairly docile (Pats the Komodo Dragon)

Rebecca: So we can get all the venom we want from it ?

Giselle: We already got four samples from it, Shall we head onward to glory and victory !

Adam: Wait where's Mickey ?

Jack: Ah crap we sent him down there to get some venom

Adam: (Gasp) (Jumps down the pit)

Mickey: (Several Komodo Dragons have fallen asleep on him) A little help here

Adam: (Facepalm) Why did you have to wear the skin of a female Komodo dragon Mickey (Speaks reptile which causes the other Komodo Dragons to walk off)

* Jungle (3:41 PM)

Shady Kid: (Gives Izzy the Travel tip)

Izzy: (Reads the travel tip) Prepared to meet your Loon.....

Don: It says Loom

Izzy: Forgot Loom I wanna go catch a Loon now ! 

Owen: What's a Loom ?

* Carpet Pile (3:41 PM)

Don: If I'm not interrupted then I can explain it, Indonesia is known for i-cad textiles lots and lots of textiles.

Don: Some where in those massive piles are thirteen Remarkable rugs that bare the globe symbol on it, Each team must find one and then sprint to todays chill zone which coincidentally has a lawn chair next to it.

Don: (Sits down) (Gets a coconut and drinks from it) No rush....except only twelve teams will remain so.....yeah you might want to rush if you can

* Tree (3:42 PM)

Tabby: So how did you get here ?

Sanders: (Points to Mac Arthur) 

Mac Arthur: Hey you never stopped me from doing it

Sanders: You stopped me before I could warn you

Dawn: (Looks around)

(Sanders, Mac Arthur, Dawn and Tabby are all stuck up in a tall tree, Under it several Komodo dragons are there chilling, Some have even prepared a dinner table)

Sanders: Okay maybe when they fall asleep we can make our move them

Tabby: It might be too late if we wait that long....wait Dawn you can win them over right

Dawn: My Aura with Komodo dragons aren't compatible but I'll give it a shot (Slides down the tree and grabs a orange fruit)

(Several Komodo dragons approach dawn)

Dawn: (Gives them the fruit)

(The Komodo Dragons realises Dawn's Aura and then bow before her)

Tabby: Wohoo (Slides down the tree)

Sanders: It worked because of course it does

(The Komodo Dragons allow Dawn and Tabby to get down the tree but then stop the Cadets from doing it)

Mac Arthur: Can you tell your reptilian brotherhood that were friends ?

Tabby:....We could but this is just a game so find your own way down lets go Dawn (Runs off)

Dawn: Wait Tab's (Runs after Her)

Mac Arthur: UGH I freaking knew this would happen

Sanders: You didn't object at the time

Mac Arthur: (Looks down to see more Komodo Dragons) Well this looks like the end for us what should we do now ?

Sanders: It's time for Plan B...... HELP !

Mac Arthur: Great idea...HELP !

* Jungle (3:43 PM)

(Geoff and Brody are in the bushes)

Geoff: Okay were out of foam so we need to find another way to get the venom......Got your body armour on ?

Brody: Helmet check, Plate check, Leggings check (Stands up revealing to be wearing Knight armour) Got that and the Shield (Holds plastic Captain america Shield) 

Geoff: Great that will come in handy against the fire balls (Gives Brody a wooden sword) I got this from the old guy in the cave he said "it's too dangerous to travel alone take this"

Brody: Sweet

(Xavier and Zayla by and stop to catch their breath)

Zayla: Okay I think we lost them

Brody: Sup dudes

Xavier: And we found more....wait what's with the Leonard gear ?

Brody: For the dragons...wait your a hunter right ? (Holding a wooden sword that's painted blue)

Xavier: Former

Geoff: That means you can helps us get the Komodo venom

Zayla: We already got a sample.

Xavier: And we didn't need pixie like elf dresses to get venom, We'll meet you at the chill zone then

Sanders and Mac Arthur: (Voice can be heard from the far distance) HELP !

Geoff: Meh probably some princess

Mac Arthur: Were stuck in a tree and my butts fallen asleep !

Brody: (Gasp) My Princess (Runs off) I'M COMING BABE !

Geoff: (Runs after Brody)

Zayla: We should follow them just to make sure they don't kill themselves (Runs after Geoff)

Xavier: Fair Enough (Runs after them)

* Jungle (3:45 PM)

Komodo Dragon: (Asleep)

Noah: (Throws a coconut at the Komodo Dragon which wake up and growls) Over here you ugly snake (Runs over to a tree and places a bucket under it, he then climbs up the tree and sits at the branch where Loki is)

Loki: (Grabs a acorn and drops them onto the Komodo dragon as it tries to climb up the tree)

Joanne: (In the bushes with Crimson and Ennui) Where did you get the bucket form ?

Ennui: (Doesn't respond)

Komodo Dragon: (It tries to to jump up it but to no avail, The Komodo dragon begins to drool which falls into the bucket)

Joanne: It's working !

* Confessional (Crimson and Ennui)

(A Crimson Bar appears saying at the bottom Crimson And Ennui "Goths")

Crimson: Loki Doesn't know fear.....fear doesn't know Loki

Loki: (Makes low key bunny grunt)

* Jungle (3:49 PM)

Komodo Dragon: (Sees the goths and runs away)

Ennui: Yes smell your defeat coward (Grabs a sample of venom from the bucket)

Noah: (Grabs another sample of venom from the bucket) Pleasure doing business with you.

Josse: (Finds her old rabbits foot on the ground) Destined to return to me sweet bun bun (Picks it up and kisses it)

Jacques:...Gross.....who knows how long it's been decaying for (Looks ahead) Look Josee more teams

Josee: Perfect........Oh Hey....that rabbit of yours is so....

Jacques: Darling

Crimson: Loki isn't darling

Ennui: He's a beacon of Famine and death

Josee: (Laughs) But still isn't it a dangerous idea to have that bunny out here, Those Komodo's are just waiting to gobble him up you should get him out of there while you still can.

Jacques: (Grabs a sample of venom from the bucket while they talk)

Noah: And I take it you want to add another rabbit foot in your collection ?

Josee: (Almost gets triggered) 

Crimson: (Places Loki onto Ennui's Head) We should let Loki speak.....Ennui Link minds with him.

Jacques: Link ?

Loki: (Re opens his eyes)

Ennui: Loki is refusing to leave he suggests you stop bothering us before you lose gold again.

Jacques: Very well then, Thanks for the venom (Runs off with Josee)

* Tree (3:50 PM)

(Komodo Dragons are all around the tree)

Geoff and Brody: (Arrive behind a rock)

Brody: (Gasp) There's so many of them

Geoff: With all that firepower those dragons could light up that tree like a match.....wish we still had the extinguisher

Xavier: (Walks in with Zayla) Komodo Dragons don't breath fire

Geoff: Huh...I guess that makes things slightly easier then

Zayla: There's probably a way to scare them off

Brody: Theres no time ! (Grabs wooden sword and charges)

Geoff: (Runs after Brody)

Xavier: Well there fucked (Zayla walks off)

Brody and Geoff: (Charge at the Komodo dragons) BATTLE TIME ! 

Komodo Dragons: (Turn around)

Brody:.....(Pokes dragon with a wooden sword)

Komodo Dragon: (Bites the wooden sword which snaps in half)

Geoff: Abort the mission.....abort the mission ! (The Dragons surround them)

(Suddenly Taxi cab horn is heard)

Zayla: (Presses Taxi Horn)

Xavier: (Winds up the window)

(Several Komodo Dragons scatter from the tree, One even barfs venom at the window)

Xavier: Charming, Great Idea though

Zayla: Don't thank me it was a quick suggestion from it (Pats the crystal ball)

Sanders: (Climbs down the tree) How did you get a taxi in the jungle ?

Geoff: Meh don't worry about it what matters is where safe now

Sanders: But seriously how ?

Xavier: Best not to ask questions, There's some venom barf on the window for you guys.

Brody: Sweet

* Carpet Pile (3:54 PM)

Don: And with every team upto the carpet challenge right now were not sure what's gonna happen, Oh wait I do (Turns around)

Izzy: (Slides down the carpet pile on a carpet with Owen) TO THE SKY FLYING CARPET SHOW US THE WORLD !



Don: (Moves to the side so he doesn't get run over by the carpet as Owen and Izzy land next to the chill zone) I don't have any words for that.......except congratulations on taking first place Reality TV Pros.

Owen: Yes Finally won a challenge, Nothing can be better than this ?

Izzy: I was hoping to find the flying carpet back there

Owen: Umm we could have a carpet race down the pile again

Izzy: Yes (Jumps onto Owen) Lets go !

Don: I've got nothing.......wait no I see more teams arriving

Don: (Fairy Tale Impostors) Second

Don: (Adversity Twins) Third

Don: (Neighbours) Fourth

Adam: Woohoo Second...that's before fifth right ?

Don: Yes....can I also ask why your riding one ?

Adam: (Still on a Komodo Dragon) Oh I named It Vlad II aka Sir Vladmir the Second.

Jack: Really ?

Adam: Yep and you can take him home if you.......

Don: No one is adopting anymore wild animals on this show, I've had enough warning letters from Meata animal care about that and no kind of security airport will accept a freaking dragons.

Adam: Awwww....(The Komodo Dragon runs off) Wait Vlad II no

Jack: It's cool Vladam at least you tried

Giselle: (Shakes Jack) Can you stop calling him Vladam HE'S NOT A PET !

(Rebecca, Mickey and Jay just stand there like children as they talk)

Don: Okay as dramatic as this footage is I need to change the scene now

Rebecca: Wait I want more screen time (Cuts to the next scene)

* Carpet Pile (3:56 PM)

(Goths, Animal Lovers, Tag Alongs, Abnormals Buddies and Unlikely Reality TV Couple are searching through the carpet pile)

Crimson: (Searches the rug pile)

Dawn: (Searching)

Ben: (Throws carpet behind him)

(Ice Dancers arrive)

Jacques: (Girly gasp as he barely misses the thrown carpet)

Josee: Find one quick were in the bottom right now (Runs into the pile)

Krystal: (Climbs out of pile) Nothing (Jumps into another).....I see a turtle on this rug.

Ludwig: (Looks at one rug) Hey Ben this one is from one of your movies ?

Ben: Probably I know Indonesia redubbed my voice for some reason.

Jacques: (Kicks the carpet pile)

(The entire pile of Carpets begin to fall down like a stack of cards)

(Everyone is now buried in the carpet)

Ludwig: Why did everyone just go dark ?

Joanne: I have no idea where I am

Josee: (Grabs a ridonculous carpet at the top of the pile)

Trixie: (Pops out of the carpet pile) REALLY !

Josee: Ciao (Waves and walks off)

Trixie: (Gets up) Get back here Josee

Josee: Rainbow !

Trixie:...........(Starts Smiling goofly and the hops away into the giant pile)

(Surfers, Cadets and Mysterious Friends arrive)

Zayla: A Giant garbage dump of carpets....this is just sad now.

Jacques: Au Revoir Axis traitors enjoy garbage (Runs off with Josee)

Mac Arthur: Ugh the Ice scum are ahead of us start searching !

* Chill Zone (4:00 PM)


Don: Yes you see four other teams beat you here thus your in fifth place

Josee: UGH (Swings the carpet around which hits Jack And Jacques) UGH, UGH !

Giselle: Calm down Josee.....

Mickey: What was that thud noise back there it sounded like a tree

Josee: Oh That noise we just knocked the entire competition down

Giselle: You didn't......

Josee: I've told you before I will reach the podium one way or another ! (Walks off) (Jacques gets up and follows)

Don: (Police Cadets) Sixth

Don: (Mysterious Friends) Seventh

Don: (Surfer Dudes) Eighth

* Carpet Pile (4:02 PM)

Ludwig: (Climbs out of the pile) Almost drowned in Pie carpet

Loki: (Drags a Ridonculous Carpet out of the pile)

Luna: (Jumps out of the pile and falls on Loki) Mewo (Telepathic: Boop)

Loki: (Grunts) (Translation: Get off me)

Trixie: (Begins to recklessly throw carpets around)

Ben: (Climbs out of the pile and catches a rug) Sweet

Trixie: (Suddenly a rug pops form the ground above her and knocks her down the pile)

Joanne: (Climbs out from the rug) Is it safe ?

Crimson: It is now (Picks up another rug)

Ludwig: (Barely catches Trixie as she falls) That was close

Trixie: (Wakes up back to conscious) It happened again didn't it (Frowns) STUPID JOSEE

Krystal: Oh there so going to pay for messing with us

Trixie: If we make it out of today alive

Ben: Not really a problem you actually separated all the ridonculous carpets from the pile.

(Every team in the area grabs a carpet each and runs off)

Trixie: We gotta move !

* Chill Zone (4:06 PM)





Crimson And Ennui: (Running)






Dawn And Tabby: (Running)






Ben And Ludwig: (Running)







Noah And Joanne: (Running)







Krystal and Trixie: (Running)








Don: And.........




Don: (Unlikely Reality Tv Couple reach the chill Zone) Ninth

Don: (Tag Alongs reach the chill Zone) Tenth

Don: (Abnormal Buddies reach the chill Zone) Eleventh

Don: (Goths reach the chill Zone) And Second Last place Goths

Tabby: (Arrives with Dawn Exhausted) Are we too late ?

Don: Sadly Tabby yes...

Dawn: (Sigh) I Guess this is why today's aura felt duller then usual

Don: In fact you brought the wrong carpet with you

Tabby: (Places their teams rug down which reveals to have cats on it rather then a Ridonculous one) Meh I'm still keeping it

Don: Keep it or not I'm afraid your the last team to arrive so your out of the race.

Tabby: Even so this was still the best experience of my life (She and Dawn both hug)

* Montage (Dawn And Tabby)

Dawn: Well I probably shouldn't of skipped today's tea leave prediction but it doesn't matter we played a fair game and got this far.

Tabby: I'm still glad we did this seeing the world race for a amazing experience Belgium Chocolate......Finland Spa's and even a Space Station

Don: Yeah I'm still paying off the budget form that episode...carry on

Tabby: I kinda forgot what I was going to say now.........This montage thing was too sudden............

Dawn: We stuck with mother Earth all the way and made a lot of new acquaintances that we hope to cross paths with one day.

* Chill Zone

(The Komodo Dragon Adam left back at the Chill Zone offers a ride to Dawn and Tabby)

Dawn: I'm heading back to the tree house once we get home are you up for tea leaves again ?

Tabby: Sure also do you have any phone credit by any chance ?

Dawn: I don't use phones...... But if you want to invite Rock then I can send a owl to message him

Tabby: Yay

* Credits

(Camera Flies around the Place)

(Camera Shows the Air Port)

Attendant: (Stands There)

(All Thirty Pairs Run Past the Attendant)

(Camera Follows the Pairs into the Plane)

Noah And Emma: (Standing by the Bathroom door talking)

Owen: (Charges Past and Accidentally knocks them Over as he Closes the Bathroom Door)

Emma: (Gets Up)

Kitty: (Taking a Selfie With Lorenzo And Chet Who are Glaring at each Other)

(The Photo Shows Chet about to Tackle Lorenzo)

Emma: (Takes Phone off Kitty And Throws it out the plane window)

(Camera Follows the Phone Free Falling)

Mickey And Jay: (Are In Mid Air Using a Parachute)

(The Phone Hits their Parachute and they Crash land into the Ocean of Australia)

Shawn: (Rides By on A Emu Going Very Fast)

Jasmine: (Climbs Up Ayers Rock)

Calvin: (Already at the top of the Rock Eating Vegemite)

Cory: (Throws Boomerang)

(The Camera Follows the Boomerang All the Way to Brazil)

Chef: (Swings Across the Cliff on A Vine Holding Chris)

(Boomerang flies by and cuts the Rope)

Chef And Chris: (Fall down into the River)

(Boomerang Continues to Fly)

Laurie, Miles, Dawn and Tabby: (All Sit their Meditating)

(The Boomerang Flies to a Icy Field)

Josee And Jacques: (Skating Away)

Jake And Sydney: (Tries to Skate past them but the Boomerang knocks them out)

Josse And Jacques: (Then Leap into the air this changes the scene to France Where they Gracefully land on the Carpet)

Giselle: (Happily Sighs at Jacques)

Adam.W: (Frowns And But then Gets Idea)

Adam.W: (He and Giselle Run down the Street)

Tom And Jen: (Checking the Clothing Bags they Brought)

Adam.W: (Rushes by with Giselle Causing clothes to fly out of the bag and land on Tom and Jen)

Jen: (Is Now Wearing Tom's Clothes)

Tom: (Is Now Wearing Jen's Clothes)

Adam.W: (Puts his Hand over the Camera and then moves it changing the scene from France to a Beach)

Geoff: (Surfs by on a Surf Board)

Brody: (Crashes his Surf Board and Lands on Ellody and Mary)

Devin: (Gets out of the Water)

Carrie: (Hugs Devin)

Devin: (Is Confused)

Geoff: (Puts His Hat over the Camera Channing the Scene of a Beach to Transylvania)

Gerry: (Holding a Flash Light)

Crimson And Ennui: (Pop Up from a Coffin)

Pete: (Gets a Heart Attack from their Sudden Pop up)

Pete: (Gets up)

Leonard: (Aims His Wand at Crimson And Ennui)

Tammy: (Plays Ocarina)

Crimson: (Stares at the Camera until the Scene Changes to A Desert)

Zane And Sarah: (Spying on People)

Axel and Tori: (Climb onto a Camel and then jump off it and grab onto a Pyramid's Ledge

Sarah: (Ships it)

Noah.M: (Slides down the Pyramid and Knocks Axel and Tori off it)

Joanne: (Looks Annoyed at Noah.M)

Noah.M: (Shrugs)

Trixie And Ludwig: (Drive By on a Dune Buggies racing each other)

Krystal and Ben: (Run After The Dune Buggies Since there controlling it)

Zane: (Ships it)

Krystal: (Throws Pie at Zane)

(The Camera follows the Dune Buggies as they arrive at the Train Station)

Sanders: (Gives Ludwig and Trixie A Speeding ticket)

Mac Arthur: (Places Wanted Poster of the ice Dancers on the wall and then kicks the train door down)

Harold: (Picks his Nose)

Steve: (Drops Smoke Bomb)

(The Smoke Covers the Screen which changes the location to a Rock Concert)

Dwayne: (Is backstage practising Air guitar but is doing it terribly

Dwayne Jr: (Facepalms)

(Rock, Spud, Adam.T, Oskar, Beardo and Trent are all seen on the stage rocking it out)

(Purple Fire then appears behind them)

Rock: (Does a Stage Dive)

Trent: (Stage Dives)

Spud: (Stages Dives for Choco Oink)

Adam.T: (Is Tackled by Fan Girls)

Oskar: (Small laugh Until his Guitar catches on Fire)

Beardo: (Mimics Bow Noise)

Xavier And Zayla: (Are on the roof)

Xavier: (Fires a Zip Line bow and then zip lines down on it)

Zayla: (Looks into the Crystal Ball)

(The Crystal Ball glows Pink)

(The Camera then zooms into the Crystal Ball and then zooms out showing the Airport again with All 31 teams outside posing)

Don: (Gets Camera out and takes a Picture)

Super Jack And Rebecca: (Jump into the Camera at the last second to be in the Photo)

(The Screen then flashes With the Words in Gold Saying " The Remarkable Race")

Episode 24: Rome Around[]

Rome Around
Season 3, Episode 24
Date United States: 16th November 2016

Australia: 17th November 2016

World Location Flores, Indonesia → Tuscany, Italy → Rome, Italy
Challenge(s) * Crush grapes until you fill up 5 bottles of Grape vine.
  • Make your way through the Colosseum Maze
Winner(s) Read And Find Out
Eliminated Read And Find Out
Episode Guide
"How To Restrain Your Dragon"
"Viva Lost Vegas"

(The Remarkable Race logo Appears for Two Seconds and then goes to the Intro)'

Don: Last time on the Remarkable Race !''''

Don: The final twelve teams went to Flores Indonesia...there were dragons....and venom....great displays of stupidity (cough) I mean bravery and a tad strange bit of cuddling, The Dancers made a dirty play for gold but The New Reality Tv Pros''''

Izzy: E-Scope !'

Don: The name has already been decided on episode one...Anyway Izzy and Owen won and the Ice Dancers got silver by a landslide....which they caused and sadly one of my favourite teams the Animal lovers were sent home after failing to make it into the top twelve'

Don: But todays a new day and anything can happen because this is...............'........THE REMARKABLE RACE !'(Winks the Sparkle flashes at the Screen Which goes to the Opening)

  • Opening

(The Camera Shows a Globe Until A Ticket Appears which then Zooms in and Changes to Five Columns, One of A Snowy Background, City Background, Desert Background,Jungle Background And Mountain Background)

Snow: (The Shadows of Owen, Noah, Mickey, Jay, Krystal, Trixie, Ludwig, Ben, Josse, Jacques, Beardo And Trent Can be Seen Running in the Blue Background)'

City: (The Shadows of Tom, Jen, Zane, Sarah, Emma, Kitty, Devin, Carrie, Jack, Rebecca, Ellody, Mary, Calvin And Cory Can be Seen Running in the Purple BackGround)'

Desert: (The Shadows of Axel, Tori, Tabby, Dawn, Shawn, Jasmine, Zayla, Xavier, Rock, Spud, Oskar And Adam.T Can be Seen Running In the Yellow Back Ground)'

Jungle: (The Shadows of Chef, Chris, Laurie, Miles, Chet, Lorenzo, Adam.W, Giselle, Ennui, Crimson, Brody and Geoff Can be Seen Running In the Green BackGround)'

Mountain: (The Shadows of Dwayne, Dwayne Jr, Jake, Sydney, Noah.M, Joanne, Tammy, Leonard, Pete, Gerry, Steve, Harold, Sanders And Mac Arthur Can Be Seen Running In The Orange BackGround)

(The Camera Then Goes Back to the World Map where Dots appear on certain Countries and Begin Connecting to other Countries)

(A Photo a France, Australia, Mexico and Japan Are placed down)

(Then The Camera Changes to Three Columns One of a Plane, Train And Bus)

(A Taxi Then Drives Up and the Camera Zooms into A Pitch Black Screen)

(The Image of Each Pair Appear with Their Team Colour background on the Screen All together There Are Five Rows)

Top Row: Rock/Spud, Jake/Sydney, Ellody/Mary, Jay/Mickey, Jacques/Josse, Oskar/Adam.T'

2nd Top Row: Calvin/Cory, Sarah/Zane, Ben/Ludwig, Krystal/Trixie, Tom/Jen, Brody/Geoff'

Mid Row: Harold/Steve, Carrie/Devin, Leonard/Tammy, Giselle/Adam.W Jasmine/Shawn, Beardo/Trent'

2nd Bottom Row: Joanne/Noah.M, Rebecca/Jack, Laurie/Miles, Emma/Kitty, Owen/Noah, Gerry/Pete, Xavier/Zayla'

Bottom Row: Crimson/Ennui, Axel/Tori, Chet/Lorenzo, Sanders/Mac Arthur, Dwayne/Dwayne Jr. Dawn/Tabby, Chef/Chris

(The Screen Then Flashes To a Globe With The Title "The Remarkable Race" on it)

  • Starting Point (9:00 PM)

Don: Welcome back the Remarkable Race were currently at yesterdays chill zone in Flores Indonesia were the Reality Tv Pros are still giddy from their latest and first ever win are waiting for their first travel tip !

Owen: (Presses the Don box and grabs the tip)......(Reads it) Book the next flight to Tuscany located in central Italy.......YES ITALIAN FOOD AT LAST !

Izzy: Leaning tower of Pizza, Gladiator arena's (Smiles) Wish I brought my fake moustache

Don: (Looks at the camera) Just go to the globe montage

  • Globe

(The Camera zooms out of Indonesia and moves North West to Italy)

(A Picture of the Italian flag appears in the background)

Don: Ahhh Italia the Boot of the World map.....hahaha just kidding

(A Picture of a Ferrari speeding down the highway with a bowl of pasta on top of it's hood is shown)

Don: Famous for it's sport cars, enchanting art and culture and as Owen would call it FOOD !

  • Tuscany Airport (3:00 PM)

Don: (Walks out of the airport) Teams must take flight down to Tuscany where they will find the next don box waiting for them (The Don Box is painted grey like the statue of David).....Okay seriously who is behind all of the Don box changes ?

  • Starting Point (9:15 PM)

(A eleven spilt screen shows in order of Fairy Tale Impostors, Adversity Twins, Neighbours, Ice Dancers, Police Cadets, Mysterious Friends, Surfer Dudes, Unlikely Reality Tv Couple, Tag Along, Abnormal buddies and Goths all collecting a travel tip and then heading off screen)

  • Airport (9:22 PM)

Zayla: (Buys a plane ticket)

Xavier: (Reads the tickets) Back seats.......oh come on !

Sanders: (looks at her ticket) Huh second seat closest to the back, behind you guys.

Mac Arthur: (Looks back to Xavier and Zayla and shows them there plane ticket) Ha get use to the view cause that's all your going to beating you to the chill Zone !

Zayla: I'd rather avoid that horrible view (Sanders chuckles)

Xavier: Think your gonna beat us ?

Mac Arthur: Without a doubt !

Xavier: 20 Bucks to whoever gets the higher rank out of the two of us

Mac Arthur: Double if one of us win today

Xavier: Deal !

Zayla: (Looks at Sanders) One of our teams are going to end up broke after this round huh ?

Sanders: Probably....

Brody: (Walks over to the counter with Geoff) (Puts on a Italian accent) Ah buongiorno good sir two tickets to Italia please

Attendant: (Slowly gives Brody the tickets and then proceeds to walk off)

Geoff: Woah nice voice Brod's how did you learn German ?.....

Brody: It's a accent I picked up from my grandparents, My grandmother taught me Italian as my second language

Geoff: That's actually pretty cool dude

(Police Cadets and Neighbours walk by)

Brody: (Sees Mac Arthur) Mamamia that's one spicy meatball

Rebeeca: Meatball ?


  • Confessional (Geoff) (Airport Background)

Geoff: Brody hasn't had a lot of girlfriends...or any at all so he doesn't know any of the basic rules of getting a girl to notice you or the basics of relationship development like never eat a triple deep fried garlic and onion sandwich before a kiss of course unless she was born without a nose if so your all good.

  • Airport (9:23 PM)

Adam and Jack: (Sigh)

Noah: What are you two weeping about now ?

Giselle: They miss Vlad....for the third episode now (Annoyed)

Rebecca: Vlad no they missed Vlad II since he left yesterday

Mickey: I take it I'm the only one who's glad to be away from them ?

Giselle: Well we can't have these two moan about it all day we have bigger issues

Joanne: We should talk about it at the back of the plane since this airport is pretty small (Owen is eating loudly next to them)

Giselle: Good Point (grabs Adam and Jack by the ear) Lets go

  • Confessional (Ludwig) (Airport Background)

Ludwig: Yesterday our team had a awkward problem with the Abnormal buddies which was starting to work until Ice Dancers magnified It....Trixie's most likely going to freak out again since Josse knows her trigger word, Ben's still working on getting over it and Krystal is Krystal.

  • Air Port (9:25 PM)

Ludwig: (Places a coin into the vending machine)

Krystal: Hey can we trade seats my ticket doesn't mention the cookie dispenser button on the chair

Ludwig: Is that really what you want to ask ?

Krystal: One of them, But we have a bigger problem

Ludwig: Ice Dancers.

Krystal: There going to abuse the power of that word and there's no way there going to stop that we need to get them eliminated.

Ludwig: (Shrugs) So sabotage then ?

Krystal: If that gets rid of them before the end of this race yes, They messed with the carpet pile but more important is they messed with my Abnormal buddy.

Noah: (Grabs Ludwig's goggles from the back of his head and pulls them back) Sabotage you say ?

Ludwig: (The goggle strap hits him in the back of the head) Ouch, You over heard us ?

Noah: Your forgetting what I am capable off Lud.

Krystal: Should I pie him ?

Ludwig: Later, Noah your a master of staging eliminations how can we get rid of the Ice Inhalers ?

Noah: Hey Jack

Jack: Yeah

Noah: Over here

Jack: Are we having a secret conversation ?

Noah: I have a small alliance going on 

Jack: We have a small alliance going on !

Noah: Sorry not used to team work

Ludwig: You never said sorry before ?

Noah: You never needed help in sabotaging before this show has changed things

Krystal: So you'll help us ?

Noah: Yes and No

Ludwig: No ?

Noah: I'm not getting back into the habit of sabotaging for the rest of the season, But I can give you some ideas if you want to do it.

Krystal: Just trigger Josee ?

Noah: That's one way but just ensure that you've finished your challenge first before halting theirs, If all else fails just run for it to the chill zone.

Jack: (Puts coins into the vending machine, grabs a box of choco oinks) (Finds a cookie of a Dragon and a Dog in the box) Vlad....

Ludwig: I'm not gonna ask how that was possible

Krystal: So your alliance can we hop in on that bandwagon ?

Noah: If your a fan of the Fairy tale Impostors.

Krystal: Umm not really we'll just work on Sabotaging the Ice Dancers and help Ben and Trixie back up.

Noah: Suit yourselves (Walks off) Jack u coming ?

Jack: (Finishes eating cookies) Can I stop at the comic store at the airport (Follows Noah)

Ben: (Walks by with a stack of comics) (He sits down and reads them) Hmm What's new in Cardboardlandia issue #21 (Notices he's sitting next to the Goths)

Ennui: Seeking comfort for your tortured soul with visual literature......? (Feeds Loki Lettuce)

Ben:......Have you ever considered poetry ?

Crimson: I can already see the light in there have you gotten over the despair of rejection ?

Ben: You mean Krystal yeah we talked things out for now I'm just going to focus on my acting career heck some actors hook up after or during the filming (Laughs as he flips the page)

Ennui: Imaginative......

* Confessional (Crimson and Ennui)

(A Crimson bar appears at the bottom saying Crimson and Ennui "Goths")

Crimson: To think we were even thinking about allying with him

  • Airport (9:27 PM)

Ben: Say I recall wearing white make up that you two are wearing in one of my horror films.

Crimson: Our make up isn't a movie prop

Ben: I know just asking since I told you my story I was thinking about getting to know yours

Ennui: You will never understand our story.

Ben: Ahhh so edgy (Smirks)

Loki: (Does a unnatural roar at Ben)

Ben:..........(Picks up his book and dashes off)

  • Cargo Hold (9:28 PM)

Jay: (Watches video on his bananna pad)

Rebecca: What are you watching ?

Jay: Just a trailer for Beta City, Mickey isn't allowed to watch it though since he got a seizure while watching the first few episodes.

Rebecca: Oh

Jay: So since were all in a alliance does that mean were friends

Rebecca: If you want sure

Jay: (Smiles) Sweet

(Adam, Giselle, Jack, Joanne, Mickey and Noah arrive)

Joanne: You guys got here early ?

Jay: Just having a conversation and talking about the friendship of this alliance

Joanne: Yeah by this point we've all became good friends right

Giselle: (Nods)

Adam: Yep

Jack: Vlad !

Noah: Yeah sure....

Joanne: (Nudge Noah)

Noah: Yes fine were friends

  • Confessional (Noah) (Cargo Background)

Noah: Competitions aren't really the place I like to make friends at since it can lead to emotion over gameplay.....but I actually met Joanne on my first show and after Iceland playing one fair game with her will make her happy and prove I'm not really a horrible person here to fuck with other peoples lives despite what Alex, Lara, Cornelia, Johan, Monica and a whole list of people who beg to differ. Pff I guess I've started to warm up to this group.....don't ever mention this 

Don: You do realises your having this confessional within the same area as them

Joanne: (Hugs Noah from behind) Can't escape the power of friendship

Jack: (Waves in the background) Hi Vlad

Noah: (Facepalm)

  • Cargo Hold (9:28 PM)

Adam: In Italy can we get another Vlad ?

Jack: Gelato Vlad....sounds delicious actually

Mickey: Are they still on about Vlad ?

Giselle: (Smacks Adam and Jack with a toy chicken) NO MORE VLAD, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want to be watching the show right now hearing you both gloat over him non stop

Noah: We have bigger fish to fry at the moment, two teams are being harassed by the Ice Dancers cause they found out about "That word" They also caused the carpet pile to fall which got Tabby eliminated.

Giselle: And we need to think about the possibility that we can't redeem them and there going to wipe them out Like the poor Vegans....WHERE'S THE JUSTICE IN THIS RACE ?

Jack: Justice........(Gets up) (Jay holds up a flag behind Jack, The flag is orange with mask and a fist in the middle of the flag) Justice is always watching and it will find the right time to punish those Icicles, People today we must be the justice that cuts them out of the race.


Rebecca: (Claps)

Joanne: That was impressive

Jack: Was it.....I was audition for the Chronicles of Beta City on the online page, Ben told me about his contract with them while we were in New Zealand.

Mickey: (Frowns) Again seizure......

Adam: So what was the actual plan ?

Jay: (Shrugs)

  • Plane (9:29 PM)

Owen: (Presses button) (Cookie appears) Hahhahahh This one has dispensable food awesome

Trixie: (Voice from a distance) Damit !

Josee: (From the Seat behind Owen) I wouldn't eat too many of those otherwise you won't be able to keep first place

Izzy: Back away reality demons (Throws water bottle at Josee)

Jacques: What was that ?

Izzy: Hahaha your both poison to people so that water should cleanse you

Owen: From that burn too

  • Confessional (Owen) (Plane Background)

Owen: Izzy has always been that awesome and funny (Eats cookie) But after World tour I've been hesitant on where we stand since we broke up and I was devastated for the whole time in Jamaica (Frowns)

Don: From what Noah told me you were going to dump her anyway ?

Owen: You can hears Noah's voice !?

Don: It's called live stream comments Owen

  • Plane (9:30 PM)

Josee: (Grunts) They've been floating around this show since Antarctica At least the Vegans and Parkour Artists knew when to go away unlike them (Watches Owen and Izzy in the seats infront of them) And Porky Police (Sees Mac Arthur and Sanders in the seats on the opposite side of the plane)

Mac Arthur: What's Icezilla that can't hear you over the sound of winning Twenty Bucks ?

Jacques: Relax Josee we got a effective strategy against the Abnormals

Josee: Good point (Looks around) Say does anyone see that rainbow outside ?

(No one reacts)

Josee: (Looks up from her seat) There's a rainbow outside Everyone !

Jay: Some people are trying to sleep be quiet (Adam high fives him)

Trixie: (Listen to music on the air flight headphones) 

Josse: You win this round...........

  • Tuscan Airport (3:30 PM)

(The Italian Time Zone Is Six Hours behind Indonesia)

Attendant: (Opens the door)

(The door slams open crushing the attendant)

Sanders: Should we be concerned about her ?

Mac Arthur: No time hush (Running)

Brody: LET'S A GO ! (Mario Jumps out of the plane door)

(Surfer Dudes, Police Cadets, Goths, Reality TV Pros, Mysterious Friends and Ice Dancers all run out of the terminal)

Josee: (Presses the Don Box and grabs the tip) (Reads it) "Stomp Don't Chomp" Head to the fresh vineyards out in Siena and prepare to form another super team....Oh great cooperation again

  • Vine Yard (3:30 PM)

Don: Just when you thought I forgot about the super team challenges here we are again, Italy is home to some of the oldest wine-producing regions in the world and is the largest wine producer by volume making it's wine exports really popular Among locals and globally (Drinks a glass of grape wine) Luckily for our teams it's around harvest time in Siena so teams must team up with one other team to collect and stomp grapes fresh from the vineyard until they make five bottles of grape wine, They can even have their team logo on the drinks if anyone is interested in buying them. Like Spain there is a zip it ticket hidden deep inside the vineyard find it and you can dash for the chill zone. 

  • Taxi (Police Cadets) (3:35 PM)

Sanders: So Mac Arthur notice anything lately within our alliance ?

Mac Arthur: All I know is that Xavier is going to owe me Twenty bucks after this lap

Sanders: Besides that.

Mac Arthur: What are you trying to get to missy ?

Sanders: Perhaps you've caught eye onto something...going on

Mac Arthur: Your talking about Zayla's ninja dress right ? first of all it's a gypsy robe

Mac Arthur: (Shrugs) Then your talking about Brody

Sanders: Yeah you are aware he has a crush on you

Mac Arthur: Hehe I knew he had the hots for me since Spain....can't blame him though who wouldn't want a piece of the this (Points to her glutes)

Sanders: Probably everyone else in the race

Mac Arthur: Ha your envy is showing (Pats Sanders on the head) 

Sanders: So is your cockiness

  • Taxi (Abnormal Buddies) (3:42 PM)

Trixie: (Holds Gelato cone)

Krystal: So how are you holding up ?

Trixie: Worried that the Ice Dancers know now about that word but I feel better now, So how's the Tag's going ?

Krystal: Ben's still recovering which sucks cause I miss the old him and Wig's fine me and him are trying to find a way to get rid of Jacques and Josee so we just got some advice of Noah.

Luna: (Telepathic: Burn them Perhaps ?)

Trixie: Funny but no

  • Taxi (Adversity Twins, Neighbours, Fairy Tale Impostors and Unlikely Reality TV Couple) (3:49 PM)

Noah: Okay can someone tell me how we got into this (All of them are crammed into the Taxi)

Adam: I counted eight seats

Rebecca: There's only four seats Adam

Adam: Is eight less or more then Four ?

Jay: Doubled......Good thing Josee isn't here doesn't she hate cramped spaces.

Giselle: Enclosed but yes.

  • Confessional (Mickey and Jay) (Taxi background) (3:52 PM)

Mickey: At the start of this we've been unsure about actually making it past the first three episodes.

Jay: But now that we have a win in Belgium made alliance with a great cast of friends

Mickey: Heck for the first time while I'm outside I've felt comfortable and safe.....I still miss Kitty (Frowns)

Rebecca: Mewo

Mickey: AHHH Wait how did you get in here ?

Rebecca: Your filming the confessional in a taxi, were all in here.

Jay: Awkward

Adam: So how did things go with Kit Mick ?

Mickey: Well back in Zimbabwe we both made plans to go to the cinemas after the show, She also texted me while we were in the Arctic circle....though my phone froze and broke while we were up there.....

  • Taxi (Mysterious Friends) (3:56 PM)

Xavier: (Asleep)

Zayla: (Places the crystal ball onto her lap and pats it) So....what's your thoughts on when I should make my move on him ?

Crystal Ball: (Text: Well I don't know when it's not the right time too)

Zayla: Your telling me now is not the time ?

Crystal Ball: (Text: It wouldn't be inaccurate for me to assume that I couldn't actually not say that answer is or is not partially incorrect

Zayla: Wait so this is a good time to make a move ?

Crystal Ball: (Text: On the contrary I'm possibly more or less not totally not deconfirming it but there is no way with that much uncertainty that I do or do not know how to answer that question, If that also comes into factor if you plan ask him out when he is not there)


  • Confessional (Zayla)

Zayla: The sad part is that the crystal ball isn't the dumbest thing in my family then again knowing my father it's not surprising that the ball is like this......Mac Arthur told me this trick but it might involve triggering the balls reactions.

Xavier: (Wakes) Balls have reactions ?


  • Vineyard (4:00 PM)

(Taxis arrive)

Josee: There's the vineyard

Jacques: (Looks around and smells the grapes on the vine) Ahh quite the refreshing place

Owen: (Pops up infront of the Ice Dancers)

Jacques: AHHH now it's horrifying

Izzy: Want to team up ?

Jacques: With you rotten fruit please

Owen: Hmm I could sure got for fruit right now

Josee: It's a super team Jacques we have to !

Izzy: Yep and I need my E-scope recruits for the challenge so GET TO IT (places army helmets on them)

Xavier: (Exits taxi with Zayla)

Mac Arthur: (Exits Taxi with Sanders)

Xavier: Do I have to say it ?

Mac Arthur: Nope

Sanders: Then lets get to it. (The four of them head off)

Brody: Awww too late (Runs in)

Geoff: Relax dude we just gotta wait for (Sees the Goths Arrive) And Boom

Crimson: (Looks around)......Fine...

Brody: (Pats Loki) Awww cute bunny

Loki: (Tries to slap Brody but misses)

Geoff: Alright now lets go stomp some tomatoes (He and Brody run off into the vineyard while the Goths just slowly follow them)

Ennui: This is going to be a long day.

  • Vineyard (4:07 PM)

(Adam, Mickey,  Xavier, Mac Arthur, Jacques, Owen, Rebecca, Noah, Brody, Crimson, Krystal and Ludwig are in the vine yard collecting grapes)

Mickey: (Picking grapes out from the vinewall)

Adam: (Eats grapes)

Mickey: (Whacks Adam's hand away from the grapes)

Adam: Sorry

  • Grape Gallery (4:11 PM)

(There are six giant barrels full of grapes, under the barrel is a tap with five empty glass bottles)

(Jay and Giselle are atop of grape barrel #1, Zayla and Sanders are atop of Grape barrel #2, Josee and Izzy are atop of grape barrel #3, Jack and Joanne are atop of grape barrel #4, Geoff and Ennui are atop of Grape barrel #5 and Trixie and Ben are atop of Grape barrel #6)

Jay: My feet already hurt

Giselle: Amazing how they managed to do this all day long, (Notices the squashed grape over her shoes) I better take these off then

Jay: Weren't you meant to take those off before going into the barrel ?

Sanders: (Jumps down at the grapes) Ever had to do this while you were in Europe

Zayla: I watched a event similar to this but no.

Sanders: How would they even like foot flavoured grape wine ?

Zayla: Well they wouldn't like shoe prints on it

Josee: (Stomps on grapes) Ugh this is stupid !

Izzy: (Instead of stomping she is punching the grapes) IZZY SMASH (Is covered in purple) Hahah just kidding though this is way funner then last challenge.

  • Vineyard (4:16 PM)

Jacques: (Plucks a few more grapes from the vinewall) That should be another fifty lets go find Josee's barrel

Owen: Hey Jacks Can I ask you a question

Jacque: It's Jacques and why me ?

Owen: Cause we both similar sounding voices plus you and Josee are a thing ?

Jacques: Were partners

Owen: In love ?

Jacques: In Ice Skating !.....Wait are you and Izzy a thing ?

Owen: We were until world tour when she said we weren't compatible and we both called things off...but lately we've been rekindling again but we've already broken up in the past for not being compatible

Jacques: Then wouldn't it be a waste of time if you both already know that neither of you are good for each other

Owen: Maybe.......

Jacques: (Notices their grape bags have bee cut from the bottom) (Gasp) Did you do this !?

Owen: Were on the same super team why would I ?

Jacques: Good point (Looks around)

Owen: You watch I'll gather them (Picks up the grapes on the floor)

Krystal: (Puts scissors away)

Ludwig: And that should keep him occupied for a while (Gathers grapes in two different bags)

Krystal: How come you have two ?

Ludwig:...Ones for the challenge the other is for a surprise

Krystal: Does it involve Pie ?


Krystal: Wait does it actually ?

Xavier: (Picks grapes from the vinewall) 

Mac Arthur: Does grape plucking come from your hunting skills ?

Xavier: No but I have done foraging in the past plus the survivors showed me a bit of it after the Moroccan your aware that Brody has the hots for you ?

Mac Arthur: Well duh who do you think I am Devin ?

Loki: (Hops over Xavier and grabs the grapes he was about grab)

Xavier: Oi you little fluff (Loki jumps off his Head)

Crimson: (Picks up Loki)

Brody: Hey dude "It's a me" !

Xavier: Stop with the accent

Brody: Okay


Noah: (Picks up bag full of grapes) Care to help by any chance or just stand there ?

Rebecca: I have allergy issues with grapes so I can't touch them.

Jay: Allergies ?

Rebecca: Long story

Jay: (Struggles to pull a vine of grapes off the fence) A little help here this one is stuck

Adam: (Helps Jay pull the vine but nothing is happening) Super grapes.....back up !

Rebecca: (Shrugs)

Noah: (Helps Adam and Jay pull the vine which snaps causing them to crash into the grape vine fence behind them)

Adam: Got it (Hears a domino effect behind)

(The grape fence they fell back into falls over and tips over another fence)

Mac Arthur: (Walks back) Okay that's another basket full now go take these back (Hears something) ?

Xavier: (Picks grapes until he hears the fence) Huh ?


(The vine fence falls on Xavier and Mac Arthur)


Adam: Our bad !

Jay: Bail ?

Noah: (Looks at Adam) (They both run over to pull the fence up)

Brody: (Gasp) Babe, Bro number two nooooooo (Runs over and tries to pull the fence up)

Loki: (Grabs the fence and throws it up)

Adam: What type of carrots has he been eating...I want some

Loki: (Grunts at Adam) (Voice: Don't you dare stereotype me with eating carrots)

Mac Arthur: (Climbs out from under the fence) Okay who's the wise one to pull that off.

Adam: (Points to Noah)

Noah: (Points to Adam)

Loki: (Points to Mickey)

Xavier: (Climbs out from the fence) (Has grapes splatted over his face) Doesn't matter I'm going back to go check on the bottle progress

  • Grape Gallery (4:27 PM)

Xavier: (Walks over to the barrel and pours all the grapes from his bag into it) How many bottles have we filled  ?

Sanders: We've filled up three bottles just two more to go.

Josee: At Last !

Jacques: (Carries a bag of grapes in) Are we done ?

Owen: (Picks up all five bottles of grape wine) Uno (Forgets the other numbers) Ummmm.....Duo.....Tree....Quato and Five, Five bottles !

Izzy: (Opens up one bottle of grape wine and drinks it) (She then burps out the tip)

Owen: (Grabs it and reads it) Take the train down to Rome and enter the Colosseum

Jacques: Perfect now hurry to the gold

Josee: Wait (Grabs the giant barrel of squashed grapes and pushes over which traps the Reality tv pros in it) Okay now were good (Is suddenly hit by a grape) 

Trixie: Sooner or later that's going to come back to bite you

Josee: Rain.......!


Josee: That's what I thought, Jacques lets go (Runs off with Jacques)

Ben: (Finishes stomping) Five bottles done

Trixie: (Jumps down from the barrel) Good lets find our buds and catch up to the Ice Dancers

  • Confessinoal (Trixie) (Vineyard background)

Trixie: I was going to think of a insult for them but at this point pretty much every word has been used against them. (Shrugs)  

  • Vine Yard (4:35 PM)

Rebecca: (Restocks the barrel with grapes)

Jay: (Climbs out of the barrel covered in grapes)

(The Reality TV Pros break out of their barrel which causes grape wine to burst out of the barrel)

Owen: Hehe Grape slide !

Izzy: Can we do that again ?

Owen: (Picks up the travel tip) No time to Rome (Runs)

Geoff: (Walks with Ennui) Five bottles of purple juice completo (Places the bottles of grape wine onto the table)

Loki: (Picks up the travel tip)

(Travel tips are then handed out to the Surfer Dudes, Fairy Tale Impostors and Adversity Twins) 

Adam: I still don't know where were going

Brody: No sweat dude just look for the giant stone donuts stadium in Rome

Adam: Was that near the Leaning tower of Pizza ?

Brody: Aww man I hope so 

  • Colosseum (4:43 PM)

Don: The Infamous Colosseum of Rome aka the Flavian Amphitheatre, Not only is it the largest Amphitheatre in the world but on the other side of the Amphitheater lies today's chillzone, Why did I say other well teams must enter from one side of the Colosseum and make their way through a labyrinth of mazes...and try to avoid the gladiator lions, Last team to finish will be cut from the competition.

  • Vineyard (4:49 PM)

Ludwig: (Uses a portable oven to heat up something)

Krystal: (Walks back) Shouldn't we be gathering more berries ?

Ludwig: They only have one bottle left to fill so no point getting anymore.

Rebecca: (Picks up the wine grape bottles and places them onto the table) Done

Noah: (Grabs the tip from the table)

Joanne: (Climbs down from the barrel)

Jack: (Jumps down from the barrel and lands face first onto the floor)

Noah: Chill zone is sighted at the Colosseum.

Jack: legs hurt (Rebecca carries him)

Sanders: (Climbs down from her barrel) I can't do anymore my legs are burning

Xavier: (Counts wine grape bottles) Five, Okay were good

Mac Arthur: (Lifts Sanders over her shoulders) Move, move, move

Xavier: (Zayla climbs down from the barrel) Can you walk ?

Zayla: After stomping on grapes for what felt like an eternity of pain....I cannot

Xavier: (Picks up Zayla) Problem solved

  • Colosseum (4:56 PM)

Owen: (Dressed up as a Roman Gladiator and enters the giant maze)

Giselle: Goodness Owen how did you get that suit ?

Owen: Izzy found a lot of things when she was exploring the lion cages under the Colosseum.

Mickey: There's.....Lions here ?

Owen: Hahah don't be silly this place is so old the lions would be (He runs into a lion in the maze)........dead

Mickey: I think you mean us AHHHHH ! (Runs)

  • Bus (4:59 PM)

Trixie: (Reads the tip) Okay were at Rome so now we just need to follow the directions to the Colosseum

Ben: Should be easy just find the huge stack of stones

Ludwig: Well while were waiting.

Krystal: No waiting just show them the pie now

Ludwig: Was going to make a speech but fine (Places gets a grape pie out of his bag)

Trixie: Nice you made lunch

Ludwig: Just a gift for all of us considering the past two challenges have been tough for all of us.

Ben: Not really just awkward.

Ludwig: And that

Krystal: (Hears something outside as the bus goes over a bridge) Wait (Grabs the pie)

  • Bridge (4:59 PM)

(The Ice Dancers are out of their taxi cause the tie broke)

Josee: How long is this going to take we have a podium to reach !

Taxi Driver: (Doesn't speak English)

Jacques: Okay perhaps we can just take the next bus that comes by

(As the Bus goes by Krystal throws the pie and it his Josses Face)

Krystal: MIP !

Josee: UGH SON OF A B (Scene cuts out)

  • Bus (4:59 PM)


Krystal: Sorry about that but the temptation

Ludwig: It's fine....just means your paying for our lunch after this

Ben: (Smirks) 15 New York Cookies maybe 

Trixie: Lets try not to go back into bets before someone looses their wallet again.

  • Colosseum (5:10 PM)

Zayla: (Walks around a maze wall with the crystal ball on her shoulder) Despite previous work here I've always adored Italia for it's festival, majestic food, wonderful Culture, a Pity Don didn't have the challenge here during the Carnevale of Venice (Looks at the crystal Ball) You know Italy spent around five billion Euros a year seeking advice from Fortune tellers

Crystal Ball: (Text: If your suggesting to stay here and start up a new business then that would go slightly well)

Zayla: But that's the problem, What if I was advised to get a new set of gear for that business cause the old one becomes folly and inferior.......(Gets out a small receipt) Out with the old and in with the new as they say.

Crystal Ball: (Text:....That would be highly unadvised)

Zayla: But your sense had to have been tainted from being held by the other teams considering the past guidance advice I've gotten for you seem to be how they say...."Trolling"

Crystal Ball:........(Text:......I....I was just joking Zay-Zay, Ancient relics aren't meant to be completely direct.......please don't replace me it's just a prank sis)

Zayla: (Leans in towards the ball) Then tell me !

Izzy: (Jump scares Zayla from behind Dressed as Roman solider with a pale white mask with red feathers around it) ROAR

Zayla: EH (Drops the Crystal Ball which falls into a hole down the floor)..............

Izzy: Sweet Costume huh Me and Owen found this mask at a store near the Rome Station.

Zayla: That Ball was about to tell me how to.....

Izzy: Get shipped with dat boi......(Xavier accent) Oh shit what up 

Zayla: Don't be a meme.

Izzy: Sure thing (Opens up the cell bars below them) Come on lets go find it

Zayla: Where does it lead too ?

Izzy: The Sewage.

Owen: (Screams while running towards them) Lion ! (Crashes into them causing the three to fall into the sewer hole)

Mickey: (Runs past them while being chased by the Lion) (Crashes into Adam)

Adam: (Lion stops and looks at him) Hmmm (Puts on a European accent and talks to the Lion)

Lion: (Nods and decides to walk off)

Adam: I'm a bit rusty with animals in Europe but I think she got the message

Mickey: Phew for a second I thought I was animal food 

Giselle: (Runs over) Adam-Kun (Glomps him) I was worried I lost you in here

Adam: This castle is huge.....

Giselle: It's not a castle though I can see why you saw it like one this is the Colosseum of Rome 


Giselle: You did take notes on my history lessons (Giggles)

Adam: Course I would (Smiles and Kisses her on the cheek)

Mickey: Well lets keep together on one path if we get lost it will get worse. (Walks down a path)

Giselle: Think this is the way Mickey-Kun ?

Mickey: I don't play much video games but one of my favourite ones include dungeon mazes like this.

  • Colosseum (5:20 PM)

(Jacques and Josee arrive at the Colosseum)

Josee: Were not too late we can still make it (Runs in with Jacques)

Trixie: (Arrives with Krystal, Ludwig and Ben) Wait how did they get here before us ?

Ludwig: The Bus took a few detours over the roadworks in Rome...

Ben: Perfect

Krystal: Giant Maze to the chill Zone...(Pokes Ludwig) Okay lead the way

Ludwig: Why me ?

Krystal: I figured you'd know something about mazes.

Ludwig: There actually one of the things I'm horrible with.

Ben: In that case Trixie you take the lead.

  • Sewers (5:21 PM)

Zayla: (Grabs the crystal ball out of the sewage) (Almost barfs)

Izzy: Hey do you think we can find a shortcut to the chill zone down here ?

Owen: (Looks around) Possibly we can avoid the entire maze

Zayla: I don't need a penalty and I don't need to swim in these vile waters

Owen: Well there could a number of reasons for that I mean who could really say.....

Zayla: (Climbs up the ladder) Yeah...a real mystery not one I intend to solve in this lifetime (Leaves)

  • Colosseum (5:22 PM)

Xavier: (Walks through a maze wall until he sees a Lion running towards him) Crap (Jumps up onto the wall)

Lion: (However it runs past him as if it was running away from something)

Xavier: (Climbs down the wall) ?

Loki: (Hops by)

Xavier: No way.

Crimson: A Hunter's perspective will always doubt the possibilities of ones soul.

Ennui: Loki however is far beyond prey, a Beacon of Famine and Death A furry monstrosity

Xavier: You put way too much power and imagination into a rabbit

Loki: (Growls at Xavier)

Xavier: (Turns around and walks off) Nope I'll deal with this in another episode (He then notices one of the hatch doors on the floor open up)

Zayla: (Climbs out of the door via ladder with her Crystal ball)


Zayla: Don't....Ask !

  • Colosseum (5:29 PM)

Krystal: This is exhausting and boring

Trixie: I think we lost.....everyone.....(Looks around)

Krystal: Have we already been that way (Points to a path)

Trixie: Yeah...we saw the Surfers back there and Brody putting on a accent for some reason (Looks around) Wait (Looks up to see the Colosseum interior) This looks like the way out.

Krystal: (They both run down the path and find the exit of the Colosseum) Holy crap we have to be the first ones out of here

Josee: Rainbow !


Jacques: (Walks by with Josee)


Josee: Sorry but our gold is over due so do us a favour and vanish (Runs off with Jacques laughing)

Trixie: (Blinks and then does a 360 sonic speed dash back into the Colosseum)

Krystal: Oh Shit, Trixie wait (Runs back in after her)

  • Chill Zone (5:30 PM)

(Jacques and Josee arrive at the Chill Zone)

Josee: YES were back on top

Don: Ice Dancers (Walks in)

Jacques: Yes

Don:.......What did I just witness back there ?

Josee: Competition

Don: Abusing someone's issues is not competition  (Ice Dancers are Given a 30 Minute Penalty)

Don: Also considering that you just ignored by previous warning in India, THIS IS STRIKE TWO !

Josee: Strike Two ?!

Don: Yes, If I catch you doing something incredibly low like that again, Then I will DISQUALIFY YOU ! Do I make myself clear


  • Colosseum (5:35 PM)

(Ice Dancers Penalty 15:27)

Geoff: (Wearing a hat made out of ice cream cone)

Brody: Best in train meal ever.

Rebecca: Hey Surfheads have you seen Jack anywhere ?

Brody: I saw him back there five minutes ago.

Rebecca: Is that orange flavour icecream on your hat

Geoff: Want some ?

Rebecca: (Grabs several handfuls of ice cream)

Brody: Aren't your hands going to freeze

Rebecca: I've already had them frozen before

Geoff: How ?

Rebecca: Long story.......

Brody: You have a lot of long stories gal ?

Rebecca: And I don't intend to share any of them at all.

Jack: Hey dudes (Walks in with Noah, Joanne and Jay) Oh Ice Cream

Geoff: Actually super dude it's called gelatos

Jack: (Has already eaten half of Geoff's hat) huh ?

Brody: Why is little dude on your back ?

Noah: (Jay is seated on around his shoulder) So he can look over the maze.

Joanne: It's cute

Noah: It's not 

Rebecca: Is that against the rules ?

Jay: Climbing is but nothing about stacking up to see above it wait I can see Mickey and Adam down there

Noah: Good Lets go

  • Colosseum (5:41 PM)

(Ice Dancers Penalty 09:17)

Mac Arthur: Your feet feeling better princess ?

Sanders: If the rest of the challenge doesn't require anymore serve stomping then yeah I'm fine (Looks around) Another beautiful that place I can cross off my bucket 

Mac Arthur: This entire stack of stone please (Sees a Lion) FREEZE !

Lion: (Roars)

Sanders: If it didn't work on Komodo Dragons then why would you bother trying that again ?

Mac Arthur: Cause it was related to a cat (Shrugs)

Ennui: (Walks by while carrying Loki)

Lion: (Turns around and runs off)

Sanders: Lion musk this time ?

Crimson: Nah Loki's shed of dark aura overpowers them

Mac Arthur: Just like my pet cat huh ?

Crimson: (Walks off with Ennui until she notices something growing louder) Hold on (Leaves her foot out)

Trixie: (Dashes by and trips over Crimson's leg causing her to hit the ground).......(Eyes stop swirling with rainbows) Ouch.....Thanks Crimson

Crimson: (Deadpan) Your welcome.

  • Chill Zone (6:00 PM)

Don: Half an Hour and still no sign of any of the teams....

(Penalty Alarm goes off)

Don: (Sigh) Which means the Ice Dancers take First place

Jacques: EEEEEE We made it back to the top (They both hug and celebrate)

Don: Yeah just don't forget about your second strike (Checks watch) (Notices a sewer hatch opens up near by)

Owen: (Climbs up) 

Izzy: (Jumps out of the hole) Wohoo Freedom

Don: You do under stand the challenge was to go through the Colloseum not under it

Izzy: So no points for thinking outside the box ?

Don: No in fact fifteen minute penalty

(The Reality TV Pros are given a 15 Minute penalty)

Izzy: (Looks to Owen) Sooooo Big O, Wanna make out till the penalty ends ?

Owen: But we broke up remember...

Izzy: We did ?

Owen: Back in Jamaica you said we weren't a compatible match I sure remember it...though fairly I was going to tell you aswell but you beat me to it.

Izzy: I may be crazy but you sound totally bonkers right now why would I dump my Big O (Chuckles) 

Owen: See your acting like it never happened.

Izzy: Wait...This was Brainzilla's doing wasn't it I know she would try to sabotage my image...still one of the few reasons why the RCMP are still on my back heheehe

Owen: Your going to play that card again huh.....After our break up I just don't know if I can take another heart break.

Izzy:......What are you saying ?

Owen: I'm Sorry Izzy (Walks off)

Izzy: Big O......Owen ? (Worried

Don: Well not sure what to make of that so I'll just skip to the team arrivals

Don: (Fairy Tale Impostors) Second !

Don: (Police Cadets) Third ! Don: (Unlikely Reality TV Couple) Fourth ! Don: (Adversity Twins) Fifth !

Don: (Neighbours) Sixth ! (Penalty Alarm goes off)

Don: Reality TV "Pros" Take Seventh

Ludwig: (Finds the exit)

Ben: I though I was going to die in there

Don: Considering that your team got stuck at the very first half of the maze for forty minutes it does feel long....Eight Place

Don: (Surfer Dudes) Ninth

Geoff: Wicked 

Don: The teams that have already finished are allowed to partake in a free feast just over near the food tent.

Brody: Woohoo time to chow like it's no tomorrow (Runs over to the tent and sits down)

Don: Do remember you have a another lap tomorrow (They've already run off)

Jack: (Eats Spaghetti)

Rebecca: (Eats Spaghetti)

Mickey: (Eats Pizza)....(Coughs it out) AH TONGUE BURN.

Adam: (Grabs a handful of pasta)

Owen: (Not in the mood for eating)

Brody: (Sits down and grabs a huge tub of Gelato ice Cream)

Don: (Turns around) Goths Tenth and Mysterious Friends Eleventh now go enjoy the feast

Mac Arthur: (Sits at the table with a box of pizza)

Xavier: (Places a Twenty dollar note down onto the table Mac Arthur is seated at)

Mac Arthur: Say it (Smirk)

Xavier:...You win

Mac Arthur: Ha twenty dollars (Counts the bills.....she then looks at the notes) Wait a minute this isn't green !

Sanders: Because it's Euro Dollars, US Money won't help you here

Xavier: Exactly so I got it translated to Euro money, BUT......The Euro value is seven cents lesser then the US Dollar.

Sanders: So you only gave us Nineteen dollars and ninety three cents ? 

Xavier: I did pay you with cash that equals the American Twenty dollar value (Smirks and walks off)

Mac Arthur: (Slams the table) Ugh you win this round !

Sanders: He didn't win Mac Arthur.

  • Confessional (Xavier) (Tent Background)

Xavier: Gotta thank Ludwig for teaching me that trick

  • Food Tent (6:24 PM)

Brody: (Chows down on the Ice Cream Bucket)

Xavier: Woah....... Brody is surprisingly good at eating.

Zayla: I don't recall That tub of ice cream being apart of the menu here.....

(The next scene shows an Italian Chef looking for Ice cream in his freezer, it's ALL gone.)

Chef: MAMA F***ER!

  • Colosseum (6:30 PM)

Krystal: ELLOO (Echos)

Trixie: Okay I'm thinking we should just climb the wall now I haven't seen any other team for twenty minutes...

Krystal: I guess so It's getting darker now

Ludwig: (Walks over to the group with Don while holding a torch) (Sighs in relief) There you are

Trixie: Luddy what did we miss ?

Don: The whole race...........Abnormal Buddies, Sorry gals but as the only team left that hasn't reached the chill zone checkpoint so you've been eliminated.


Trixie: (Finger snap) Shoot

Don: If it makes you feel any better I did penalise the Ice Dancers and give them their second strike.

Trixie: That does sound way better....But they still manage to beat us which sucks.

Ludwig: They won't get far for long since every team by now should be aware of them

Krystal: Also good to know.....Where's Ben ?

Ludwig: He challenged Adam and Brody to a eating race and well Me and Mickey are now left to clean up after that......goodbye hug ?

Trixie: (Hugs Ludwig) Do your best out there (They then both Kiss)

Don: Okay we only have about thirty seconds left of air time so I'm just gonna skip to the montage scene

  • Montage (Krystal And Trixie)

Krystal: And That's a wrap folks, Amazing Abnormal journey has concluded

Trixie: My highlights have to of been France, Belgium, Japan, Finland and Hawaii......Other then that I'm also glad to of made several new kickass friends mostly the Neighbours and Goths.

Krystal: though recent episodes were awkward it's still worth the journey plus Wine Grape pie fixes all.

Trixie: Pie for Life, I shotgun front seat to watching the Ice Dancers crash and burn

Krystal: With all the people they've sabotaged you might be waiting in line for a while

(The both laugh)

  • Leaning Tower of Pizza

Trixie: (Walks with Krystal past the tower) It's around dinner so wanna stop at a Gelato shop ?

Krystal: I might get a five scoop cone

Trixie: Six

Krystal: Seven

Trixie: EIGHT

Krystal: TEN

Trixie: Why did you skip nine.

Krystal: The number felt unabnormal (They both laugh again off screen)

* Credits

(Camera Flies around the Place)

(Camera Shows the Air Port)

Attendant: (Stands There)

(All Thirty Pairs Run Past the Attendant)

(Camera Follows the Pairs into the Plane)

Noah And Emma: (Standing by the Bathroom door talking)

Owen: (Charges Past and Accidentally knocks them Over as he Closes the Bathroom Door)

Emma: (Gets Up)

Kitty: (Taking a Selfie With Lorenzo And Chet Who are Glaring at each Other)

(The Photo Shows Chet about to Tackle Lorenzo)

Emma: (Takes Phone off Kitty And Throws it out the plane window)

(Camera Follows the Phone Free Falling)

Mickey And Jay: (Are In Mid Air Using a Parachute)

(The Phone Hits their Parachute and they Crash land into the Ocean of Australia)

Shawn: (Rides By on A Emu Going Very Fast)

Jasmine: (Climbs Up Ayers Rock)

Calvin: (Already at the top of the Rock Eating Vegemite)

Cory: (Throws Boomerang)

(The Camera Follows the Boomerang All the Way to Brazil)

Chef: (Swings Across the Cliff on A Vine Holding Chris)

(Boomerang flies by and cuts the Rope)

Chef And Chris: (Fall down into the River)

(Boomerang Continues to Fly)

Laurie, Miles, Dawn and Tabby: (All Sit their Meditating)

(The Boomerang Flies to a Icy Field)

Josee And Jacques: (Skating Away)

Jake And Sydney: (Tries to Skate past them but the Boomerang knocks them out)

Josse And Jacques: (Then Leap into the air this changes the scene to France Where they Gracefully land on the Carpet)

Giselle: (Happily Sighs at Jacques)

Adam.W: (Frowns And But then Gets Idea)

Adam.W: (He and Giselle Run down the Street)

Tom And Jen: (Checking the Clothing Bags they Brought)

Adam.W: (Rushes by with Giselle Causing clothes to fly out of the bag and land on Tom and Jen)

Jen: (Is Now Wearing Tom's Clothes)

Tom: (Is Now Wearing Jen's Clothes)

Adam.W: (Puts his Hand over the Camera and then moves it changing the scene from France to a Beach)

Geoff: (Surfs by on a Surf Board)

Brody: (Crashes his Surf Board and Lands on Ellody and Mary)

Devin: (Gets out of the Water)

Carrie: (Hugs Devin)

Devin: (Is Confused)

Geoff: (Puts His Hat over the Camera Channing the Scene of a Beach to Transylvania)

Gerry: (Holding a Flash Light)

Crimson And Ennui: (Pop Up from a Coffin)

Pete: (Gets a Heart Attack from their Sudden Pop up)

Pete: (Gets up)

Leonard: (Aims His Wand at Crimson And Ennui)

Tammy: (Plays Ocarina)

Crimson: (Stares at the Camera until the Scene Changes to A Desert)

Zane And Sarah: (Spying on People)

Axel and Tori: (Climb onto a Camel and then jump off it and grab onto a Pyramid's Ledge

Sarah: (Ships it)

Noah.M: (Slides down the Pyramid and Knocks Axel and Tori off it)

Joanne: (Looks Annoyed at Noah.M)

Noah.M: (Shrugs)

Trixie And Ludwig: (Drive By on a Dune Buggies racing each other)

Krystal and Ben: (Run After The Dune Buggies Since there controlling it)

Zane: (Ships it)

Krystal: (Throws Pie at Zane)

(The Camera follows the Dune Buggies as they arrive at the Train Station)

Sanders: (Gives Ludwig and Trixie A Speeding ticket)

Mac Arthur: (Places Wanted Poster of the ice Dancers on the wall and then kicks the train door down)

Harold: (Picks his Nose)

Steve: (Drops Smoke Bomb)

(The Smoke Covers the Screen which changes the location to a Rock Concert)

Dwayne: (Is backstage practising Air guitar but is doing it terribly

Dwayne Jr: (Facepalms)

(Rock, Spud, Adam.T, Oskar, Beardo and Trent are all seen on the stage rocking it out)

(Purple Fire then appears behind them)

Rock: (Does a Stage Dive)

Trent: (Stage Dives)

Spud: (Stages Dives for Choco Oink)

Adam.T: (Is Tackled by Fan Girls)

Oskar: (Small laugh Until his Guitar catches on Fire)

Beardo: (Mimics Bow Noise)

Xavier And Zayla: (Are on the roof)

Xavier: (Fires a Zip Line bow and then zip lines down on it)

Zayla: (Looks into the Crystal Ball)

(The Crystal Ball glows Pink)

(The Camera then zooms into the Crystal Ball and then zooms out showing the Airport again with All 31 teams outside posing)

Don: (Gets Camera out and takes a Picture)

Super Jack And Rebecca: (Jump into the Camera at the last second to be in the Photo)

(The Screen then flashes With the Words in Gold Saying " The Remarkable Race")

Episode 25: Viva Lost Vegas[]

Viva Lost Vegas
Season 3, Episode 25
Viva Lost Vegas
Date United States: 15th December 2016

Australia: 16th December 2016

World Location Rome, Italy → Nevada, United States
Challenge(s) Either: Collect 1000 Dollars at the Casino

Or: Recreate a Fake wedding Either: collect flags on remote-controlled dune buggies, Or: perform a magic trick.

Winner(s) Read And Find Out
Eliminated Read And Find Out
Episode Guide
"Rome Around"
"The Good, The Bad And the Ridonculous"

(The Remarkable Race Logo Appears for Two Seconds and then goes to the Intro)

Don: Last Time On the Remarkable Race.

Don: Maze rushing, Fruit crushing, Lion flushing and more Ice Dancer penalties are one way to sum up our team's travelling experience in Italia.

Don: Trouble in Paradise strikes for the Reality tv Pros when past memories prevent them from making up.

Don: Brody continues to make his crush on Mac Arthur with little success while Zayla did get success in finally getting her crystal ball to talk......Well that's something you never hear on reality tv.

Don: Ice Dancers may have won but they've been given there second strike for rain-bowing the Abnormal Buddies all the way into last place and out of the sounds a lot worse then it is.

Don: Eleven Teams...have reached our week four finale point....with two weeks to go after this episode can our teams still hold it together or will they fall victim to the competition...Let's commence the beginning of the End right here on.......................THE REMARKABLE RACE ! (Winks the Sparkle flashes at the Screen Which goes to the Opening)

  • Opening

(The Camera Shows a Globe Until A Ticket Appears which then Zooms in and Changes to Five Columns, One of A Snowy Background, City Background, Desert Background,Jungle Background And Mountain Background)

Snow: (The Shadows of Owen, Noah, Mickey, Jay, Krystal, Trixie, Ludwig, Ben, Josse, Jacques, Beardo And Trent Can be Seen Running in the Blue Background)

City: (The Shadows of Tom, Jen, Zane, Sarah, Emma, Kitty, Devin, Carrie, Jack, Rebecca, Ellody, Mary, Calvin And Cory Can be Seen Running in the Purple BackGround)'

Desert: (The Shadows of Axel, Tori, Tabby, Dawn, Shawn, Jasmine, Zayla, Xavier, Rock, Spud, Oskar And Adam.T Can be Seen Running In the Yellow Back Ground)'

Jungle: (The Shadows of Chef, Chris, Laurie, Miles, Chet, Lorenzo, Adam.W, Giselle, Ennui, Crimson, Brody and Geoff Can be Seen Running In the Green BackGround)

Mountain: (The Shadows of Dwayne, Dwayne Jr, Jake, Sydney, Noah.M, Joanne, Tammy, Leonard, Pete, Gerry, Steve, Harold, Sanders And Mac Arthur Can Be Seen Running In The Orange BackGround)

(The Camera Then Goes Back to the World Map where Dots appear on certain Countries and Begin Connecting to other Countries)

(A Photo a France, Australia, Mexico and Japan Are placed down)

(Then The Camera Changes to Three Columns One of a Plane, Train And Bus)

(A Taxi Then Drives Up and the Camera Zooms into A Pitch Black Screen)

(The Image of Each Pair Appear with Their Team Colour background on the Screen All together There Are Five Rows)

Top Row: Rock/Spud, Jake/Sydney, Ellody/Mary, Jay/Mickey, Jacques/Josse, Oskar/Adam.T'

2nd Top Row: Calvin/Cory, Sarah/Zane, Ben/Ludwig, Krystal/Trixie, Tom/Jen, Brody/Geoff'

Mid Row: Harold/Steve, Carrie/Devin, Leonard/Tammy, Giselle/Adam.W Jasmine/Shawn, Beardo/Trent

2nd Bottom Row: Joanne/Noah.M, Rebecca/Jack, Laurie/Miles, Emma/Kitty, Owen/Noah, Gerry/Pete, Xavier/Zayla'

Bottom Row: Crimson/Ennui, Axel/Tori, Chet/Lorenzo, Sanders/Mac Arthur, Dwayne/Dwayne Jr. Dawn/Tabby, Chef/Chris

(The Screen Then Flashes To a Globe With The Title "The Remarkable Race" on it)

  • Starting Point (11:00 AM)

Don: Were back on the opposite side of the globe here in Rome Italy and our first place team from last episode are about to "Rome" over to today's first travel tip, Good to know my jokes are still in good taste.

(Jacques and Josee arrive)

* Confessional (Jacques And Josee)

(A Gold bar appears at the bottom saying Jacques and Josse "Ice Dancers")

Josse: After what felt like a eternity in Purgatory were finally back in the lead and I don't intend to drop off the podium any time soon, Never !

Jacques: Don is watching our ever move now so we need to try and be more subtle with it

Josee: That also means more fans are watching.

Jacques: All the more reason to crush whatever the world gives us next like grapes

  • Starting Point (11:00 AM)

Josse: (Presses the Don Box and grabs the travel tip) (Reads it) Were going to.....Las Vegas !?

  • Globe

(The Camera zooms out of Italy and moves west to North America)

(A Flag of the United States appear in the background)

Don: Located in Nervada of the Good old US of A

(A Image of a Fountain in front of a casino)

Don: Las Vegas is famous for it's bright lights, Bold entertainment, Quick Rich casinos and Very VERY bad life judgement.

  • Las Vegas (11:04 AM)

Don: And our Eleven remaining teams will learn first hand about this sin city as they will test their luck or Pride in our incoming challenges, Located within the City of this Don box (The Don Box is dressed in a Elvis costume) Okay just for parental advise If your child is watching then please change the channel right now go watch some re-run of Salso Saviours or something cause I can't guarantee what will happen in this episode. 

  • Starting Point (11:05 AM)

Don: I'd advise teams to be fast on this one we have two flights heading to Vegas and the first plane only has five seats left....I just realised now that no one found the zip it ticket last episode....weird huh ?

Ludwig: (Hears Don) Five seats, Ben we need to hurry

Ben: Coming (Arrives)

* Confessional (Ludwig And Ben)

(A Blue bar appears at the bottom saying Ludwig And Ben "Tag Alongs")

Ben: After that eating challenge I made last night I missed the chance to apologise to Krystal which sucks cause I made her feel so bad about that phase back in Indonesia. But I'll find a way to make it up to her after the show

Ludwig: Either way it's still sad to see them gone because of Josee and Jacques.

Ben: Your glad though that you won't be pie'd anymore

Ludwig: That's the only perk about this situation.

Izzy: (Swings by on a vine and throws pie at Ludwig) KEEP THE TRADITIONS ALIVE !

Ben: (Salutes Izzy)

Ludwig: (Sigh)

  • Airport (11:11 AM)

Jacques: (Runs in with Josee) Tickets Las Vegas (Leap over to the counter)

Flight Attendant: (Gives them the tickets)

Owen: (Runs over to the counter)

Izzy: (Catches up to Owen) Two tickets to the dark side of the moon hahah

Owen:....(Ignores Izzy and looks at the Flight attendant) Las Vegas please (Is given the tickets)

Izzy: Hehehehe (Laughter dies down)......

Loki: (Hops onto Izzy's Head and buys another set of tickets for the Goths)

Joanne: (Arrives With Noah) Were not too late (Breaths from exhaustion)

Xavier and Zayla: (Slide dash under Noah and Joanne and get to the counter)


Noah: How ?

Zayla: You'll be surprised about all the hunting techniques he knows

Xavier: (Buys the last set of first flight tickets) Consider this paying back for that boomerang you gave us in France (Smirks and walks of with Zayla)

Noah: (Flips the bird to Xavier)

Joanne: Ignore them lets wait for Giselle and the others

  • First Flight

Don: Our first flight contain our fastest first five teams has now taken off...that's a lot of f's (Ice Dancers, Mysterious Friends, Goths, Reality TV Pros and Tag Alongs are all on Flight One)

Jacques And Josee: (Relax in their chairs with the feet-rests)

Ludwig: (Asleep)

Ben: Attendant snack please

Attendant: (Delivers a cake to Ben, It's a rainbow cake)

Ben: (Grabs the cake and throws it at the Ice Dancers)

Jacques: (Le Gasp and ducks while the cake goes all over their seat)

Josee: Really mature Tags

Ben: You wanted rainbows so much last episode I thought you would want one today too.

Jacques: (Tries a bit of cake) Hmm not bad

Ben: Do enjoy it cause it's going to be complete sour since every team hates your guts now

Crimson: Ditto

  • Confessional (Jacques and Josee) (Plane background)

Josee: Oh boo hoo this is a race not a popularity contest.

Jacques: Teams sabotage all the time, Hey were not the only team to do it...right ?

Josee: Who is on our hate list anyway ?

Jacques: I think we'd conflicted with every team except for the Surfers and Mysterious Friends and that's only because they never found out about the crystal ball incident.

Josee: Really every team ?

Jacques:....Among the remaining Eleven yeah.....oh no...They could strike us at any time

Josee: Keep it together there all to weak to try and dare mess with us

Jacques: That didn't stop some teams like the Shippers And The Bros.

Josee: Giselle can easily forgive us if we "Apologise" Right

Jacques: I don't want to face her again....

Josse:.....Were fine Jacques just cause they all aware of our tactic doesn't mean there going to get us back

Jacques:...It wouldn't hurt to observe and be wary


  • First Flight


Ennui: What's wrong Crimson ? (Deadpan)

Crimson: It' just that....

Ennui: Your not feeling "Happy" are you ?

Crimson: After such a Happy team left yesterday.....yeah...

* Confessional (Crimson And Ennui)

(A Crimson bar appears at the bottom saying Crimson And Ennui "Goths")

Crimson: The Abnormals helped us back in Finland

Ennui: Ironic enough it feels very abnormal today without them......they were one of the only non boring teams on this show.

Crimson: I will miss them (Deadpan)

  • First Flight

Crimson and Ennui: (Just sit there)

Loki: (Sits there)

Xavier: (Looks over from the left of his seat to see the Goths)

Zayla: (Has a bowl of soup) The Goths have had that rabbit since India

Xavier: That isn't any ordinary rabbit....

Zayla: You mentioned "it" Scarred a lion away during the last challenge ?

Xavier: And a lot of other things I heard about it, Mind if I just spend today trying to analyse it ?

Zayla: Not at all, I got somethings to check on too anyway.

Ben: (Sits in his chair watching a inflight movie)

Ludwig: (Wakes up) Did you say something ?

Ben: No why ?

Ludwig: I though I heard something in my head

Luna: (Jumps over their seat and lands on Ben's Head) Mewo (Telepathic: Morning)

Ludwig: Luna...?

Luna: (Telepathic: Yes)

Ben: Is Trixie aware that Luna didn't leave with them ?

Luna: (Telepathic: She insisted I stay behind with you two, So I just hitched a ride with the orange haired jungle girl until I found you again)

  • Airport (11:34 AM)

Don: With the first flight having already taken off, Our bottom Six team are now facing a disadvantage as they will have to wait for another hour....not to mention this plane has a lot of sad face stickers on it.

(Fairy Tale Impostors, Police Cadets, Neighbours, Unlikely Reality TV Couple, Surfer Dudes and Adversity Twins are all still at the airport waiting for Flight Two)

Giselle: (Looks at the travel tip again) Really, Las Vegas ?

Noah: Don probably just wants to go their for hotel purposes.

Giselle: Even so what can the teams even do I mean most of the teams aren't old enough (Looks to Jack)

Jack: (Plays 3DS)

Giselle: So how have you been Jack-Kun ?

Jack: I've been fine just thinking about justice and stuff

Giselle: I see...(Walks off)

Adam: (Sits there) Hmmmm

Noah: (Looks at Adam) What's wrong with you ?

Adam: I miss Vlad Two

Joanne: Two Vlad's ?

Adam: Jack's fine now because once this show is over he knows Vlad will be waiting for him meanwhile my Vlad is still in Indonesia and I can't fly there to bring it back.

Noah: They wouldn't let you pass flight security with a komodo dragon in the first place

Adam: Would a boat work ?

Joanne: (Shrugs)

Adam: (Sighs)

Jack: (Walks over to Rebecca, Mickey, Jay and Geoff) Sup

Geoff: Sup Jackson

Jack: Jackson isn't my full name

Geoff: Jacky ?

Jack: Nope

Geoff:.....Jax ?

Jack: Try again

Geoff: Jacob ?

Jack: Keep guessing

Geoff: What is your full name ?

Jack: I'll just let you keep guessing

  • Confessional (Geoff) (Airplane background)

Geoff: No sweat I'll find out soon (Reads Surfing magazine while waiting)

  • Airport (11:37 AM)

Rebecca: Anywho me and Jay were just telling each other about our school adversities

Jay: and me and Mickey were telling ours to her as well.

Rebecca: We've also been trying to figure out a way to stop the Ice Dancers

Jack: Super Jack can handle them.

Geoff: Super Who ?

Jack: You know he's the hero this race deserves, But not the one this Race needs.

Rebecca: However Super Jack can't sabotage cause that's unheroic

Jay: But then I had the idea of a new masked figure

Jack: (Leers at Jay) If you abandon Super Jack he will find you and you will never be heard of again.

Mickey: What they mean is wearing a new thing that doesn't Identify as Super Jack...maybe a anti hero ?

Jack: Like General Kcaj ?

Geoff: Jackcal sounds cool

Mickey: Good idea

Rebecca: You heard us?

Geoff: Brody's using the phone prank calling the Ice Dancers with Mac Arthur so I've just been here.

Sanders: (Also sits there bored) And she's already spent over the nineteen Euro Xavier gave us.


Sanders: But look in the end The Ice Dancers are digging their own grave, They got two strikes and the last one is inevitably going to happen.

Brody: (Runs in) Hey Bro can I borrow two bucks

Geoff: If I spend anymore we won't have enough for the taxis

Brody: Fair enough

Rebeeca: (Gives Brody one dollar) Here

Brody: Cool Thanks Rebs (Runs off)

Rebecca: Rebs ?

Jay: So......back to the original topic you could just were a new outfit for Jackal that's dark, Edgy and cute like Rebecca's costume

Rebecca: Cute ?

Jay: Ummmm (Blush) Forget I said anything

  • First Flight

Jacques: (Asleep)

Josee: (Sits there)

Attendant: (Walks over to the Ice Dancers) Someones on the phone for you ?

Josee: For us (Grabs the phone) Hello ?

???: your minutes (Call ends)

Josee:........(Looks around)

Luna: (Signals death threat to the Ice Dancers from her seat)

Josse: (Panicked looked)

  • Airport (11:40 AM)

Mac Arthur: (Puts the phone back and Laughs with Brody)

Brody: I forgot who was on the other line.

Mac Arthur: The Ice Skaters, I forgot about them lately so tonight might be a good opportunity to try and tip them over the iceberg.

  • Las Vegas (3:26 AM)

(Italy's Timezone is Nine hours ahead of Las Vegas)

Plane #1: (Lands in Las Vegas)

Attendant: (About to open the door but is then knocked back as the plane door opens)

Owen: There's the Don Box ! 

Xavier: And the Obvious Elvis Clone.

(Reality TV Pros, Goths, Tag Alongs, Ice Dancers and Mysterious Friends run out of the Air port)

Jacques and Josee: (Reach the Don Box)

Luna: (Air tackles both the Ice Dancers out of the way)

Ludwig: Thanks Luna (Pressed the Don Box)

Ben: (Grabs the Tip and reads it) Either or Cash or Pash ? (The Goths walk over to the Don Box)

  • Casino (3:26 AM)

Don: For this Either or teams can either test their luck (Pulls the slot machine) At all kinds of gambling machines, tables, cards and rack up One thousand dollars to earn your next tip (The Slot machine stops which has three Don Logos on it) You can perform the challenge on your own or team up with another team of your choice.

  • Wedding Ceremony (3:27 AM)

Don: Those who chose Pash can either do it on their own or team up with another team to design and host a fake traditional Las Vegas wedding ceremony, When it's done you get the next tip.

  • Las Vegas (3:27 AM)

Xavier: Anyone know how to gamble ?

Loki: (Grunts)

Xavier: Perfect Goths come with us.

Crimson and Ennui: (They both look at each other and then follow Xavier and Zayla)

Owen: Oh Tag's tag along with us (Laughs)

Ben: I got this covered I did this one movie up at Vegas involving Casino heists.


Owen: Were not risking getting kicked out of a casino Izzy !

Izzy:...It was just a expression..on how good our team odds are.

Ludwig: (Picks up Luna) Just try not to get involved with some illegal mafia while were here (Walks off with Izzy, Owen and Ben)

Josse: (Gets up after getting tackled by Luna) That's fine we don't need any other teams help

Jacques: Lets hurry to the casino before the others come Josee if there all teaming up they could already be plotting against us

Josee: (Gasp and runs off with Jacques)

  • Flight Two (3:34 AM)

(Flight Number Two is now in the Air)

Geoff: (Finishes telling Brody some advice) So any questions ?

Brody: Nope I got it all dude, I'm gonna do it (Smiles and looks at the Cadets seat)

Geoff: After the challenge perhaps...we might want to not end up in last place.

Brody: Good point....(Feels his gut) Oh no that Airline food is kicking in. (Leaves his seat)

Noah: (Seat in front of Geoff) How did he fall for Mac Arthur ?

Geoff: I think it started in Spain.

Giselle: (In the seat behind them) Wasn't that when she taunted my super team via....(Cringes) twerking

Geoff: (Sigh) Yep

  • Bathroom 

Jack: (Looks at his Super Jack costume, He then looks at the Jackal costume)......

Brody: (Knocks on the door) 

Jack: In here pondering about life choices

Brody: Okay that's cool dude (Waits outside)....

  • Flight Two

Rebecca: (Sits there reading a book about Super Jack v The All Seeing Eye) And they both shouted Amy at the end (Closes the book)

Jay: I don't get it

Rebecca: It's a reference only another universe would understand

Jay: Another Universe ?

Rebecca: Don't read into it you'll just worry about it, So what did you want to ask me ?

Jay: I was talking to Mickey and Adam Earlier and we've been thinking if I should change my teams name ?

Rebecca: Name change ?

Jay: Well me and Mickey have already overcame all the adversity this race has given us including the Bermuda triangle....

Rebecca: So something along the lines of determination

Jay: Yeah that sounds good

  • Casino (3:39 AM)

(Goths and Mysterious Friends are around a table)

Blaineley: (Dressed as a Casino waitress gives Xavier the dice)

Zayla: This place already sickens me.

Ennui: Gullible fools who throw there money around while others in this world struggle to even earn half of the money that these people get.

Xavier: (Gives the Dice to Loki) Black or Red ?

Loki: (Points to the Black) (Throws the dice which lands on black 7)

Crimson: (Earns $60 from the table) (Gives Ennui, Xavier and Zayla $15 notes each) Make sure you earn more then you lose.

Xavier: I'm going to slot machines, Need me to hold your rabbit for you ?

Loki: (Growls)

Ennui: Loki refuses to associate himself with someone who's butchered his globe relatives !

Xavier: How many relatives does he have ?

Ennui: (Loki looks at him) Ten in Mexico, Seven in China, Eight in Turkey, Three in the Netherlands, Two Hundred in Australia, Thirty In England, Sixty in the United States, two in Egypt and four in Nepal.

Crimson: (Sits over at a poker table)

Ben: (Exits the bathroom wearing a zip up Tuxedo) (Sits at the card table)

Attendant: Name sir ?

Ben: Ben (Smirks and grabs the dice) Ben Bond ! 

  • Slot Machines (3:45 AM)

Owen: (Pulls the slot machine switch)

Izzy: Come on just tell me !

Owen: Not now Izzy I'm busy


Owen: Don't pretend like you never knew Kaleidoscope.

Izzy:....(Walks off sad)

Ennui: (Stands there) 

Loki: (Works on the slot machine)

Xavier: (Sits next to them and places a coin into the machine)

  • Casino Montage (3:48 AM)

Zayla: (Draws two cards from the table)

Ben: (Places five cards down and then wins Sixty Poker chips)

Ennui: (Pulls the slot machine lever which wins nothing)

Josse: (Throws dice down the spinner which lands in black) (Annoyed she slams her fist onto the table which causes the dice to land in red and win thirty chips)

Owen: (Eats casino food while rolling a dice, it lands on two meaning he loses twenty dollars to Crimson) WHHAAAAAA !

Ludwig: (Pulls slot machine lever all 3 slots show a image of pie which causes Pies to burst out of the machine and overwhelm him)

Xavier: (Laughs at Ludwig until he losses ten dollars from the slot machine)

Ben: (Walks over to the dice table) (Shakes his hand and rolls his dice)

(Team Progress)

Tag Alongs/Reality TV Pros - $470/$1000

Ice Dancers - $430/$1000

Mysterious Friends/Goths - $520/$1000

  • Slot Machines (3:49 AM)

Xavier: (Fills up his backpack with casino coins) Well I'm going to the counter to changes this into notes

Ennui: (Just stands there)

Xavier: How come you've stopped ?

Ennui: We ran out of money....Loki blew all of it when he bet $200 at the spin table.

Xavier: Two Hundred....but we were just about to get to six hundred ! 

Ennui: (Sighs)

Loki: (Annoyed with himself)

Xavier: Okay well we don't need to let the girls know about this I can win this back.

Ennui: You sound overconfident on your luck

Xavier: I don't need luck when I can use something even better

  • Spin Table (3:49 AM)

Ludwig: (Rolls the dice) Red (Throws it but it lands on Black) Is it too late to change (Loses thirty dollars)

Zayla: (Sits there waiting) (She gets out her crystal ball) So your recommendations ?

Crystal Ball: (Text: Well if you really must know how to, The best you can really do is be yourself)

Zayla: I've already done that and it's been alright

Crystal Ball: (Must be more then decent he if chose you to be his travelling partner in the first place, Heck you've already know his hobbies, interest have you mentioned yours ?

Zayla: Done that too

Crystal Ball: (Well honestly there's not much I can answer for you if you've followed the basic steps just spend time with him alone or some crap I don't get why you needed me to point it out)

Zayla: Assurance helps okay (Suddenly Ennui, Xavier and Loki appear)

Ennui: We require help from your ball

Zayla: (Gives the crystal ball to Loki)

Loki: (Grunts)

Crystal Ball: (Text: What is that filthy animal doing with me ?)

  • Slot Machines (3:51 AM)

Xavier: (Sits down and places the crystal ball next to him)

Crystal Ball: (Text: Before you start can I ask you about Zayla)

Xavier: After we survive the lap

Crystal Ball: (Text: Survive as in competition or as relationships ?)

Xavier:....(Caught off guard from the Crystal Ball) What ?

Loki: (Pulls the lever of the slot machine)

(All 3 Slots get 3 bars equalling to JACKPOT !)

(Money glorious money bursts out of the machine knocking all four of them back)

Xavier: RICH we've hit jackpot  !

Ennui: (Looks at the machine score) Only five hundred dollars

Xavier: Doesn't matter we just need fifty more dollars which Crimson and Zayla are probably racking up, So in the meantime lets buy dinner (Looks at Loki) Fancy anything ?

Loki: (Grunts at Xavier)

Xavier: Meat kebab stick nice choice (Walks off while Loki Follows him)

Ennui: I may have underestimate the hunter.

Crystal Ball: (Text: Not the first too do that...not the first one....)

  • Dinner (3:53 AM)


Loki: (Non stop devours all the meat on the plate)

Xavier: You do know those were other parts of animals right ?

Loki: (Growls)

Xavier: Survival of the fittest some will die in order for others to survive good point

  • Confessional (Xavier restaurant background)

Xavier: Food the best way to establish a bond

  • Slot Machines (3:54 AM)

(Team Progress)

Tag Alongs/Reality TV Pros - $493/$1000

Ice Dancers - $609/$1000

Mysterious Friends/Goths - $957/$1000

Ennui: (Sits there as Xavier and Loki arrive back)

Xavier: (Sits back over to the crystal ball)

Jacques: (At a distant slot machine) (Not having much luck) Ugh

Xavier: Good luck to being bankrupt you'll have to change to the other challenge. 

Josee: (Walks over to Jacques) Anything ?

Jacques: Only about $23 more dollars.

Josee: This is literally the dumbest challenge so far

Jacques: The vampires and shady duo are almost done...they got a jackpot

Josee: It's probably that stupid ball, It gave us bad luck when we took it from them.

Jacques: Probably just rigged (Turns around to see Xavier and Ennui next to them).................

Josee:...Your not suppose to hear that....

Xavier: (Holds up the crystal ball)

Crystal Ball: (Text: Yep that's them officers they took me in Japan and shoved me into a bag in space)

Ennui: (Deadpan) Busted...

Jacques: Oh dear

Xavier: So your the one who took Zayla's ball ! (Cracks knuckles)

Jacques: (Gets up and back up) It was a complete misunderstanding you see we found Japan.

Xavier: She lost it at the Sushi bar and you TOOK IT !

Josee: We didn't even know the witch had it in the first place

Xavier: Witch !? (Loki picks up the Crystal ball)

Josee: RUN !!!!

(Ice Dancers run down the hallway)

Loki: (Does a baseball pitch and throws the crystal ball at them)

Jacques: (Girly scream as they run while the Crystal Ball breaks right through all the slot machines they run past)

Izzy: (Spins slot lever which gets nothing) (The Crystal ball flies past and breaks through it which changes the slots to three logos of Owen).....(Sigh)...Big O....................(Free Food pours out of the machine) FREE FOOD !

(The Crystal ball then flies past the Ice Dancers and smashes a statue)

Ice Dancers: (Run down the stairs)

Xavier: (Walks over with Loki to the smashed statue) Not what I was hoping for but nice swing (Loki high fives him) (Picks up the crystal ball) Indestructible.....(Turns around and bumps into the security guards).....Shit

  • Las Vegas (3:56 AM)

Xavier: (Gets thrown out of the Casino along with Loki)

(The Security guards then walk back inside and then drag and throw Zayla out)

Zayla: (Gets up and then helps Xavier up) Care to tell me why we got kicked out ?

Loki: (Grunts to Zayla)

Xavier: What he's saying is that we found out that the Ice Dancers had your crystal ball while we were at Japan all the way through Space.

Zayla: So you tried interrogating them via throw the ball at them and causing $400 worth of property damage

Xavier: Sorry.......

Zayla: (Sigh) What do we do now

Don: (Walks over) Wow someone actually got kicked out, Well I'm afraid your going to have to change your challenge to the Pash now that your not allowed in the Casino so the Goths lose $400 to pay for the damages you caused.

Xavier: Can you atleast let me give Loki back to them

Don: No can do neither of you can go in there.....and I can't either

Zayla: Why ?

Don: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, Your gonna have to hold onto the antsy ball of fluff till you get to the chill zone.

  • Casino (3:56 AM)

Crimson: (At the dice table) (She rolls two fives)

Ennui: (Walks over to Crimson holding the Crystal Ball)

Crimson: (Deadpan) That's not Loki

Ennui: He's stuck with the Mysterious bunch for the lap, But I have this in the meantime

Crystal Ball: (Text: Well might as well change colour) (Crystal Ball changes colour to a edgy shade of black)

Crimson: I already like it.

  • Las Vegas Airport (4:00 AM)

Plane #2: (Lands down at the airport)

Don: With the Mysterious Friends back to Square one, Our Second flight teams have touched down in Las Vegas.

Super Jack: (Opens the Airport door)

Geoff: GO ! (Runs out of the Airport with Brody, Mickey, Jay and Rebecca)

Jack: (Arrives at the Don Box and presses the button)

Rebecca: (Grabs the tip and reads it) Either or.....Cash...or Pash ?

Adam: (Smirks and playfully drags Giselle to the wedding challenge.) Pash

Giselle: Ehh...? W-what are you trying to do...?

Adam: We're getting fake married for practice. Our alliance can help

Rebecca: Were going to have to decline that....Jackal needs to watch the Ice Dancers (Looks to Zayla) There doing Cash right ?

Zayla: (Nods)

* Confessional (Adam And Giselle)

(A Pink bar appears at the bottom saying Adam And Giselle "Fairy Tale Impostors")

Adam: Awww usually you get all flustered (Chuckles) Though as long as your fine with it

Giselle: O-of course I still would love to have a Disney Fairy Tale Wedding of course  But this'll be the perfect practice.

  • Las Vegas Airport (4:00 AM)

Noah: We'll jump in on the weeding too since it kills three birds with one stone


Noah: (Raises eye brow at Giselle)

Giselle: He's still learning the definition figure of speech.

Jay: So all six of us for the weeding challenge

Adam: Yep

Joanne: Okay lets go find a place then

Don: If you need locations there are free rooms in the same building as the Casino

Xavier: (Raises hand)

Don: Yes your still banned from the gamble floor.

Sanders: (Walks with Mac Arthur over to Xavier and Zayla) You got kicked out of the Casino ?

Xavier: I threw the crystal ball at the Ice Dancers after finding out they stole her ball.

Sanders: Guess that means you owe Noah a apology (Looks to Mac Arthur)

Mac Arthur: Meh he's still a threat so not quite.

Sanders: (Looks at Loki) Nice bunny

Loki: (Growls at Sanders)

Xavier: He's a rabbit, a epic edgy carnivore rabbit

Mac Arthur: Woah that's one badass hare

Zayla: Were borrowing him from the Goths for this episode

Brody: (Runs in while Geoff walks over to them) Dudes how's it hanging

Zayla: Were discussing the Challenge, All three of us for Pash ?

Geoff: Just heads up I can't do another wedding like Hawaii or Bridgette will put me in the dog house.

Brody: He'll be in like the dogs's "Dog's House" (He and Geoff laugh)

Mac Arthur: Bow Boy dare you to get married

Xavier: I'll get married here if you also get married too

Mac Arthur: Challenge accepted

Sanders: Then it's settle Brody and I will buy some supplies, Geoff can you and Zayla start the cake.

Geoff: Sir yes sir.

Sanders: (Looks over to Xavier and Zayla) Then you two just get suits and dressed

Mac Arthur: Negative I don't do dressed I'm the one wearing the pants

Xavier: I don't know about you but I intend to be wearing pants !

Mac Arthur: Not If I get the pair first (They both run off to get outfits)

Zayla: Well that dare solved things for us.......

Brody: I Wonder who Xavier's going to get married too ? (Sanders Facepalms)

  • Confessional (Las Vegas Street)

Zayla: I understand it's a dare but I'm hoping nothing blossoms from the dare.....

Geoff: Brody thinks there both marrying two different people so he's probably thinking of getting a ring for Mac Arthur.......I'm not kicking the dude but he's really naive on this stuff.

Zayla: It's best we keep watch of whatever happens tonight, Sanders already got the memo.

Geoff: Thought right ahead of you (Holds up a Glass shoe)

Zayla: ?

Geoff: My grandparents broke glass for their weeding.

Zayla: Intriguing

  • Casino (4:07 AM)

Rebecca: (Walks over to a table and sits there)

Ben: (Waves)

Izzy: (Sits at the table rather still)......

Rebecca: (Rolls dice and gets two ones) Minus 2 dollars..oh boy great start.

Ben: You and Jack could just join our team

Rebecca: Can you do that mid race ?

Ben: (Shrugs)

Crimson: (Seated next to them stares at Ben)

Ben: Okay maybe not forget I said anything

(Team Progress)

Tag Alongs/Reality TV Pros - $511/$1000

Ice Dancers - $682/$1000

Goths - $593/$1000

Neighbours - $0/$1000

  • Group 1's Wedding Room (4:10 AM)

(Fairy Tale Impostors, Adversity Twins, Unlikely Reality TV Couple)

Jay: We have to actually create a wedding ?

Noah: Not a full blown one we just need the necessary things 

Joanne: (Places a cake down)

Noah: Cake check, Red carpet check (Kicks red carpet over which rolls down the hall) Now we just need to choose some one to be the priest

Jay: Actually Don said he provided us with a priest 

Joanne: Really ?

Chef: (Walks in dressed as a Priest)......Don't act like any of you are surprised....

Noah: Pope Chefette !

Chef: (Throws Holy water at them) That's Pope Hatchet the First ! 

Adam: (Looks at suit) What am I suppose to do with this ?

Mickey:....You wear it

Adam:....(Looks at the Tuxedo) Can you help me put this on


  • Bathroom (4:13 AM)

Jack: (Walks into the bathroom with a bag).....(He enters one of the bathroom stalls) When a hero can't do the job.....Let the dark hero take his place (He opens up the bag and changes slight colour of his costume)

Owen: (In the bathroom stall next to him) Jack ?

Jack: Nyeh I am the JACKAL (Kicks the door down and leaves the bathroom)

Owen: Phew for a second I though I would of had to hold that garlic in (Pulls the toilet lever) Boop !

  • Casino (4:18 AM)

Jackal: (Climbs up one of the slot machines and shoots a grappling rope to the other side of the room) (He then looks at Jacques from the dice table)

Jacques: (At the table shaking the dice) Come on double Sees 

Jackal: (Holds onto the rope as he jumps off the slot machine and glides down after Jacques)

Jacques: (One of the dice fall out of his hand and land on the floor) Whoops (Ducks under the table to pick up the dice block)

Jackal: (As Jacques ducks Jackal fails to grab him which causes him to swing by and crash into the spin wheel).....(The Ball lands in the red corner cause of Jack's crash)

Casino Attendant: Twenty Six Red

Ludwig: Yes (Wins $70 thanks to Jack)

Jackal:.......Your welcome (Weak Voice)

  • Group 2's Wedding Room (4:21 AM)

(Surfer Dudes, Mysterious Friends, Police Cadets)

Sanders: (Blows up balloons)

Geoff: One dish of confection is done (Places the cake onto the table)

Brody: Woohoo Wicked cake (Notices that there are mini version of them on the cake) dude there's little dudes of us on it.

Zayla: I knew the people at the cake shop so I made a special order.

Sanders: (Looks around) Hmmm wonder if I'll ever get married

Geoff: (Thinking)

Zayla: If I ever do it will be after my parents die

Brody: After..why ?

Zayla:....You know I came from a Romani family right

Bordy: Romantic what ?

Zayla: Gypsy.....but there's always been one thing I've been terrified of

Brody: Magic ?

Zayla:.....Giant Pink wedding dresses.

Sanders: That's a specific phobia

Zayla: My parents enjoy the tradition of making the wedding grand and BIG LITERALLY as possible......It's impossible to move in those things.

Mac Arthur: (Walks in) Another reason to hate dress.

Geoff: So how did suits go ?

Xavier: Not that I usually like them I think I rock this one (Wearing a white tuxedo with a purple undershirt)

Geoff: Also thanks for letting me be the best man dude

Xavier: No problem, You were honestly my second choice since Michael and Felix aren't here (Looks over to Mac Arthur) Didn't think you'd agree. Ballsy as always

Mac Arthur: More balls then you Xav bride perks also give me the right to have the first slice of the wedding cake.

Loki: (Growls)

Xavier: Sorry Mac but I promised Loki the first slice.

Sanders: (Whispers to Zayla) Knowing Mac Arthur, She'd eat all but that one slice of wedding cake.

Brody: (Pats Xavier on the shoulder) Dude the after party is gonna rock have you found out who the lucky girl is ? 

(Awkward silence)

Geoff: Ummm bro.....we choose Xavier and Mac Arthur to get married for the challenge

Brody: I already know that........

Sanders: To...each other

Brody: (Gasps) But...I wanted too......

Mac Arthur: Tough luck sweet checks but bow boy beat you to the challenge.

Brody:........(Sad Face)

Zayla: Do understand it's a fake challenge...meaning it's not real we just need to get this task done as fast as possible.

Xavier: No hard feelings...bro (Offers bro fist to Brody)

Brody: I...need to use the bathroom (Walks past Xavier disappointed and upset)

Xavier:....He never rejected a bro fist before.....

Geoff: I'll talk to him after the race....

Zayla: Who was the priest ?

Chef: (Walks in) Okay I got another wedding to be so lets get this started

Xavier: I've lost the ability to comment on that.

  • Casino (4:24 AM)

Josee: (At the Slot machines)

Jackal: (Pops up behind Josee and watches her)

Josse: (Places 50 cents into the machine and pulls the lever) 

Jackal: (Swipes $100 dollars from her bag) (He then inserts it into the slot machine next to Josee and sets it on the highest difficulty)

Josee: Ugh (Hits the machine after losing)

Jackal: (Pulls the lever) Tell me....

Josee: ?

Jackal: Do you B......Believe in karma

Josee: (Notices her wallet is missing a one hundred dollar note)

Jackal: You will (Gets up from his seat) (Suddenly the slot machine gets triple bars and begins firing Money at Jackal)

Jackal: Wait WHAT ! (The money blast knocks him down the stairs)

Josee: JACKPOT (Grabs the money from the floor) (Counts it) One Thousand, JACQUES LETS GO WE'VE REACH THE LIMIT

Jacques: (Drops the dice) (The Attendant gives him the next travel tip)

Brody: (Walks by)

Josee: (Notices Brody) Didn't you come from the wedding group

Brody: I don't want to watch it......

Jacques: With that long face.....?

Josee: Forget it Jacques we have a race to wait (She gets up)

Brody: Wait....I can ask something.

Jacques: Moi ?

Brody: Have you ever been in love ?

Jacques: What is with all the love questions lately ?

Brody: Well you both seem like such a happy couple ?

Josee: Well sure me and Jacques have been through so much (Grabs Jacques hand and then looks at him with that fake smile Meaning "Play along")

Jacques: Oh we I wouldn't want to be anywhere without my little bunny foot (Hugs Josee) So tell us what's on your mind ?

Brody: Mac Arthur....she's on my mine.....she's the most awesome and gorgeous babe that I've laid my eyes on since the race....but she choose to Marry Xavier in the challenge.....(Frowns)

  • Confessional (Josee) (Casino Background)

Josse: Something tells me the Surfers have no clue about us even after the Axis of Evil and Allies of Good week.

Jacques: Someone who has a horrible taste in love, Mac Arthur ? (Gags)

Josse: But if there's anything we can get out of this is maybe a new way to drive a wedge down against the Cadets, Surfers and Mysterious ones.. (Evil Smirk, Jacques does his evil creepy smirk)

  • Casino (4:24 AM)

Jacques: There getting married (Gasp) once they kiss it's all game over from there

Josse: If you really love Mac Arthur you can't let her seal her fate with the Hunter Brody do you hear me ?

Brody: But he's still my bro right

Josse: Then you can harmless just win her heart over by stopping the wedding and confessing everything.

Brody: (Thinking)

Ben: (Places seven cards down onto the table)

Izzy: I fold

Ben: Izzy never folds

Izzy: Izzy doesn't feel Izzy today

Attendant: (Gives Ben the travel tip)

Ben: Luddy we got a thousand !

Izzy: Owen our super team has reached the money shot

Owen: (Runs back over to Ben and Ludwig)

Ben: (Reads the tip) Exit the city of Vegas and go down to the Mojave Desert to find the next Don Box

(Reality TV Pros, Tag Alongs and Ice Dancers being to make their way out of the casino)

Don: And Our first three teams are off to the desert while the rest of our teams continue their task in Vegas.

  • Wedding Room #2 (4:29 AM)

(Geoff, Xavier, Mac Arthur, Zayla and Sanders are seated around a table playing poker while waiting for Chef)

Sanders: Do you think the other team took the wedding challenge serious ?

Mac Arthur: Probably I'm not going the whole ill and vows crap (Draws card)

Xavier: Thank god

Geoff: After this we should check on Brody

Xavier: Yeah but for now draw your cards Geoff it's your turn

Geoff: Four queens (Places cards down)

Loki: (Places down six kings)

Xavier: And the leftover of the wedding budget goes to Loki (Gives the money to Loki)

Loki: (Smirks)

  • Casino Floor (4:31 AM)

Don: But person is already in misery town

Brody: (Seated at the slot machines).......

Crimson: (At the slot machine next to him) Pain huh ?

Brody: Huh ?

Ennui: Confused, Lost, hurt, tortured we can sense a disturbance...tell us ? (Holding the Crystal Ball)

Brody: It's just a challenge right the wedding ?

Crimson: Your feeling this great amount of pain from a wedding ?

Brody: Mac Arthur the babe I'm totally crushing on is marrying one of my bros Xavier....

Crystal Ball: (Text: And your worried it might escalate after that ?)

Brody:...Maybe.....could it ? (Worried)

Crystal Ball: (Text:.....In that case we need to stop it)

Brody: Huh but how ? (Notices his stomach growl) Oh uh Vegas food is kicking in (Runs off)

  • Bath Room (4:31 AM)

Brody: (Runs in and enters a stall)

Jackal: (Kicks the door down)

  • Confessional (Jack) (Bathroom Background)

Jackal: (Takes off mask) Enough this Jackal attire won't work (Takes off cape) The Ice Dancers are now off to the next part and I've just wasted time...(Sigh) I can't keep this up I can't tarnish Super Jack's Heroic reputation with this evil doppelganger suit (Throws his Jackal outfit into the bin and then storms out of the bathroom)

Brody: (Exits the stall after flushing and then walks over to the sink to wash his hands) Okay Brod you can do this, Maybe I can just sit there and give my blessing until the challenge is over (Notices the Jackal outfit in the bin) (Looks at the Jackal suit) Wait I got a better idea (Smiles and grabs the Jackal suit out of the bin)

  • Confessional (Brody) (Bathroom Background)

Brody: Perhaps I should take advice from the Ice Dancers I mean I heard there was a fairy god mother of love on this show.....How come Josee never mentioned that she was so good with love advice ?

  • Casino (4:32 AM)

Jack: (Walks down the hall and over to Rebecca)

Rebecca: (Facedesk after losing $25 dollars) Aww so close (Looks to Jack) How did it go Jackal ?

Jack: I can't do it I can't sabotage them.....literally It just backfires on me every time (Picks up a spin ball) Thirteen Black (Rolls the ball down the table)

Rebecca: Well I guess then we can just try to finish this challenge and see if we can just outlap them

(Dice land on the black spot)

Attendant: Thirteen Black ! (Hands Jack $65 Dollars)

Rebecca: YES we've reach the 1000 mark (The Attendant gives them the travel tip) So what did you do with the Jackal suit

Jack: In the trash in the bathroom, Should I get it back incase you want to use it

Rebecca: I might give it a try

Brody: (Exits the Bath room dressed as Jackal and runs off)

Jack: (Notices Brody)..........?

Rebecca: Nevermind he can keep it....

Ennui: (Pulls lever on the slot machine)....(Wins $300 dollars from a jackpot)

Attendant: (Gives Ennui the travel tip)

  • Wedding Room #2 (4:33 AM)

Loki: (Continues eating the wedding food on the table)

Geoff: (Asleep)

Chef: (Arrives) Alright you all set good lets get this over with !

Mac Arthur: Finally now lets get this over with. (Grabs Xavier)

Sanders: (Nudges Geoff on the shoulder to wake him up)

Geoff: (Wakes up) Oh the Weddings starting are we doing this ?

Zayla: (Places the cup of glass onto the floor)

Xavier: Sweet better then the alternative.

Mac Arthur: Heh you wish you could pucker up with the glutes

Sanders: (Cringes)

Chef: Okay were gathered here today cause two drunken morons want to seal their life away without question and probably won't remember it when they wake up with them in their hotel room at 4 in the morning with a tiger and a baby locked in the room.

Zayla: Fascinating Story

Chef: Anywho Xavier do you take Valentina escobar Mac Arthur

Xavier: Long name

Chef: (Annoyed as he continues to read on) DO YOU take her to be your whatever

Mac Arthur: We know this is a challenge so can we just get to the glass stomping part the Casino teams are nearly done.

Chef: Alright Now if anyone objects to this matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace

Geoff: (Looks around)

Loki: (Grunts)

Zayla: Know that feeling Loki

Chef: Very well then

(All of a sudden a grappling hook fires into the roof window which Brody Dressed as Jackal flies across the room)

Brody: I OBJECT ! (Swings by on the grappling rope until the rope snaps) WHAAA (Falls and crashes into the wedding crash)

Chef: (Facepalm) Not this shit again. (Is Covered in Cake)

Loki: (Runs and jumps into the cake and begins eating it)

Zayla: That took me and Geoff half an hour to bake.....

Geoff: (Grabs a piece of the cake of his hat) Hmm Strawberry

Xavier: ... Brody what are you doing were on the same team...?

Brody: (Gets up from the cake) I'm sorry Xavier but as much as you love her I can't deny my heart's pursuit for her anymore !

Xavier: What ?

Mac Arthur: Sweet check what are you doing (Brody kneels before her)

Brody: (Puts French Accent on trying to sound like the Ice Dancers) Oh thy Juliet I offer you my love that is boundless as the sea, Deep then more I give to thee My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have for both are infinite. Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind dear Juliet I give you half of me to you in exchange for your other half as Love is a spirit all compact of fire.

Mac Arthur: (Poker face) (She didn't understand a word he said)

Xavier: (Looks to Geoff)

Geoff: I did not tell him any of that.

Zayla: Surprisingly this isn't the worst wedding that I've been to

Xavier: (Facepalming. Hard, his face has a red hand print.) Tell you what Brody I'll divorce her right after we finish the challenge.

Chef: no Chance

Sanders: Huh ?

Chef: Your friend just destroyed the cake AND I DIDN'T GET ANY, So ya'll gonna have to redo the wedding now !

Mac Arthur: I'm not doing this whole wedding rehearsal again !

Chef: Fine (Grabs the wedding flowers and throws them into the air)

Loki: (Catches the flowers) (He then gives it to Zayla)

Zayla: What are you trying to tell me ?

Chef: Congrats your the new bride now you all go clean yourselves up in the meantime I need to attend the Other teams' wedding (Walks off)

Xavier: Does that mean I stay as the groom ?

Sanders: I don't see why not.

Brody: So Xavier's not marrying Mac Arthur anymore ?

Zayla: Wait that means I have to wear a dress ?

Mac Arthur: Not unless you want to wear Tuxedo with cake all over it. (Grabs cake icing off her tie) Woah wicked icing.

Geoff: Okay dudes take two we can do this, I'll help set up the place with Xavier, Sanders you help Zayla with the costumes, Brody....Mac Arthur...umm.....(Awkward) Try and work on the new cake....

Brody: Sure dude

  • Wedding Room #1 (4:39 AM)

Giselle: (Walks down the ill)

Adam: (Stands at the front of the ill)

Jay: (Awkwardly stands there since he was assigned as the flower girl)

(Joanne, Mickey and Noah just sit there in the seat gallery)

Noah: (Checks his watch)

Chef: (Walks in covered in cake)

Joanne: Chef your covered in cake ?

Chef: I just got back from a failed attempt at a wedding

Noah: Did Mac Arthur devour the entire cake (He, Adam and Mickey laugh)

Mickey: Please don't tell her I laughed.

Chef: No Promises Okay you take Giselle to be your "lawfully drunken buddy that thought getting married at 4am at some random church with no planning or thought would be a good idea until you get a hangover in the morning wedded Partner"

Adam: I can't remember half of that but I do !

Giselle: I do too even though this is just a challenge

Chef: Okay well here's your glass shoe

Adam: No thanks I don't eat glass (He and Giselle kiss)

Chef: for the music

(Chris and Pete both dressed up as Elvis begin to sing karaoke)

Noah: And the shameless cameo for money happens.

Giselle: Now everyone lets go kick this next challenge butt !

  • Wedding Room #2 (4:45 AM)

Geoff: (Lights up the candles on the table)

Xavier: (Places down the purple carpet)

Loki: (Kicks the carpet which rolls down the hall)

Sanders: Okay all outfits have been dry cleaned thanks to Brody

Xavier: Let's just get this over and done with.

Zayla: (Voice from the change room) I'm not leaving this booth.

Geoff: huh why not ?

Zayla: Other then the fact I can't literally exit the booth I don't want to be seen wearing this on television.

Mac Arthur: Oh booo hoo princess just come out we don't need anymore delays (Opens the change booth only for a giant pink dress to burst out of the door knocking Mac Arthur back)

Brody: Dudes I got the cake and (Sees the giant dress) DUDE !?

Zayla: (Deadpan) Just kill me now

* Confessional (Xavier and Zayla)

(A Dark Blue bar appears at the bottom saying Xavier And Zayla "Mysterious Friends")

Xavier: How did you end up in that dress ? (Squished to the edge of the room since Zayla's Pink wedding dress is HUGE)

Zayla: Don gave it to me, He told me that my parents mailed this giant dress to me in case I was chosen for the challenge....thank you Brody ! (Deadpan)

  • Wedding Room #2 (4:46 AM)

Zayla: Okay I don't want to be wearing this for long so can we please just start it now ?

Geoff: Wedding Cake ?

Brody: Right here dude (Places a brunt up over cooked cake onto the table)

Sanders: You brunt the cake ?

Mac Arthur: Hey don't judge food by it's look princess picky

Chef: (Walks back in) Alright are you all set ?

Zayla: (Really annoyed to still be wearing the giant pink wedding dress) Yes now can you just give me the glass cup to smash

Xavier: (Looks around) Where's the glass cup

Loki: (Throws the glass cup across the screen which smashes into pieces)

Chef: Seems like your all unprepared not surprising so I'll give you another hour.

Zayla: NOPE NOT REHEARSING AGAIN (Grabs Xavier and kisses him) There Weddings done (Takes the travel tip off Chef and storms off)

Chef:....Very well


Brody: That was beautiful (Tears and claps)

  • Confessional (Wedding Background)

Zayla: I probably overreacted there but if you had to wear a giant sweaty, tight, painful pink wedding dress of horror (Twitches) Then you'd want to get out of it as soon as possible

  • Desert (5:00 AM)

(The Moon is starting to go down as the Sun rises)

Rebecca: (Gets out of the taxi with Jack) How are there taxi's in a desert ?

Jack: There it is ! (Runs with Rebecca to the Don Box)

Rebecca: (Presses the Don Box and grabs the tip)

Jack: (Reads it) What another Either or ?

Rebecca: (Reads it) Dude Buggie Bananza or Magic show ?

  • Race track (5:00 AM)

Don: Dudes, In this Either or team can EITHER race dune buggies around this course and collect three flags in under a minute

  • Magic Show (5:00 AM)

Don: OR perform a classic trick from a Vegas magic show and make a lion disappear for this judge, Complete either task and it's a foot race to (Lion bangs on the glass) AHHH (Censored bleep)

  • Chill Zone (5:00 AM)

Don: (Breaths) As I was saying complete either task and it's a foot race to the chill zone, As always the last team to arrive will be heading home.

  • Desert (5:02 AM)

Izzy: (Grabs the tip) 

Owen: (Reads it off Izzy) Dude Buggies lets rock (Runs off)

  • Confessional (Desert background)

Izzy: (Hits her head against the wall) REMEMBER, Izzy needs to figure out how to fix this before she drives him away for good.....time for a World Tour binge watch marathon after this lap

Don: If you survive the lap.

Izzy: SHOOO DON (Throws Fish at the camera)

  • Desert (5:03 AM)

Crimson: (Presses the Don Box and grabs the tip) Magic

Josee: (About to press the Don Box but then grabs the tip out of Jacques Ear) Magic

Jacques: (Gasp)

Rebecca and Jack: Magic, No Questions

Ben: Dude Buggies

Rebecca: Why Dune Buggies ?

Ludwig: Cause there fun and real unlike magic

Jack: You think it's fake ?

Ben: Luddy is a non believer of magic.

Ludwig: There's tricks behind all of those acts Ben which have proven it all to be fake.

Rebecca: Fake ?! (Grabs the crystal ball off the Goths) explain this then (The crystal ball's colour changes from purple to orange)

Ludwig: That ball is made out of quartz it's colour changes due to being belched out in the sun or exposure to chemicals such as hairspray.

Rebecca: IT'S NOT FAKE

Jack: Let's just go Rebecca

Luna: (On Ben's Shoulder) Mewo (Telepathic: I would say how rich that sounded since I'm a magical space cat)

Ludwig: You came from space not the land of oz, So you got your powers from something on your home planet

Luna: (Telepathic: It's called Magic)

Ludwig: Magic is fake !

  • Taxi Station (5:04 AM)

Xavier: (Sits at a table)

Loki: (Grabs beef jerky from a bag and throws it over to Xavier)

Xavier: (Catches it and eats it)

Zayla: (Calmly sits there reading the newspaper)

Geoff: (Walks over) Rad that bunnies feeding him like a cub

Xavier: Food exchange is another way to bond with animals. (Catches another beefy jerky thrown by Loki)

Loki: (Then chugs down the entire box)

Geoff: So you two all cool with that wedding kiss ?

Zayla: Yeah were both good it was pretty much natural I just wanted to get out of that horrific dress.

Xavier: No complains here, Speaking of wedding how's our local neighbourhood wedding crasher going ?

Geoff: Aww snap I forgot check on him (Runs off)

(Taxis Arrive)

Sanders: Taxi's are lets go (She and Mac Arthur enter a taxi)

Brody: Yo babe wait up

Mac Arthur: No can do Brod's this taxi only has two spots and were in the bottom three

Brody: Oh....we still cool to go out then ?

Mac Arthur:.......Okay how do I put this, Were in a race for two million big ones so I'm keeping my mind on the prize

Brody: (Gasp) But....what about that confession I made......

Mac Arthur: I don't speak gibberish so I don't get it, Look I'm a lone wolf a one woman army and while this race is going I can't be slowed down like the Rockers and Animal lovers were (Closes the taxi door) Seya you guys at the chill zone if you survive.


Xavier: (Walks in with Zayla and Geoff) Oh Boy (Loki begins to laugh)

  • Taxi (Police Cadets)

Sanders: You could of let him down nicer and easier you know since there our allies

Mac Arthur: I don't do nice (Sanders looks at her) (Sigh) Except to my cadet partner of course

Sanders: To be fair were down to the final eleven and alliances may fall apart soon as the competition gets closer to the end the other teams will have to soon be cut.

Mac Arthur: Ice Dancers, Unlikely Reality TV Couple, even Xavier and the Surfers may have to bite the dust soon and Knowing bow boy he's probably thinking the same thing.

Sanders: huh no wonder you two dare each other to get married

* Confessional (Xavier and Zayla)

(A Dark Blue bar appears at the bottom saying Xavier And Zayla "Mysterious Friends")

Zayla: We've been friends with the Surfers and the Cadets for almost the entire season now

Xavier: But after today it made me realise that there's not much teams left anymore, It's a 11 team race now and soon to be the top ten, So me and Zayla have been thinking if we need to break ties either one of those two teams soon later since we may have to face them for the money in the end......That and I do not want to lose in the final episode to Brody of all people (Zayla Laughs)

  • Desert (5:13 AM)

(Fairy Tale Impostors, Unlikely Reality TV Couple, Adversity Twins)

Joanne: (Reads the travel tip) Hmmmm

Giselle: Oh HELL YES!  MAHOU!~ MAHOU!~ Magical girl! 

* Confessional (Giselle And Adam)

(A Pink bar appears at the bottom saying Giselle And Adam "Fairy Tale Impostors")

Giselle: A magic show? A magic show? Count this lover of magical girls, faith, trust, pixie dust, bippity boppity boo, and all sorts of things to be totally PSYCHED to do it .

Adam: That either or choice was a no brainier!

Giselle: Yeah I mean buggies seem violent and I much prefer the calm, direct path of the Autopia vehicles than something like buggies...(Poker face)

  • Desert (5:13 AM)

Adam: I Want play with the lions !

Giselle: And I wanna be the magical girl, MAGIC FTW

Jay: Mahou ?

Noah: Looks like hell just froze over cause Giselle just said Hell and dropped the F bomb......

Adam: Guys come with us on magic

Mickey: Umm I think I've had enough Lion encounters for one week, We'll go with dude buggies.

Noah: Same we'll stick with Dune Buggies.

Joanne: But magic sounds fun

Noah: Fun or getting a challenge over with.

Joanne: Fun

Noah: (Sigh) Fine magic it is.

  • Taxi (Surfer Dudes and Mysterious Friends) (5:16 AM)

(Zayla, Geoff and Xavier are seated at the back of the seats while Brody who is making the infamous Heartbreak face sits at the front)

Geoff: Okay guys we all got a little preoccupied with the wedding challenge, Fun as it was we should stay focused on this last part.

Zayla: That was anything but fun

Xavier: (Pokes Brody) okay


  • Race Track (5:16 AM)

Ben: Okay now there were here who does what ?

Ludwig: (Reads the travel tip) Well the tip says itself that we need to collect three flags in one minute or less, one teammate controls the buggie from the watch tower centred over the ring, The other guy is in the buggie holding onto the steering wheel while trying to collect all three flags if the buggie crashes, Fails to make it to the finish line within the one minute mark or the passenger falls off then we'll have to restart back at the beginning of the track.

Ben: Collect three flags within one minute ?, Aww come one time trails are the worst, Okay were both awesome at video games but you have issues with heights. Should I handle the controls?

Ludwig: (Looks at the watch tower) That doesn't really look that big ?

Ben: You'll say that until you actually climb up it and look down, But hey If that means I get to drive the hell yes (Runs off and grabs the helmet)

Ludwig: (Grabs the buggie joystick and begins climbing up the ladder just as the Adversity Twins arrive)

  • Desert (5:16 AM)

Sanders: (Presses The Don Box and grabs the travel tip)

Mac Arthur: Punch buggies (Playfully punches Sanders on the shoulder)

Sanders: That's my left arm !

Mac Arthur: Sorry........(The two of them run off as the Taxi arrives)

(Surfers and Mysterious Friends exit the taxi)

Zayla: Good to be out of that city, The Fortune in Vegas is hallowed

Xavier: Too bad you could of taught the hoaxes a thing or two.

Zayla: (Presses the Don Box and grabs the tip) (She reads it) Who says I still can't (Shows the Magic tip to Xavier)

Geoff: (Reads tip) Dude....DUDE BUGGIES (Shows the tip to Brody who doesn't respond) dude ?

  • Magic Stage (5:20 AM)

Rebecca: Okay So (Reads the travel tip) It says that the assistant has to go into the left side of the cage while the lion will be in the other side of the cage, the cage then gets covered as the magician pulls the lever to the correction position to drop the divider and the lion off the stage that way the assistant doesn't become cat food and cat manure one week later. So how about we flip a coin to decide ?

Jack: Sounds (Gets a coin out of his pocket) (He flips it and catches it) (He then looks at the coin and smirks)

(Two minutes later)

Jack: (Wearing a purple assistant dress along with a purple Super Jack Mask) Why do you hate me life......

Rebecca: (Walks over to the lever wearing the magician hat) Okay Jack just remain calm and (Goes to grab the lever but accidentally breaks it).........

Magician Judge: (Thumbs down)

Jack: (Exits the glass cage) But we didn't even start yet ?

Josee: Well you probably didn't even need to start to fail (Moves Rebecca out of the way)

Jacques: (Jumps out of the changing room wearing a purple dress)

Jack: Your totally fine wearing one too ?

Jacques: Super fine with it cause I know I look superb

* Confessional (Jacques And Josee)

(A Gold bar appears at the bottom saying Jacques and Josse "Ice Dancers")

Jacques: I have no problem being the assistant here it's nice to take a break since when we stake I'm always the magician

Josee: Magicians don't skate ?

Jacques: I lift, you carry you throw you around I do all the main work while you only have to smile and not slip out of my hands and fall down.

Josee: Oh wow then....gosh I hope my lead skills are good cause if I can't do this trick right I would hate to watch you GET EATEN BY A LION !

* Magic Stage (5:22 AM)

Lion: (Roars)

Jacques: (In the cage) (Begins shaking) You know I'm having second thoughts about this.

Josee: Ugh you say that now ? (Pulls the lever which covers the cage) ABRA-KA-GOLD (Pushes the lever forward)

Jacques: (The Curtain opens up with the divider gone.........but the fucking lion is still in here) (Hugs the wall screaming) Josee can you put the divider back up (Lion Roars) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Josee: (Moves the lever to bring the divider back up)

Jacques: (Crawls out of the glass cage)

Magician Judge: (Thumbs down)

Jack: (Also sits at the judge table) The Issue was that you said you got the last words incorrect, So your gonna have to wait now for the other teams to have a go before you can reattempt

Rebecca: (Drags Jack off the judge table)

Josee: UGH !

* Race Track (5:26 AM)

Ben: WOOHOO MARIO KART (Driving in the Dune buggie)

(Ben, Owen, Jay and Sanders drive down the track)

(Ludwig, Izzy, Mickey and Mac Arthur are up at the watch tower controlling the vehicles)

Jay: (Shivers as he continues to drive)

Owen: (Drives off the ramp and grabs a flag) Woah !

Sanders: (Driving) Reaching the next flag

Izzy: (Whispers to Mickey) Know any cheat codes ?

Mickey: (Shakes head)

Ludwig: (Wearing his googles) If you read the manual then you'll notice the speed boost button (Presses speed boost button)

Ben: (Drives ahead and overtakes Sanders and grabs the flag before she could) Yes One more !

Izzy: Nice

Mac Arthur: Hey ! you just cut me off ?

Ludwig: There aren't any road rules out here.

Mac Arthur: NO ONE cuts me off (Glares at Ludwig)

Ludwig: Officer your shouting ?



Ludwig: So your going to get worked up over something so minor please just save yourself the embarrassment and just let it go.

Mac Arthur: Let it go ? (Swings arm around which hits Mickey) Let it go ! (She them rams into Ludwig) Oh it's on now, Your gonna have a hard time calculating numbers after I snap your little tooth pick arms off.

Ludwig: (Luna Telepathic pushes Mac Arthur away) Back off chubby mall cop I have twelve different kinds of lab weapons and took down a cardboard and pie empire !

Mac Arthur: (Gets up) Ha bring it on Goggle boy

Ludwig: Just watch (They both go into a intense button mashing on the joystick as their dune buggies race)

Ben: (Buggie Rams into Sanders) Luddy this isn't Demolition derby !

Sanders: Mac Arthur quit it !

* Confessional (Mac Arthur And Sanders)

(A Light blue bar appears at the bottom saying Mac Arthur And Sanders "Cadets")

Mac Arthur: I never let anything go when I was six my babysitter forgot to get me dessert that she promised !

Sanders: (Gasp) What horrible revenge act did you do to her ?

Mac Arthur: Nothing.....yet, (Looks at the camera) I know where you live Jennifer Madison, You Better sleep with one eye because one day I will find you and you better have a ten scoop ice cream waiting for me or else !

* Race Track (5:27 AM)

Owen: (Drives over a box which he picks up)


Owen: Power up ?

(Ben and Sander's Dune buggie continue to bump into each other as Mac Arthur and Ludwig continue to try and one up each other)

Owen: (Grabs a Banana peel and throws it up ahead)

Sanders: BANANA ! (Her buggie hits the peel which causes her to crash into Ben's buggie which then drive off the road and crash into a rock)

Owen: (Drives over the finish line)

(Time: 1:05)

Owen: Drat.

Jay:......(Drives over the Finish line)

(Time: 0:59)

Jay: (Gets out of the buggie)

Mickey: Alright ! (Climbs down the watch tower)

* Confessional (Jay And Mickey)

(A Cyan bar appears at the bottom saying Jay And Mickey "Adversity Twins")

Jay: I knew we had to win but I didn't want to drive over the speed limit....mostly since I've had nightmares about driving.

Mickey: Slow and steady always wins the race (Smiles)

* Magic Stage (5:27 AM)

Noah: (Puts Magician hat on) Ready ?

Joanne: (Wearing the purple dress) Ready (Thumbs up)

Noah: (Pulls the lever backwards which causes the curtain to cover the cage) (He then pulls the lever back which opens the curtains)

Lion: (Asleep as the divider was the only thing that is gone)

Noah: (Facepalm)

Magician Judge: (Thumbs down) 

Joanne: (Exits the cage) (She gives the Magician hat to Giselle) All yours

Adam: (Exits the changing room)

Jack: I'm surprised so many guys want to wear the assistant dress, Is this meant to signal something ?

Adam: I just want to play with the lion !

Noah: That sounded so wrong...

* Confessional (Magic Stage background)

Giselle: O.....M.......G.... CROSS DRESSING?! CROSS. DRESSING...? (Takes a deep breath) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! !!! (Is heard from even those riding the Buggies)

* Race Track (5:28 AM)

(Geoff and Brody arrive at the ring)

Geoff: (Hears Giselle screaming) Man poor girl....

Ben: Good thing we didn't go with lions.

Brody: (Walks over to the table and grabs a remote)

Geoff: You sure you want to control the buggie ?


Geoff: Okay (Grabs the helmet)

* Magic Stage (5:31 AM)

Adam: (Hops into the cage calmly)

Giselle: (Clears throat and faces the audience) MAHOU SHOUJO Giselle-chan is here to cast a spell on you! (Strikes a magical girl pose) Heyyyyy PRESTO! (Pushes the lever)

(The Curtain falls down and covers the cage)

Giselle: (Pulls the lever back)

(The Curtain opens up, The divider is gone however the lion is's on its back getting a tummy rub like a puppy.) 

Adam: (Tummy Rubs the lion) Ta-Da!






Noah: Okay not what I was imagining which was good.

Judge: (Thumbs up while looking confused)

Giselle: YES! YES! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! YAY ME! YAY ADAM-SENPAI! (Jumping up and down clapping her hands giddily) 

Adam: You knew I would.

Giselle: Let's go Adam-Senpai! Time to make magic by getting to the finish line! (Takes Adam by the hand and they rush to the Chill Zone)

Adam: Good luck guys try not to get eaten.

Jack: Yay.....

(Ennui waits outside the changing room)

Xavier: (Walks over to Ennui)

Ennui: Your late (Deadpan)

Xavier: My team was delayed by uncertain circumstances (Loki jumps back onto Ennui's shoulder)

Ennui: (Gives Xavier the crystal ball) So your also the magician ?

Xavier: I don't wear dresses so we flipped a coin and I got tails.

Crimson: (Exits the changing room in a black dress)

Ennui: Don said we were up next 

Crimson: Good lets get this over with (Walks off with Ennui)

Zayla: (Exits the change room in a long red assistants dress with her long black hair out) They ran out of purple, and this was all they had left.....which is worse then the purple ones.......

Xavier:...So that's what you look like without your robes. (Blushes)

Jack: Hearing that over here that sounds wrong

Xavier: Shut up Jack

Zayla: On the bright side it's better then the wedding one I mostly try to avoid looking this revealed since my grand mother told me it gains unwanted attention.

Xavier: Well you do pull off the look so well.


Ennui: (Stands there as the curtain covers the cage) (He then pulls the lever back which drops the divider but the lion is still in the cage)

Crimson: (Doesn't react to the Lion roaring)

Magician Judge: (Thumbs Down)

Crimson and Ennui: (Stare at the Magician Judge.....they stare into his soul)

* Race Track (5:36 AM)

Geoff: WOHOOOOO (Driving down the road)

Owen: (Turns the corner and grabs a flag)

Izzy: (Holding the controller upside down)

Mac Arthur: (Rapidly presses buttons)

Ludwig: (Continues steering the controls)

Geoff: (Reaches the finish line)

(Time: 0:18)

Geoff: Eighteen seconds sweet !

Owen: (Drives to the finish line)

(Time: 0:34)

Owen: New record !

Brody: (Climbs down the ladder)

Izzy: (Jumps down and crashes into Brody)

Izzy: Geoff can we talk after the race.

Geoff: Sure (Helps Brody up) Did you talk to her up there

Owen: From the voices I can hear driving past the tower I don't think so...

Ludwig: Can you stop reading over my controls

Mac Arthur: Maybe if you just moved and get out of my !

(Mac Arthur and Ludwig continue to glare off)

Don: While the Tag Alongs, Cadets, Ice Dancers, Unlikely Reality TV Couple, Mysterious Friends and Neighbours struggle to complete the challenge.

* Magic Stage

Xavier: (Pulls the lever which opens up the cage) ?

Zayla: (The Lion is seated next to her as she tells the lion it's fortune)

Magician Judge: (Thumbs Down)

Don: And I do mean amazing to see how people find new ways to screw up a challenge....

Jacques: (The Lion is standing on him) (The Lion Roars) AHHHHHHHHHH

Magician Judge: (Thumbs down)

Rebecca: (Holding onto the open pad as she sees the lion's below the stage)

Magician Judge: (Thumbs Down)

Don: The Goths get another crack at making magic happen.

Crimson: (Opens the glass cage door)

Ennui: (Pulls the lever which Loki jumps off his shoulder and goes into the cage)

Jack: There using the bunny ?!

Loki: (It opens up the Lion's mouth and the jumps into it)

Lion: ?!

Joanne: (Gasp)


Josee: (Laughs).......(The Goths just stare at her) Oh I sorry for your loss

Ennui: (Walks over to the lion)

Lion: (Roars)

Ennui: (Shoves his hand into the lions mouth and then pulls out Loki)

Loki: (As usually it doesn't give a shit)

Magician Judge:..........(Thumbs up while remaining silent)

Josse: UGH THOSE VAMPIRES (Gets out the wooden steak and throws it)

(The wooden steak hits the lever which damages it's control pad)

Josee: Jacques were changing challenge !

* Confessional (Magic Stage Background)

Ennui: Judge said it was the greatest trick he had ever seen

Crimson: He offered us eight shows a week we said no

Ennui: Just showing off our happy faces for these cameras is exhausting

Don: I'm sure it is.....

* Chill Zone (5:38 AM)

Mickey: (Faints and lands onto the carpet of completion)

Jay: Water !

Don: (Sits on a lawn chair with a fan) Water's at the food tent, Congrats on coming First again Adversity Twins.

Mickey: Yay (Dehydrated voice)

* Confessional (Jay And Mickey)

(A Cyan bar appears at the bottom saying Jay And Mickey "Adversity Twins")

Mickey: (Chugs down a whole bottle of water) (Breaths) I'm good

Jay: If today has proven anything it's there were on a fast track to getting a new name for ourselves

Mickey: But I like Mickey ?

Jay: I meant teamwise, From now on we shouldn't be the Adversity twins

Mickey: So just the twins then ?

Jay: Even better the DETERMINATION TWINS

Don: I take it you want the title card changed then ?

Mickey: Yes sir but keep the cyan colour it matches our jackets.

(A Cyan bar appears at the bottom saying Jay And Mickey "Determination Twins")

Jay: Awesome !

* Confessional (Adam And Giselle)

(A Pink bar appears at the bottom saying Adam And Giselle "Fairy Tale Impostors")

Giselle: You looked SO SEXY cross dressing... I'm so proud of you! (Hugs him) I've always tried to get Adam-Senpai to cross dress at home but he never wanted to even though I promised to make the outfit customised for his proportions but finally... one of my dreams has come true... I got to see my wolf crossdress.

Adam: I got that guys business card! I also got to keep the dress...and that lion gave me his phone number...don't ask.

Giselle: Ehh Phone number....?

Don: Yes How did you get a LION'S phone number ?

Adam: The lion REALLY liked me.

Don: ?

Giselle:.....THAT IS BESTIALITY! (Points at Adam blushing hard and angrily)

Adam: BLAME THE LION! (Blushes hard.)


(The Following Confessional has been censored and bleeped out in your region do remain calm till our next clip segment begins)

* Chill Zone (5:41 AM)

Don: (Surfer Dudes) Second

Don: (Reality TV Pros) Third

Don: (Fairy Tale Impostors) Fourth, Now don't scare the public again with animal things

Don: (Goths) Fifth

Geoff: Say Brody since the challenge is over wanna head back to the race track we could totally nail the hill jump

Izzy: (Grabs Geoff and walks off) Later I need your help

Geoff: With what ?

Izzy: I need to find the clips of brainzilla.

Geoff: Oh well you don't have to binge watch it, (Gets out his phone) The full episode of that Aftermath episode and the whole season of World Tour is up on Cory and Calvin's channel.

Izzy: (Checks the phone) It said there videos got copy right striked by Mc-Clean ?

Geoff: Oh Bummer

Izzy: Back to dvd plan then WORLD TOUR BINGE WATCH LETS GO !

Owen: (Looks over to Brody)


Owen: Wanna go to the food tent ?

Brody: (Walks off)

Owen: Sweet.

Don: Only six teams left who will make it to the chill zone the pressure is on !

* Magic Stage (5:48 AM)

Joanne: (Enters the cage)

Noah: Okay after one failure I should move the lever more to the left, Okay take two and action (Pulls the lever which causes the curtain to come down and cover the cage)

(A Platform noise is heard)

Noah: Yes it's working (Pushes the lever which opens up the cage)

(The Divider is gone...but so is Joanne)

Rebecca: Nice trick

Noah: AH crap Joanne (Moves the lever around which isn't working) (He goes into the cage and checks the floor)

Joanne: (Under the stage) Hi ummmm close but you moved the wrong platform (Hears lion roars around her)

Noah: (Rips the platform off) Take my hand ! (The Lion on the stage roars at him) Shut up this is important

Lion: (Frowns and walks off, It then kicks Noah down the platform hole)

Xavier: That lion is salty..

Joanne: (Helps Noah up they both then notice that there surrounded by lions under the stage)

(Rebecca, Xavier and Zayla rush over to the glass cage)

Zayla: (Pulls the lever) It's not working !

Xavier: (Grabs raw meat out of his pocket) I can throw this down to keep them distracted but don't scream or try to run or they will see you as prey.

(One of the lions catch the meat and then throw it back up)

Xavier: Never mind

Rebecca: (Looks around) Where did Jack....wait never I knew where this is going

Joanne: (Holding a chair to block the lions)

Super Jack: (Kicks the under stage door and throws a Jackarang with meat attach to it on down to the other side of the stage which the lions run off)

Noah: Where did you get that from ?

Super Jack: For today let's just say magic (He then throws another Jackarang up the open platform which hits the lever which causes the three of them to appear back at the top of the stage which currently has the curtain closed)

Rebecca: (Pulls the lever which causes the lion still in the glass cage to go down under the stage as the curtain reappears)

(Super Jack, Noah and Joanne then exit the glass cage)

Magician Judge: (Claps and gives them a thumbs up)

Joanne: Thanks that was close

Super Jack: No sweat you also helped me complete this challenge. (Runs off with Rebecca)

Rebecca: Good Luck.

* Race Track (5:52 AM)

Josee: (Driving the buggie) Collecting flags is the most important part as if I'm going to let leggy mac fly or mr scream a lot do it

Jacques: (Climbs up to the top of the watch tower) I'm surprised she let me be up at the tower considering how much she looks down at people.

Ben: (Grabs the last flag)

Sanders: (Drives past Ben and grabs the last flag)

(They both tied for a Time of 0:53)

Mac Arthur: YES, Beat you Ludwaggles (Climbs down the stairs)

Ludwig: Whatever I'm already mentally exhausted today 

* Magic Stage (5:55 AM)

Xavier: (Now in the glass cage)

Noah: You swapped roles ?

Zayla: My turn to make magic happen (Pulls the lever)

(Curtain covers the cage)

Crystal Ball: (Begins to randomly change colours)

Zayla: (The Second the ball changes to blue she pulls the lever back)

Xavier: (Appears in the glass cage with the divider and the lion gone)

Magician Judge: (Thumbs up)

Xavier: Heh even If I fell into the lion cage I knew how to get out.

Zayla: Well fortune is on our side now so let's not tempt it anymore, Good luck Noah you might need it (She and Xavier head off)

* Chill Zone (5:57 AM)

Don: (Police Cadets) Sixth !

Don: (Mysterious Friends) Seventh !

Don: (Neighbours) Eighth !

Don: (Tag Alongs) Ninth !

* Race Track (5:57 AM)

Josee: (Grabs the first flag)

Jacques: (Steers the controls)

Josee: (Grabs the Second Flag)

Jacques: (Continues pressing buttons on the controls

Josee: (Grabs the final flag and then cross over the finish line)

(Time: 0:59)

Jacques: Fifty nine seconds YES

Josee: To the chill zone !

* Magic Stage (5:58 AM)

Noah: (Presses the lever which closes the glass cage)

Joanne: (In the glass cage)

Noah: (Counts to three before moving the lever to the right)

Joanne: (In the cage as the curtain opens up and the lion is gone) Yes !

Noah: We did it...lets go !

* Desert (5:59 AM)

Don: Two last teams are onto the way to the chill zone and to speed things up I left them a dune buggie each to drive to it since I can only call one of them losers.

Joanne: (Driving a dune buggie as Noah stands up from the back)

Jacuqes: (Driving the Dune buggie as they catch upto them)

Jose: Ugh you two just don't know when to quit !

Noah: After Six shows of trail and error I won't go down with a fight.

Joanne: And no Fossil theft is going to change that !

Josee: Hey thank the Shippers for that, At least they weren't stupid like your vegan loving friends or Backstabbing Lolita's !

Noah: Back Stabbing, Rich coming from the girl who tied someone to a tree by their hair.

Josee: ENOUGH ! (In a fit she grabs the steering wheel of Jacques and rams into Joanne's Dune Buggie)

Joanne: No Enough WITH YOUR CRUELTY ! (Rams back into Jacques Dune Buggie)

Jacques: (Looks up ahead as the two Dune buggies collide) DEAD END !

(All four of them look up ahead as they about to crash into the chill zone)

Jacques and Josee: (Hug each other and scream)


* Chill Zone (6:00 AM)

Jacques: (Wakes up to find himself on the carpet of completion)

(Josee, Joanne and Noah Also wake up right on top of the Carpet of complete)

Jacques: (Groans) My Head.....wait all of us landed on here ?

Joanne: It's a tie..........we all stay.

Don: (Walks over to the Two Teams) Not quite Joanne I'm afraid you and Noah are going home

Josee: YES !

Joanne: Wait why ?

Don: Noah your foot wasn't completely on the carpet it was just out

Noah: WHAT ? Do you need glasses fool my foot was in the line

Don: I do not need glasses and your foot was out

Noah: It was in (Gets up)

Don: Out

Noah: In

Don: Out

Noah: IN !

Don: It was out and so are you Unlikely Reality TV Couple !

* Confessional (Jacques And Josee)

(A Gold bar appears at the bottom saying Jacques and Josse "Ice Dancers")

Josee: I can't believe we got second last again while those wimpy twins won !

Jacques: At least we didn't finish last and I got to keep the outfit (Shows his purple dress)

Josee: Forget the dress we did win a bigger prize today, The Unlikely Reality TV Couple Are FINALLY history !

* Chill Zone (6:00 AM)

Josee: Enjoy the peanut gallery with the rest of the losers I'm sure The Survivors and Camp Counsellor are just dying to see you again (Evil Smirk and waves at Joanne and Noah as she and Jacques walk off)

Noah: Having a foot out of line is the stupidest rule ever

Don: It's the rules never the less.

Noah: (Sigh)

Joanne: You alright ?

Noah: Yeah just disappointed

Joanne: Don't feel too bad you made a tremendous turn around this season.

Noah: (Small smile) I did patch things up with the other teams

Ludwig: From our past season I would say I'm impressed

Noah: Here to gloat over how you finally outlasted me in a competition ?

Ludwig: Originally yeah but it's kinda a bummer to see you go over Ice Dancers.

Noah: Make sure they get hell coming there way

Joanne: Not too much hell

Ludwig: I'm not really going back to that level of competition but anyway farewell Noah

Noah: Seya Luddy (Ludwig walks off)

Adam: (Runs up) You guys are leaving ?!

Joanne: Ice Dancers beat us......Plus we had a bad lion

Adam: Hehe I got one's phone number....say do you guys have phone numbers too ?

Noah: You don't have a phone do you ?

Adam: Nope.

Giselle: (Walks over to them) (She hugs both Noah and Joanne) 

Joanne: Don't let the race get to you, We'll be cheering you guys on.

Giselle: Thank you

* Montage (Noah and Joanne)

Noah: Well at least I didn't lose to majority rules for once.

Joanne: And we had a amazing journey across the world.

Noah: It has made me learn a lot over the race, Even being the shoes of someone being sabotaged and almost having their life ruined.

Joanne: But you overcame your demons in the end and I'm proud of you

Noah: I wouldn't have done it without you by my side all the way, then again literally since it was a two team race

Joanne: Even if we lose to the Ice Dancers This still a super fun adventure I will never forget

* Desert (6:00 AM)

Joanne: I'm going to be taking a break from TV for a while how about you ?<

Noah: Meh I still think I can do a few more with some new tricks

Joanne: Hehe some things never change huh ?

Noah: Well I know my limits now when it comes to Reality Tv.

Joanne: So what did you have in mind then ?

Noah: Now that I'm thinking of it I was offered to appear in the next season of.....(The Camera cuts out to the credits)

* Credits

(Camera Flies around the Place)

(Camera Shows the Air Port)

Attendant: (Stands There)

(All Thirty Pairs Run Past the Attendant)

(Camera Follows the Pairs into the Plane)

Noah And Emma: (Standing by the Bathroom door talking)

Owen: (Charges Past and Accidentally knocks them Over as he Closes the Bathroom Door)

Emma: (Gets Up)

Kitty: (Taking a Selfie With Lorenzo And Chet Who are Glaring at each Other)

(The Photo Shows Chet about to Tackle Lorenzo)

Emma: (Takes Phone off Kitty And Throws it out the plane window)

(Camera Follows the Phone Free Falling)

Mickey And Jay: (Are In Mid Air Using a Parachute)

(The Phone Hits their Parachute and they Crash land into the Ocean of Australia)

Shawn: (Rides By on A Emu Going Very Fast)

Jasmine: (Climbs Up Ayers Rock)

Calvin: (Already at the top of the Rock Eating Vegemite)

Cory: (Throws Boomerang)

(The Camera Follows the Boomerang All the Way to Brazil)

Chef: (Swings Across the Cliff on A Vine Holding Chris)

(Boomerang flies by and cuts the Rope)

Chef And Chris: (Fall down into the River)

(Boomerang Continues to Fly)

Laurie, Miles, Dawn and Tabby: (All Sit their Meditating)

(The Boomerang Flies to a Icy Field)

Josee And Jacques: (Skating Away)

Jake And Sydney: (Tries to Skate past them but the Boomerang knocks them out)

Josse And Jacques: (Then Leap into the air this changes the scene to France Where they Gracefully land on the Carpet)

Giselle: (Happily Sighs at Jacques)

Adam.W: (Frowns And But then Gets Idea)

Adam.W: (He and Giselle Run down the Street)

Tom And Jen: (Checking the Clothing Bags they Brought)

Adam.W: (Rushes by with Giselle Causing clothes to fly out of the bag and land on Tom and Jen)

Jen: (Is Now Wearing Tom's Clothes)

Tom: (Is Now Wearing Jen's Clothes)

Adam.W: (Puts his Hand over the Camera and then moves it changing the scene from France to a Beach)

Geoff: (Surfs by on a Surf Board)

Brody: (Crashes his Surf Board and Lands on Ellody and Mary)

Devin: (Gets out of the Water)

Carrie: (Hugs Devin)

Devin: (Is Confused)

Geoff: (Puts His Hat over the Camera Channing the Scene of a Beach to Transylvania)

Gerry: (Holding a Flash Light)

Crimson And Ennui: (Pop Up from a Coffin)

Pete: (Gets a Heart Attack from their Sudden Pop up)

Pete: (Gets up)

Leonard: (Aims His Wand at Crimson And Ennui)

Tammy: (Plays Ocarina)

Crimson: (Stares at the Camera until the Scene Changes to A Desert)

Zane And Sarah: (Spying on People)

Axel and Tori: (Climb onto a Camel and then jump off it and grab onto a Pyramid's Ledge

Sarah: (Ships it)

Noah.M: (Slides down the Pyramid and Knocks Axel and Tori off it)

Joanne: (Looks Annoyed at Noah.M)

Noah.M: (Shrugs)

Trixie And Ludwig: (Drive By on a Dune Buggies racing each other)

Krystal and Ben: (Run After The Dune Buggies Since there controlling it)

Zane: (Ships it)

Krystal: (Throws Pie at Zane)

(The Camera follows the Dune Buggies as they arrive at the Train Station)

Sanders: (Gives Ludwig and Trixie A Speeding ticket)

Mac Arthur: (Places Wanted Poster of the ice Dancers on the wall and then kicks the train door down)

Harold: (Picks his Nose)

Steve: (Drops Smoke Bomb)

(The Smoke Covers the Screen which changes the location to a Rock Concert)

Dwayne: (Is backstage practising Air guitar but is doing it terribly

Dwayne Jr: (Facepalms)

(Rock, Spud, Adam.T, Oskar, Beardo and Trent are all seen on the stage rocking it out)

(Purple Fire then appears behind them)

Rock: (Does a Stage Dive)

Trent: (Stage Dives)

Spud: (Stages Dives for Choco Oink)

Adam.T: (Is Tackled by Fan Girls)

Oskar: (Small laugh Until his Guitar catches on Fire)

Beardo: (Mimics Bow Noise)

Xavier And Zayla: (Are on the roof)

Xavier: (Fires a Zip Line bow and then zip lines down on it)

Zayla: (Looks into the Crystal Ball)

(The Crystal Ball glows Pink)

(The Camera then zooms into the Crystal Ball and then zooms out showing the Airport again with All 31 teams outside posing)

Don: (Gets Camera out and takes a Picture)

Super Jack And Rebecca: (Jump into the Camera at the last second to be in the Photo)

(The Screen then flashes With the Words in Gold Saying " The Remarkable Race")

